Primary 6-7 Swimming Lessons

Please see dates below for Primary 6 and Primary 7 swimming lessons which will take place at New Cumnock Swimming Pool. Can your child please bring a towel and swimming costume to school on these dates. If you request any further information please contact the school.

Wednesday 1st September

Thursday 2nd September

Monday 6th September

Wednesday 8th September

Monday 13th September

Wednesday 15th September


New Cumnock Community Council Election

Please see attached notices for the upcoming New Cumnock Community Council Election provided by Kieran Wardrop from Vibrant Communities.

See the source image

As there were more nominations than there were places to be filled for the Election, the Community Council will be elected by way of ballot.

As such and to ensure appropriate COVID measurers are in place, the election of Community Councillors has been postponed and will now take place on WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2021, venue to be confirmed. Members of the public residing within the area of New Cumnock Community Council will be invited to come along and vote for the candidates of their choice. Voting will take place between the hours of 5pm and 7pm. Details of the venue for the Election will be provided in due course.

P1-3 Reporting to Parents through Learning Journals

Last session, our infant department piloted online Learning Journals. The feedback from parents/carers on the use of Learning Journals during this trial period was extremely positive.

‘I have really enjoyed using learning journals. Very often when I ask * what he has been doing at school he doesn’t tell me much. However being able to see what he is doing improves this. I am able to ask * about the teachers entry and he engages in discussion with me about what he learned and how much he enjoyed it. * enjoys getting feedback on what we post from home. I’m sure it has given his teacher an insight in to what * is like at home.’

‘I really enjoyed being part of this, with all the current restrictions stopping us from having any face to face contact with teachers this allows us to see some of the things that * has been doing in class. Also allows us at home to feed back to the teacher. Definitely a great thing from my side.’

Due to the success of the pilot, we will now be rolling out Learning Journals to all pupils in our infant classes.

What are Learning Journals?

The Learning Journals app allows staff to upload photos and videos of your child’s learning. The system is clear, simple and easy to use for parents, staff and children.

A huge benefit of Learning Journals is that it provides a lasting visual record of a child’s time at school. The profiles can be exported to a printable PDF to be kept forever, as well as having an electronic copy that can be viewed whenever you want.

Learning Journals is a web based service, therefore parents are now able to login and catch up with their child’s progress wherever they are be it home, work or even out and about, by using their smartphones.

Parents can instantly leave comments and feedback ensuring that the school have a strong link with the home.

Please see the image below to view the app you must download from your play/app store.

Getting started:

In order to be sent a username, password and pin  allowing you to log in to view your child’s account, all P1-3 parents/carers (excluding those from the trial who have already been set up) must complete the contact form below.

Once added to the system, Learning Journals will then send you the link to get logged in.

For further information, please visit the Learning Journals website by clicking the link below.

Kind regards,

Mrs McNulty

PE Days

Please see below the PE days for each class. On these days, pupils may come to schools wearing a PE kit (Trainers/ flat shoes, trackie bottoms/ leggings).


P1A: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

P1B: Mondays and Tuesdays

P2:Wednesday and Thursday

P2/3: Thursday and Friday

P3: Monday and Friday

P4: Monday and Wednesday

P5: Thursday and Friday

P6: Wednesday and Thursday

P7: Tuesday and Wednesday


First Day Back!

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Good Afternoon Everyone!

I wanted to touch base with you all prior to starting back at school next Thursday 19th August.  I hope you all have had a fantastic holiday, spending time with your loved ones.  The summer holidays have gone in so fast!

Our Head of Education sent out letters via our school app on Friday 6th August, outlining the updated national guidance.  I hope you feel reassured by these.  All staff are ware of the new guidance and will be further briefed on the in-service days, reinforcing what this means in practice for New Cumnock Primary School.

Playground Supervision

The school day begins at 9am and there will be supervision in the playground from 8.45am.  Please ensure your child/children are not arriving before this time.

Entrance and Exit Points

Please see the table below to identify which gate your child should enter in the morning.  Siblings must enter via their own class entrance/exit point.  I would advise parents at the end of the day to pick up the youngest sibling first and ask the other child/children to wait inside the school gates until you walk  to their gate to collect them.

Primary 1 Arrangements

See the source image

On both Thursday 19th and Friday 20th August, all new P1’s will attend school from 9.30am to 12pm.  From Monday 23rd August all pupils will be in school from 9am to 3pm.

As outlined above, P1’s should come in via the Community Entrance at the front of the school building.  Staff will be waiting there on the first day to support the children and direct parents/carers where needed.

We appreciate that it is a big moment for both pupils and parents and we want to make the transition into school  as special/easy as possible for everyone.   Therefore, there will be an opportunity for our new starts to get their pictures taken at our ‘First Day at School’ photobooth should they wish to access this.  Staff will organise this ensuring COVID procedures are in place.

School Uniform

We have always prided ourselves on how smart our children look in their school uniforms and hope you will support us with this.   Our uniform consists of:

Skirt, pinafore, trousers (leggings on PE days only)

                                                                                                   black or grey         

Blouse/shirt                                                                      white

Sweatshirt/Jumper                                                      red, black or grey               

Polo shirt                                                                           white or red

Tie                                                                                           red and white        

Sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces and rain jackets can be purchased anytime from Donsport and Kenny’s within 0290 in Cumnock.   Local supermarkets also tend to sell some of the items listed above.

Within our school reception area we have a Uniform Recycling Station where we stock a wide range of good quality uniform that has been washed and packaged.  Please contact the school office on 01290 338404 or our Home Link Practitioner on should you wish to access this.

Physical Education

PE can now take place in school.  However, children should come to school dressed in jogging bottoms/leggings on PE days only, along with school polo shirts.  School shoes can still be worn and children can change into trainers once in school.

PE will not take place during the first two days.  Class teachers will notify parents when  their class PE sessions are to give parents time to get kit organised.

Personal Belongings

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Can I ask that all personal belongings have names on them.  This makes it easier to identify lost items.  Keeping in line with COVID guidance, toys etc, should not be brought into school.  If a child requires a transition object from home, this should be kept in their school bag and not be passed amongst their peers.

Children are encouraged to bring in a a bottle of water to school which can be kept in schoolbags and accessed if needed.  Pupils will need a small snack for interval.

A reminder that children in P1-P4 receive free school meals, as well as those entitled to a free meal in P5-P7. Remember to top up your Parentpay account if you pay for your child’s meal. If they would prefer, your child may bring a packed lunch instead.  Please do not send your child to school with any nuts, as we have children with nut allergies.

Throughout the session, the main forms of communication will be via the school app and on our GLOW website, please check regularly.

COVID Safety Reminders

Staff will remind the children on return to school about the actions they can take to keep themselves safe.  It would be great if parents and carers could also reinforce the main messages below prior to our children returning.

Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to another successful year working in partnership with you!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the school office (01290 338404)  on the 17th and 18th August when staff will be in school during our two in-service days, should you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Mrs Joanna McMurdo

(Head Teacher)

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