Please find below the link to the March newsletter from the Exchange Counselling Service for Young People. In it you’ll find staff updates and info on resources to use with Young People in class and home.
Please find below the link to the March newsletter from the Exchange Counselling Service for Young People. In it you’ll find staff updates and info on resources to use with Young People in class and home.
All our families are warmly invited to bring your child/children for a Blessing on Easter Sunday Morning at 11am in New Cumnock Parish Church.
Children can be accompanied by their parents/carers/adult family member. If they would like to, they can be brought forward during the short service of celebration for a blessing.
Easter pictures drawn by children at the school will be on display and prizes will be handed out to children who are there. In addition books telling the Easter story will be available.
The service is designed for all ages and will last about 35 minutes.
We hope you can manage to come along on this very special day.
Rev Ken Yorke, Interim Minister
Scotland is well known for supporting people in need of refuge and safety.
Article 38 of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child says that “governments around the world must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflicts.”
This Friday (25/3/22), we are asking all children to come to school dressed in the colours of the Ukrainian flag- YELLOW and BLUE.
We are asking all those who are able, to pay a £1 donation via ParentPay for the Ukrainian Refugee Appeal.
Let’s raise as much money as possible and show our support for Ukrainian refugees.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in their YELLOW and BLUE outfits!
New Cumnock Fire Station have asked us to share with you this information about “Deliberate Firesetting”.
Please click on this link to access the children and young people’s poster.
National Child Online Safety Campaign
A new National Child Online Safety Campaign launched on 8 February to coincide with Safer Internet Day. The campaign is being led by the Scottish Government with Child Protection Committees Scotland, Police Scotland and other a range of third sector partners.
The campaign aims to increase awareness of the importance of online safety to parents and carers of children aged 8-11 year olds, and reassure and inform them that the skills they apply offline to help keep their children safe can be used tohelp protect them online too.
A supporting Parent Club webpage includes practical ideas and advice for parents and the Parent Club toolkit sets out simple ways in which partner organisations can further support the campaign.
To make our World Book Day Celebrations as accessible as possible, we are offering pupils a choice for how you can celebrate!
On Thursday 3rd March, pupils can choose either:
All classes will take part in World Book Day activities in class with their teachers! We are looking forward to celebrating with all the children!
We are so excited to present our Christmas show to all our families and friends of New Cumnock Primary School. The children and staff have been working so hard and are looking forward to celebrating next week!
We would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers how to access class blogs and Microsoft TEAMS Groups (P3-7).
Firstly, can we direct all parents and carers to our Remote Learning Policy through the link below:
Links to all class blogs can be found below. Alternatively, you can navigate through the school website as shown in the clips below.
Primary 1A Mrs Johnstone:
Primary 1B Mrs Armour:
Primary 2 Miss McQueen:
Primary 2/3 Mrs Elliott:
Primary 3 Mrs Frew:
Primary 4 Mrs Petrie:
Primary 5 Mrs Agnew:
Primary 6 Mrs Mair:
Primary 7 Mrs Clarke:
The Den Mrs Ramsey/ Miss Mason:
On the main school blog, under ‘Classes and Staff’, select your child’s class.
Once you have selected their class, click on the link highlighted which will take you to the class blog.
Please note that these blog posts are public and do not require a child to log into Glow to access them.
In the event of remote teaching, teachers will be sharing a variety of learning activities across the curriculum on the class blogs. Some of these may take the style of written tasks, recorded PowerPoints, live video links as well as time slots that teaching staff will be available for communication via email/Teams.
As well as work being posted on the class blogs, P3-7 will have the opportunity to access Microsoft Teams in the event of whole class isolation or remote teaching. This will enable them to directly speak with and message their class teacher, share work and ask questions. To access Microsoft Teams, your child must know their Glow username and password. If they do not know their GLOW username and password, there is a contact form below to follow which will enable you to contact the school to rectify this. (P3-7 ONLY)
To access Microsoft Teams, go to your Glow login page and log in using your username and password.
On your launch pad, click on the Microsoft Teams icon.
Each child should have this icon on their launch pad, however, if it is not there you can go to ‘add’ and search for Microsoft Teams in the app library and select ‘add to my launch pad’.
Once you selected the Microsoft Teams app on your launch pad, if you are not using a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser, you may be greeted with this message…
This will prompt you to download the Teams app from you app/play store.
It will ask you to log in using an email address which is the child’s Glow username followed by
For example:
It will then take you back to your Glow log in page where you will re-enter your Glow username and password.
If doing this on a tablet or mobile device, the good news is that once you are logged in, that will you set up for the future!
The attached document below provides advice on how to setup for learning, to be part of online meetings and access learning in Microsoft Teams. Click on the link to view.
Electronic Device Access:
If your child does not have access to a suitable device to take part in remote learning, please contact the school using the FORM below. Please complete this by WEDNESDAY 15th DECEMBER.
We are so excited to announce that we are hosting a Halloween Fun day on Friday 29th October, supported by our Parent Council!
Pupils are encouraged to come to school dressed up in their Halloween costumes and enjoy games, competitions and treats in class.
Each class will be awarding a “best costume” prize, voted for by the pupils. Prizes are being donated by the Parent Council.
There will also be a “Design a Pumpkin” competition with the winner from each class being gifted their VERY OWN PUMPKIN!
It’s going to be SPOOKTACULAR!
Here at New Cumnock Primary School, we use our School App for a quick and effective way to contact and communicate with our parents/carers. Our new P1s are being sent home an information leaflet about this today. Please see below for details on how to download this app on your mobile device.
Please also share this information with anyone who may be dropping off or collecting your child from school (childminder/grandparents/family friends) as we may sometimes have to send information urgently before the start or end of the school day.