Category Archives: Community Engagement


New Cumnock Development Trust are very excited to present this amazing opportunity for our P4-7 pupils!

This class is running on Wednesday 9th Feb at the NCDT office from 4.30pm-5.30pm for P4-6 and from 6pm-7pm for P7-S3, making it a fantastic way for our P7 pupils to get to know some of their Robert Burns Academy counterparts!

To book a space on this FREE workshop, contact Tammy at New Cumnock Development Trust by email:

NCDT SummeRRR Programmes for Kids and Young People

Would you believe it’s the Summer Holiday’s already!!?!?
We have plenty coming up for the young people in our community and it’s all FREE!
See attached our flyers and below the registration links.  Pre registration is essential!  Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate people who “turn up on the day” without having completed the pre-registration forms.  So, if you your child is undecided at this point then please still register them and that way they can still attend!
We can’t wait to get started and make some amazing memories in 2021!
Registration Links:
Active Schools “Get into Summer” –
Tammy & Laura

Summer Activities with NCDT

A message from the New Cumnock Development Trust.
‘NC Parents/Carers I am looking for your help!  I am currently in the early stages of looking at the potential delivery of some activity for young people over the Summer Holiday period!
I would really appreciate it (if relevant) if you could complete the below form answering a few short questions about what you think your child would like to get up to in the holidays!

Leisure & Sport in New Cumnock – Investing in Communities 2021/2022

A message from the New Cumnock Development Trust 

Development Trust -
Over the coming year in my role as ICF Community Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator I am keen to provide more accessible sporting and leisure activities in our community.  Suitable for people of all ages and abilities.
To ensure that the activities provided are what the community wants I would be grateful if you could complete the survey below, using the link.  It would be of great benefit to the programme if everyone in your household could complete the survey.
I understand that you may feel at this time that you are receiving a lot of information digitally and this can be frustrating, for myself included.  However, your participation is massively appreciated and hopefully in the near future when it is safe to do so we can once again have community conversations in person.
Thanks for your time, if you wish to discuss Investing in Communities further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Wishes,

Knockshinnoch Memorial 7/9/20

Today our House Captains fulfilled their first official duty by attending the public service of remembrance at the Castle Miner’s Lamp Memorial, marking 70 years since the Knockshinnoch Disaster.

It was heart warming to see so many of the local community in attendance, to commemorate the memories of the mine workers who lost their lives in the tragic event all those years ago.

Our House Captains laid a wreath on behalf of the school and spoke with local counsellors. They were a true credit to our school!