Category Archives: Whole school

Burns Candlelight Tea Success!

Last week we hosted our first School Burns Supper with a Candlelight Tea theme! It was a hugely successful and enjoyable evening. We are extremely grateful to the support shown by our families and partner agencies such as the New Cumnock Burns Club and the Ayrshire Burns Association for attending. We were thoroughly entertained by a variety of songs, instruments and verse speaking. What an array of talent we have in New Cumnock! We feel this will be the first of many Burns events hosted in our school! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤩

A huge thank you to Emma J for capturing these images for us on the night!

Scottish Parliament Recognition!

New Cumnock Primary School would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Sharon Dowey MSP for her recognition of our pupil’s hard work achieving our Bronze Clean Green Schools award with special recognition for Energy, our Climate Champion East Ayrshire Youth award and our 5th Green Flag award!

We received a copy of the Motion which was read out in the Scottish Parliament!

World Book Day 2/3/23

When And Why Is World Book Day Celebrated? - WorldAtlas

Next Thursday 2nd March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. We have lots of fun activities in store for that day, but we are also inviting pupils to dress up!

World Book Day Fancy Dress Costumes | Fancy Dress CastleImage result for world book day book pyjama dress up

There is not cost for this. We are asking children to come to school dressed as either their favourite character from a book, or dressed in their pyjamas and to bring along their favourite bedtime story.

Please note, we do not want this to be an added expense to our families, in what is already a difficult financial climate, we simply want to celebrate our love of books and have a fun day doing so! Please see below some inexpensive costume  ideas and how we can support you…

103 easy World Book Day homemade costume ideas 2023 with pictures | MadeForMums

75 Easy World Book Day Costume Ideas 2022 – tried and tested by parents | Mumsnet

Donations Wanted Rubber Stamp Stock Vector - Illustration of ...

To support out families, we are asking if you have any donations of clothing which would be suitable for dressing up as a book character or pyjamas, we would welcome these to be added to our clothing bank located within the school, which will then be made available to our families.

If you can help us, please send you donations into school and these will be made available to our families from the reception area next Tuesday and Wednesday whilst the children are off school due to Industrial Action. Simply come along to the main entrance, and a member of staff present will help you.

Breakfast Club

Welton Primary School | Breakfast club

We are absolutely delighted to inform our families that we will be starting a Breakfast Club at school on Monday 30th January!

Children are invited along to school to not only receive a nutritious breakfast, but they can socialise with their friends and take part in a range of activities before the start of the school day.

Breakfast Club will start at 8.15am and children are to enter via the door to the back of the gym hall (at the rear of the school car park). At 8.45am, children will be released into the school playground before coming into school with their classmates, all energised for the day ahead!

Places are limited so registration is necessary in order for your child to be added to the register. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will receive confirmation of your child’s place via phone call, so please ensure you provide us with a contact number. Please complete the contact form below to request a place for your child.

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We are delighted to be able to offer this wonderful facility to our families free of charge, thanks to a Community Fund Grant awarded to us from the New Cumnock Development Trust. Thank you so much!

Please select which day(s) you wish your child to attend Breakfast Club:(required)

School Poetry Competition 2023

Robert Burns clipart, cliparts of Robert Burns free download (wmf, eps ...

Please note that the date for our school poetry competition will be Wednesday 1st February 1.30-3pm.

Your child may already have their class poem sent home. We would appreciate your support in helping them to practise this.

3 finalists from each class will be selected prior to this, and parents/carers will be notified, to ensure that enough time is given to make arrangements in order to attend.

The school app has been updated accordingly.

FAB Friday 16/12/22

Image result for fab friday

Tomorrow, we will be hosting a whole school FAB Friday Get Together, where we will be recognising the wider achievements of our pupils outside of school.

We want to hear about your child’s successes! Please bring in your certificates, medals or stories about your achievement.

Pupil's Class(required)