Category Archives: Whole school

Planet Picnic


The Eco Rich Task Group have been planning and organising a Planet Picnic for Thursday 30th March 2023.  This will be a celebration of ways in which we can look after the environment.  This picnic will run from 11-11:30am and the children are being asked to bring in snacks and drinks that are packaged in a sustainable way.  It would also be good if the food brought could be locally produced as food miles are a big consideration when thinking about protecting our planet.  The Rich Task Group have created activities to be done during the event and there will be a competition to design and win a ‘customised’ reusable bottle! As it is a picnic it would be great if the children could bring a picnic blanket.

Thank you again for your continued support!

Mrs Petrie and Mrs Clapperton

FAB Friday 24/3/23

Today we celebrated our pupils Wider Achievements at our FAB Friday Get Together. We loved learning more about each others hobbies and successes out of school. From football and horse riding to gymnastics and dancing, we have a lot of talented children at New Cumnock Primary!

Well done to all who shared their achievements with their peers!

FAB Friday – Friday 24th March

Image result for fab friday

This Friday, we will be hosting a whole school FAB Friday Get Together, where we will be recognising the wider achievements of our pupils .

We want to hear about your child’s successes! Please bring in your certificates, medals or stories about your achievement.

To help with the programming of the morning, please complete the form below to let us know what your child wishes to celebrate.

Pupil's Class(required)


Red Nose Day 17/3/23

18 March – Comic Relief Day – Two Waters Primary School

Primary 3 are organising Red Nose Day this Friday 17th March.

They are asking everyone to come to school dressed in brightly coloured clothing to spread the cheer. We would kindly ask you to donate £1 through ParentPay to raise money for Comic Relief.

There will be a Talent Show held that afternoon for the pupils. No donation is required for pupils to attend this, this is just for fun and raise awareness. ❤️