Category Archives: Uncategorized

Waste Week

Hello my eco warriors! I hope you are all well!

When we finished up in March the eco group had started to plan ‘Waste Week’. As we missed out in school I have some activities for you to complete at home if you would like to. Once again anything you do will help our Green flag application so I would be very grateful if you could give it a go and send me your findings.

Today’s activities focus on energy. They will help you to understand ways we waste energy in our homes and what we can do to save energy.

This first activity is suitable for P1-7


This second activity might be a bit tricker for P1-3 so they would need the support of a grown up. P4-7 should manage.


If you complete any of these then please send your teacher or myself a picture of your work.

I hope you enjoy completing these missions and look out for more!

Glow Support

To support our children and families during the upcoming weeks we have sent children home with Learning Packs filled with activities and access to online resources to support their learning.

In addition to this, we will be using our class blogs within the school website to upload materials and share information with you all.

To access your child’s class blog, select the menu tab as shown below…

Select your child’s class from the drop down menu…

Within their class page, click on the live link to take you to their class blog…

Here you will see the feed of posts from the class, uploaded by their class teacher…

Within the blog, there are further pages, one of which is a ‘HOMEWORK’ tab. The class teacher will upload information and tasks here if the closure of school is prolonged…

In addition to the Class Blogs, we have also been very fortunate to receive a wealth of resources to support our learners in the event of school closure. Please select the ‘Home Learning’ tab found in the main menu…

Within this page there are a wealth of resources, sorted by level and curricular area. We hope these will be of use to our children in a spell of absence from school…

Not one to miss out on the blogging fun, Mrs Bradford, our Home Link Worker, has her own page within our school website. Her page can be accessed as shown below, within the Parent Zone tab of the main menu…

Here, Mrs Bradford will post useful links and contact information for any families needing support during the school closure period…

School Closure



If you wish to contact us during the spell of School Closure, please find our Senior Management Team’s email addresses below, should you need advice/support in the coming weeks.

Mrs McMurdo:

Mr Hastings:

Mrs McNulty:

Our School App

Over the coming weeks, we will be using our school app as the primary means of communication with our parents/carers. Please follow the instructions below to ensure you have downloaded it to your device.

To download your school app, search for School App for Parents in the Apple or Google Play app store.

It should be the first search result, but if you’re unsure see the correct logo below! Alternatively, you can scan the QR code below.

Once you’ve found the app, just press download (all downloads of the app are completely free!) Once the app has finished downloading, open it and type in the name of your school/nursery and press ‘Select’. You may be prompted to type in a username and PIN, if you are unsure what this is contact us.

Article 29-Goals of Education

During Get2gether on the 24th February, we will be discussing our Right of the Fortnight:

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.  It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

Please ask your child how this right is met within New Cumnock Primary School.

Rights Respecting School-Article of the Fortnight

As part of our Rights Respecting School initiative each fortnight we learn about a particular article.  Tomorrow during our Get2gether we will be exploring article 30 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.  This states that children and young people who belong to a minority group have the right to share their culture, language, and religion with other people in that group.  Please ask your children about what they have learned.

Please see the full charter below:


Martin Luther King Day


On Monday Mrs McMurdo explained to us that all over the USA 🇺🇸 on Wednesday 15th January, children will be celebrating this special day.  In 1964 King received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end racial prejudice in the United States.  The US Government brought in laws to ensure equal rights for all US citizens and to give everybody the chance to vote.  It is because of Martin Luther King, and others like him, that people in the United States have equal rights today.

Mrs McMurdo carried out a sketch where she gave the children with blue eyes the opportunity to vote.  The audience quite rightly pointed out that this was not fair.  We were then able to discuss that in order to demonstrate EQUALITY, Mrs McMurdo should have given all the children taking part the same opportunities.

Through this assembly the children were made aware of ARTICLE 1 (Everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) and ARTICLE 7 (The Convention on the Rights of the Child applies to everyone without exception against all forms of discrimination) from the UN Convention on the Rights ofnthe Child.