PE with Mr Hastings (Week 6)

Physical Education

LO. I am learning to celebrate Sport and Physical Activity. 

When you click on the link below, it will take you to a video with today’s PE lesson which will focus on celebrating sport and physical activity. Take part in the activities and remember to share examples of your learning to Mr Hastings; or share on your Teams Page.

Go to this Sway


Big Schools Bird Watch – The Results!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in our Big Schools Bird Watch! It was amazing to see how many different birds are in the area! I have submitted our results to the RSPB by calculating an average number over the 5 days. Below I have attached our certificate and a couple of charts so you can see the data we collected.



chart-13-2-2021 (1)

Here are some pieces of work submitted by P2/3.

Weekly Round Up 12/2/21

We are now at the end of week 5 of Remote Learning. Well done for everyone’s efforts to stay engaged with your school work. We are so proud of the wonderful Remote Learning taking place that we wanted to share some of it with you from the past week.

We hope you all enjoy a well earned few days holiday next week, see you all again on Thursday 18th February.

Stars of the Week 12/2/21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values whilst Remote Learning.

Primary 1 – Katie H for DETERMINATION

Primary 1/2 – Ciara O for DETERMINATION

Primary 2/3 – Kal M for DETERMINATION

Primary 3 – Carson B for RESPONSIBILITY

Primary 4 – James M for DETERMINATION

Primary 4/5 – Lucy S for AMBITION

Primary 5/6 – Harry P for DETERMINATION

Primary 6/7 – Callum O for DETERMINATION

Primary 7 – Chailyn P for RESPONSIBILITY

Dog Fouling Campaign (Drop Off Zone)

One of our tasks this week was to create a Dog Poo Bag Holder to support the community with tackling the current dog fouling issue.  We will be working with the New Cumnock Development Trust to place these Dog Poo Bag Holders throughout New Cumnock. If you wish your Dog Poo Bag Holder to be used, please drop it off at the school at our designated drop off zone.  This can be found at the entrance of the front office.  Please drop off your Poo Bag Holder and a member of staff will collect at the end of the school day. The drop off zone will be here Friday 12 Feb, Tuesday 16th Feb, Thursday 18th Feb and Friday 19th Feb. This will be available during school hours (9.00am-3.00pm).


Big Schools Bird Watch – Friday 12th Feb

Our final day of bird watching! I hope you have enjoyed this week and perhaps learned a little bit more about the regular visitors to your garden and surrounding area. Maybe you’ll be come a regular bird watcher from now on, I know I am!

Please let me know what you saw yesterday by filling out the form below. I will post the final form later on this afternoon for today’s spots.

Thank you so much to P2/3 for all the wonderful information they have provided us with this week. 

Today’s bird is a blackbird.

I’ve included another hands on activity today because I love the fact you can recycle things lying around to make it. This is how to make a bird bath! I don’t know if you have ever see birds having a bath, maybe in a puddle? It’s great to watch them and will bring a smile to your face. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Use the link below for some ideas and adapt it to suit you!

To finish off this week’s activities I’ve included another audio story. If you scroll to the bottom of this link you will find a story about a blackbird. Sit back, relax and enjoy the story.

Big Schools Bird Watch – Thursday 11th Feb

Hello to all our bird watchers of New Cumnock Primary School! Please tell me what you spotted yesterday by filling out the form below.

Bird of the day is brought to you by P2/3.

Today’s bird is a sparrow.

If you can, have a look at this PowerPoint which explains in more detail about the bird watch and why it is important to take part.


I have a very ambitious activity that you might want to try with a grown up at some point, maybe not today unless you have the materials to hand. It is very exciting to have a bird box nearby and watch the birds coming and going. We have one in our garden and were fortunate enough to have blue tits nesting last year, it was an amazing experience! If you’d like to give building your own box a go follow the link below.

Don’t forget to take 10 minutes again today to spot birds in your area. I look forward to seeing your results tomorrow!


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