All posts by Mrs McNulty

Resources to support Remote Learning

We are aware that some families may require additional resources to support their child whilst Remote Learning. Therefore tomorrow, Tuesday 12th January, between the hours of 10am and 12pm staff will be present in the reception area of the school.

If you require any resources please drop by.  We will have stationary, paper and jotters to help your child record their learning during the coming weeks.

Please come to the main entrance of the school, ensuring you adhere to the socially distanced markers present, wear a face covering and sanitise upon entering the reception area.

Glow and Microsoft Teams support – we are here to help!

As Remote Learning begins today, we are aware that use of digital technologies, particularly Microsoft Teams may be new to many of our families.

As well as communication with your child’s class teacher, Mrs McNulty will be a point of contact to support you with any technical issues you may be facing or to answer any questions you may have.

If you require support, please complete the contact form below and Mrs McNulty will get in touch with you.

Alternatively, you can email her at or you can phone her work mobile on 07561684158 where she will be available to answer your queries between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday.

Blue Peter star performance!

We hope you all managed to catch tonight’s episode of Blue Peter to see our wonderful school choir represent Scotland in their Christmas Special.

It was so exciting to hear and see our wonderful singers in action, having the time of their lives! What an amazing opportunity for them to be part of, they really are superstars! We are so incredibly proud of you all!

In case you missed it, here are some snapshots and a recording from the show. You can also watch it again on BBC iPlayer.

Our school choir are Blue Peter superstars!!!

We are so excited to share with you that our school choir were approached by the Blue Peter team from the BBC to perform in their Christmas special episode! (Once Mrs McNulty got over the shock of the phone call and the realisation that it was really someone from the BBC and not anyone prank calling her!) we were straight to work learning and rehearsing the song composed for the event. The song is a modern day mash up of traditional Christmas songs, and was very catchy indeed!

As we were unable to meet as a group for some time, we used Microsoft Teams to hear the track so we could sing along at home, learn the words and actions and keep in touch with Mrs McNulty until we were able to meet as a group.

A lot of work and planning from our Senior Leadership Team, East Ayrshire Health and Safety and the BBC production team went into making this opportunity possible, ensuring it was safe for everyone in the current climate and we are extremely grateful for this!

We felt like movie stars on the day and were so glad that the weather was in our favour as we had to sing outside. Our children behaved like total professionals, braving the cold weather for the entirety of our shoot and singing their hearts out at every take!

After our performance, we each received Blue Peter badges and are now the envy of all our friends and family!

Please tune in to watch us this Thursday 17th December at 5.30pm on the CBBC or CBeebies channel.

Here are some photos from the day, a big thank you to Mike, our official East Ayrshire photographer for capturing some super shots for us!

P4-7 – Logging into Microsoft Teams Support

Homework tasks are posted within our class blogs. However, P4-7 have been trained on how to access Microsoft Teams. This is an excellent tool which allow classes to work collaboratively, share resources and to communicate with their class teacher and peers.

Below you will find a step by step guide on how to access Teams. If you have any trouble doing so, please contact Mrs McNulty at

Firstly, log into glow with your username and password. Please note this is case and space sensitive. Your username will start gw, followed by a number and your name (and in some cases middle names).

Glow usernames and passwords are the responsibility of the pupils to access and keep safe, we are not permitted to share this information with parents and carers.

Once you have logged into Glow, select the Teams app on your launch pad.

Once selected, you may be prompted to use Teams in the web browser or to download the app from your app store.

When you open the app, it will It will then ask for an email address, this is your Glow username followed by

It may then again ask for your glow password to be entered.

Once in, you will see the Teams groups you have been added to. This will be your class one and any other extra curricular groups, for example, the school choir.

Click on the group you wish to access. You will see the general channel and in some cases there may be a homework channel. This will allow you to keep work related discussion separate from general discussion. There may also be resources shared in the files section for you to access.

Give it a go to check it is working, try sending a message to your class! This is a great way to keep in touch with your teacher and class mates and seek support when needed.

Some things to remember:

  • Staff are monitoring these pages so any inappropriate content will be removed.
  • You must use the channels appropriately, remember we can see everything you type, be mindful of what and when you type.

NCPS Christmas Staff Video – Have your say!

As our Lockdown video for ‘Times Like These’ was such a hit, we thought we would entertain all our children and families again with a Christmas edition. However, this time, we are putting YOU in charge!

Click on the song you would like to see the staff of New Cumnock Primary School to perform and the winning one will be performed, recorded and shared with you all on the run up to Christmas.

New Cumnock Primary School are award winners!

We are so proud to share with you that our school have received a number of prestigious awards in recent weeks.

East Ayrshire Inclusive Education (DFS) Silver Award

Mrs Elliott has worked hard to present all the hard work going on in New Cumnock Primary to show that we are an inclusive school and have strategies in place to make us Dyslexia friendly. We are delighted to share that we were awarded the East Ayrshire Inclusive Education (DFS) Silver Award. The panel had a wonderful morning hearing about our inclusive journey. A huge well done to all involved!

Digital Schools Award

In addition to this, Mrs Petrie has been working her socks off to present information to a panel of validators about our digital journey. We are excited to share that with all the evidence Mrs Petrie provided to show that we are using innovative practise, we have been awarded with the Digital Schools Award. They were very impressed to hear the work that our children are doing to support staff and each other to upskill our digital abilities. They were so pleased with our digital journey and leadership shown that we have been recommend to become a mentor school! This is amazing! A huge well done to everyone!

RSPB Wild Challenge Bronze Award

Furthermore, Mrs Johnstone and Primary 1 have been working hard with the Learning Outdoor Support Team (LOST) to investigate ways to care for and experience nature, and a result have been awarded the Wild Challenge Bronze Award. Well done to you all, what an achievement!

Knockshinnoch Memorial 7/9/20

Today our House Captains fulfilled their first official duty by attending the public service of remembrance at the Castle Miner’s Lamp Memorial, marking 70 years since the Knockshinnoch Disaster.

It was heart warming to see so many of the local community in attendance, to commemorate the memories of the mine workers who lost their lives in the tragic event all those years ago.

Our House Captains laid a wreath on behalf of the school and spoke with local counsellors. They were a true credit to our school!

Hunter trophy winners 2020

We are delighted to share that our Hunter trophies have now arrived after a delay in production and have been presented to our award winners from last session.

We are incredibly proud of each of our winners and loved having an opportunity to celebrate this wonderful achievement again with their peers! Well done to you all! 🤩

Garden Room – Alfie O

Primary 1 – Baylee M

Primary 1/2 – Georgia G

Primary 2/3 – Ryan H

Primary 3 –  Amy J

Primary 4 – Bruce G

Primary 5 – Mary Y

Primary 5/6 – Eilidh M

Primary 6/7 – Lucy W

Primary 7 – Craig M