Category Archives: Clean Green Schools

Dinnae Forget Your Caddy!


Yesterday each family received a letter invite them to name and register their food caddy as part of East Ayrshire’s ‘Dinnae Forget Your Caddy’ competition.

Children are reminded to return the tear off slip at the bottom by tomorrow to be entered in the prize draw, to have their name given to our school caddy. There is £20 East Ayrshire voucher up for grabs!

Each week, children will be working hard to share the message of the importance of recycling our food waste at home and each time they let us know that they have put their kerbside caddy out for collection at home, they will receive a token which will be added to a prize draw which will take place each month to won a £10 East Ayrshire voucher!

Let’s work together to increase our Community Caddy Count!

NCPS Road Safety Campaign

Parents/carers, we need your help!

We are trying to encourage our young people to walk, cycle, scoot or park and stride to school as part of our Journey to Jupiter challenge in partnership with Clean Green East Ayrshire, but we are faced with the ongoing issue of dangerous parking around our school grounds, making it difficult for our children to safely use the footpaths around our school.

Our Clean Green Transport Team would like to make you aware of 5 safe car parks within walking distance of our school.

Please watch our video and listen to the message from our young people to help keep everybody safe!


NCPS Winter Jackets and Uniform

We have a range of winter jackets and school uniform in a variety of sizes available for free to our families.

They are on display by the Community Entrance. They are all labelled by size, please help yourself! The Community Entrance doors will be open 9-9.15am and 3-3.15pm until Thursday this week.

We are also looking for donations of PE kit (shorts/joggers/indoor shoes) to keep in our changing rooms for anyone who has forgotten their kit. If you have anything suitable at home, please send them in with your child or hand in at the main office.

Many thanks for your continued support!

Windy the Windmill

Today, at the EastAyrshire a Youth Climate Conference 2023, establishments from across East Ayrshire were introduced to Windy the Windmill designed by our very own, Noah M!

What an achievement to see his design become a reality! Noah’s mascot will be visiting schools and will be the face of an Energy campaign this school session. We are so proud of you Noah and can’t wait for you to meet Windy in the flesh for yourself! 🤩🌟

Clean Green School Awards 2023

Today, Bruce and Orla travelled in style on the McGill’s electric bus to attend the East Ayrshire Clean Green Schools Awards at Council Chambers in Kilmarnock.

In their Captain and Vice Captain role, Bruce and Orla have helped to tackle our Clean Green Schools action plan to help East Ayrshire to work towards a Clean and Green future!

Through the 4 key themes of Waste, Energy, Transport and Natural Environment, our team have worked hard this year to make positive changes to reduce our carbon emissions.

We are delighted to share that we were one of 4 schools in the authority to receive a Silver Award!

Our Clean Green Schools Team are so proud of this achievement and already have ideas in place for next years action plan!