Category Archives: Active Schools

Active Schools Move To EA Leisure

On 1st April 2025, the Active Schools Team will be transferring to East Ayrshire Leisure Trust.
As a result, we will be changing how registration for our holiday activities takes place, which requires the East Ayrshire Leisure app. In order to make sure that you have all the up to date details of our holiday programmes, sporting opportunities and wider access to East Ayrshire Leisure services, please click on the link below which will direct you to the East Ayrshire Leisure website where you can select the Apple or Google store for download.
If you have any questions please email or speak to your Active Schools Coordinator.

Sportshall Athletics

Today, P6 and P7 pupils participated in Sportshall Athletics at Robert Burns Academy.

We travelled by public bus, with many of our pupils using their NEC card to gain free travel.

They competed in events such as team relays, vertical jump, triple jump and javelin to name a few.

We are very proud of how well our pupils displayed team work and determination in their events, a huge well done to you all!

A huge thank you to EAC Active Schools for organising the event and well done to Auchinleck PS on winning this heat!

P1-3 Extra Time Club

This club will be run by Active Schools on a Monday 3-4.30pm. Children will take part in fun activities and be provided with a snack. The club will run January to April, commencing on Monday 13th January 2025.

Please complete the Form below if your child would like to attend. Email confirmation will be sent to confirm your child’s space. Limited spaces are available, so please complete as soon as possible.

P4-7 Extra Time Club

We have some spaces available for our Extra Time club which is run by Active Schools from 3-5pm on a Monday.

Chidlren get a snack provided and take part in lots of fun activities with the Active Schools team!

It is available for P4-7 children up until the Christmas holidays.

If you wish your child to have a space, please ring the school on the alternative number shared on the app, and let the office staff know if they will be collected at 5pm or are to walk home themselves.

It is important we keep our numbers high for this club, to enable Active Schools to secure funding to continue to run it in the New Year.

Sport & Physical Activity Survey

Are you between 5 and 26 years of age?

The East Ayrshire Junior Sports Council have developed a short survey to gather information on how many children and young people in East Ayrshire participate in sports and physical activities.

Please take 5 minutes to answer the following questions.

We encourage parents to support their children in completion of the survey.

Many thanks,

Courtney Cartner

Active Schools Coordinator: Cumnock Education Group

Vibrant Communities: Young People, Sport & Diversion

Safer Communities: Housing & Communities

Tel: 01563 576401  |  Email: |

Twitter Accounts: @eacSport | @ActiveSchoolsEA | @EACmentors | @Barony_CSH

Instagram: @EAC_YPSD |  Facebook: East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities |

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For information on Vibrant Communities and our work across East Ayrshire click here!

Active Schools New Cumnock Summer Programme

New Cumnock Summer Programme

Our Summer Programme is now LIVE!

Please register using the QR code or the link attached –

If you require any more information please contact


Courtney Cartner

Active Schools Coordinator: Cumnock Education Group

Vibrant Communities: Young People, Sport & Diversion

Safer Communities: Housing & Communities

Tel: 01563 576401  |  Email: |

Twitter Accounts: @eacSport | @ActiveSchoolsEA | @EACmentors | @Barony_CSH

Instagram: @EAC_YPSD |  Facebook: East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities |

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Active Schools Easter Sports Camp


Active Schools in partnership with Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise are running a FREE multisport camp over Easter in your area!

To register please follow the link attached –

To find out what is running across East Ayrshire please follow the attached link – East Ayrshire Council Events | (

If you have any query’s please contact