Category Archives: Community Partnership

Uniting Our Communities – Meeting invitation

May we take this opportunity to invite you to any of the forthcoming community open meetings which will look at the work of the 9 Community Council Group (9CC) and community priorities for investment ideas for the future.

See below for a press release and also a poster which provide dates and venues of the meetings, please do share with your friends, family and throughout the community.

9CCG Press Release 090821

9CC GROUP_Web with links


New Cumnock Community Council Election

Please see attached notices for the upcoming New Cumnock Community Council Election provided by Kieran Wardrop from Vibrant Communities.

See the source image

As there were more nominations than there were places to be filled for the Election, the Community Council will be elected by way of ballot.

As such and to ensure appropriate COVID measurers are in place, the election of Community Councillors has been postponed and will now take place on WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2021, venue to be confirmed. Members of the public residing within the area of New Cumnock Community Council will be invited to come along and vote for the candidates of their choice. Voting will take place between the hours of 5pm and 7pm. Details of the venue for the Election will be provided in due course.

We need you! NCDT Summer Programme

NCDT have a fabulous calendar of summer events planned (all will be revealed next week) and we are looking to recruit volunteers to support our staff.
In particular we would like people involved with supporting our activities for young people and for our one-off community events.
If you think you would be able to give some time in the Summer holidays whether it be our entire programme or just the odd day here and there, please complete the following expression of interest and myself or Laura will get in touch with you!
Can’t wait to get started! #teamnewcumnock #investingincommunities

School Garden Progress – Thank you Shire Housing, NCDT and New Cumnock Community Garden Group!

Our DEN group have been working hard on their Community Partnership this session. We have worked closely with the New Cumnock Development Trust to bring about a positive change in our local community and represent ourselves as positive role models within our community, setting the same example to our peers.

We were kindly gifted £500 from Shire Housing and have used the money to buy outdoor paint which we have used to spruce up our school planter located in the New Cumnock Community Garden and to make our playground Friendship Stop bright, colourful and attractive to the pupils in our school. We have received so many compliments on it already. It really stands out in our playground and the fact that it looks so nice is making boys and girls want to visit it.

We have also used some of the money to purchase plants from the Netherthird Community Garden Group (supporting another local business). We are working closely with the New Cumnock Gardening Group who are volunteering to support us in developing our school garden. They gave us their expertise to help us pick plants which would be best for our school garden. We have spent a few days now working on our garden, making sure the soil is weed free, prepped and cultivated ready for planting. We can’t wait to show you all the finished result!

A huge thank you to each of the volunteers from the New Cumnock Community Garden Group, Alan from Shire Housing and Tammy from the New Cumnock Development Trust for your help and support with this project!



NCDT Village Summer Stroll

See the source image
Starting Friday 11th June 11.30am.  Meeting at Swimming Pool Car Park
Big long walks maybe not for you?  If so, then come and join us on a wee stroll round the village and plenty of chat!
Suitable for anyone to come along but if you have specific needs then please feel free to contact me and we can have a chat.  Let’s make the most of our Friday’s….best day of the week

Leisure & Sport in New Cumnock – Investing in Communities 2021/2022

A message from the New Cumnock Development Trust 

Development Trust -
Over the coming year in my role as ICF Community Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator I am keen to provide more accessible sporting and leisure activities in our community.  Suitable for people of all ages and abilities.
To ensure that the activities provided are what the community wants I would be grateful if you could complete the survey below, using the link.  It would be of great benefit to the programme if everyone in your household could complete the survey.
I understand that you may feel at this time that you are receiving a lot of information digitally and this can be frustrating, for myself included.  However, your participation is massively appreciated and hopefully in the near future when it is safe to do so we can once again have community conversations in person.
Thanks for your time, if you wish to discuss Investing in Communities further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Wishes,

Dog Fouling Campaign

Dog Fouling HD Stock Images | Shutterstock

We are working closely with the New Cumnock Development Trust to tackle the ongoing issue of dog fouling in our community.

We were delighted to see so many of you create campaign posters!

We would love to have these on display around our village, so can you please bring them with you to school or hand them in at the school main office and we will get them to Tammy at the NCDT.

Thank you!

Investing in Communities Activity – FREE Online Cooking Lesson

Free online cooking lesson

Free Cooking Class Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library
Help upskill in the kitchen and feed you/your family with a homemade tasty meal.
NCDT will provide the ingredients for FREE, delivered to your door.  Lynn from Homemade with Love will provide each participant with a pre-recorded recipe/cook session for you to follow step by step at your own individual pace! There will also be the opportunity to ask Lynn any questions before you hit the kitchen.
The first taster will take place 24th March.
LIMITED PLACES – please Facebook message NCDT or email for more information.