Please find information below about our Halloween Disco being hosted by our Parent Council on Wednesday 30th October.
All posts by Mrs McNulty
Halloween Fun Day 25/10/24
This Friday we will hosting our Halloween Fun Day at school. Children can come to school dressed in their Halloween costumes and each class will be taking part in lots of fun Halloween activities throughout the day. There is no cost for this day.
We still have a number of Halloween costumes available for free to our families. If you require one, please contact the main office.
Term 1 Gold Awards
We were delighted to celebrate our Gold Award winners for Term 1 at today’s FAB Friday Get Together.
Children were awarded for consistent effort, good behaviour and a conscientious attitude to school.
Well done to all our winners!
Primary 1
Primary 1/2
Primary 2/3
Primary 3/4
Primary 4
Primary 4/5
Primary 5
Primary 6
Primary 7
FAB Friday Celebration 4/10/24
Thank you for your responses for our FAB Friday celebration today. We loved hearing about everyone’s successes out of school this past term!
Click on the link below to view the PowerPoint of our achievements shared at Get Together.
School Meal Portals
The school meals portals are now live on the East Ayrshire website and can be viewed at any time.
After School Clubs
Preloved Halloween Costumes
One of our Captains will be overseeing our Preloved Halloween Costumes stall at our Parent’s Evening tomorrow night.
If you are having a clear out and have any old costumes which no longer fit your child that you would like to donate, please send them in to school tomorrow and these will be made available to our families at Parent’s Evening.
Don’t forget our Halloween Fun Day is coming up at school on Friday 25th October and our Parent Council have organised a Halloween Disco on Wednesday 30th October!
School App Calendar
We have been working hard to continue to improve our communications. Our Safer Schools Scotland App is our main means of communication about important information, such as events. In order to ensure our families have information about school events at their fingertips, we have generated a school online calendar which can be accessed through the Calendar page within the app. Follow the instructions below to access the calendar.
Open the Safer Schools Scotland App. You must ensure you have entered the school PIN code to be able to access NCPS notifications. Please contact the school office if you require this PIN.
Swipe across the homepage tiles until you find the Calendar tile.
You will now be able to click to view which events are being held throughout the school each day.
We will continue to update this throughout the session as events arise. We aim to give our families as much notice as possible.
We hope you find this feature useful. If you have any questions or queries about it, please ring the main office or contact Mrs McNulty via email. (
FAB Friday 4/10/24
To celebrate the end of term, next Friday, after the P3/4 Get Together, we will be hosting a whole school FAB Friday Get Together, where we will be recognising the Wider Achievements of our pupils .
We want to hear about your child’s successes! Please bring in your certificates, medals or stories about your achievements from this Term.
To help with the programming of the morning, please complete the form below by Thursday to let us know what your child wishes to celebrate. We will use the names gathered on the Form to create the running order.
Stars of the Week 27/9/24
Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.
P1/2 – Abigail M for DETERMINATION
P2/3 – Michal O for DETERMINATION
P4 – Darcie H for AMBITION
P4/5 – Ellie-May F for DETERMINATION
P7 – Fleur A for DETERMINATION and Presley N for DETERMINATION
Our Waste Warriors this week are: Primary
Our House winner this week is: HEATHER