Today we enjoyed our school Christmas dinner! It was delicious and is always a highlight having the staff serve the pupils. A huge thank you to our catering staff for the wonderful meal!
The P7s were so kind to return the favour by serving the staff their dinner afterwards!
Yesterday we enjoyed a whole school trip to the Palace Theatre to watch this years Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk.
We had a great afternoon! Lyle and Lucas did us proud with their star performances on the big stage!
A huge thank you must go to our wonderful Parent Council for their kind donation of £2000 to go towards our transport costs. This helped us to dramatically reduce the cost we asked from our families to help fund this brilliant day out.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported our Christmas Fayre on Saturday!
It was a huge success, raising over £1300 for Parent Council funds, which help our school immensely throughout the year!
Thank you to our wonderful Parent Council for all their hard work in putting together such a large scale event! Another huge thank you goes to Christina Mackie at the Gospel Hall who kindly donated all their takings from their stall at the Fayre, to our funds. This was extremely kind of you, thank you very much!
Our Netball and Basketball community classes run every Tuesday (Netball) and Wednesday (Basketball). If your young person is interested in attending please contact to register or just come along on the night! All other information can be found on the poster!
Many thanks,
Courtney Cartner
Active Schools Coordinator: Cumnock Education Group
Our Clean Green Energy Team were hard at work during Rich Tasks on Friday to create our ‘Windy Widnae Waste Water’ video to highlight Windy’s top tips from this week.
Our highly anticipated Christmas Fayre is back for another year! Come and join us on Saturday 25th November from 10am-12pm. More information can be found on the poster below.
To support us at this event, we are looking for Primary 7s who are available and able to stay and help us. If your P7 child is free and willing to join us, please complete the contact form below.
Next Friday 17th November, we will be celebrating Children In Need at school.
We are asking pupils to come to school dressed in something ‘spotty’ that day.
We will not be collecting money on the day, instead, we would ask that if you are able to, please donate to Children In Need using the official charity link below.