All posts by Mrs McNulty
P7s – Gala King and Queen
Primary 7 parents/carers,
The New Cumnock Events Group have asked us to appoint a ‘King and Queen’ to be part of the upcoming community Gala Day.
Due to the success of last years event to celebrate King Charles Coronation, the New Cumnock Events Group are busy organising another Gala Day for the local community. This will be held on Saturday 1st June.
Names of children who wish to be entered will be added to a hat and chosen randomly at Monday’s Get Together next week.
Children must be willing to dress up, happy to be part of a parade through the town and must be available on Saturday 1st June.
This is a wonderful opportunity to be part of a huge community event!
Please speak with your child about what is expected of them if chosen and if they wish their name to be entered, please complete the Form below to submit their details by 8.30am on MONDAY 22ND APRIL please.
Choir Success at the Choral Competition 2024
A huge congratulations to our school choir who have been placed in the top 3 in The Robert Burns World Federation school choral competition!
With a lot more schools having entered this year and the standard being extremely high, it is a wonderful achievement to have made it to the top 3 in Scotland for another year!
The results of the competition will be announced at the Primary Festival on Saturday 1st June 2024 at Clydeview Academy, Gourock.
I am inviting any members of the choir, who were in the recording, who wish to attend the festival for the announcement of the results. We will listen to the recordings of the top three choirs ahead of results, and medals for the choir will be presented on the day.
Please note that this will be down to parental responsibility to arrange transport, should you wish to attend. The awards ceremony is usually held about 3pm, therefore I would encourage you to come along for no later that 2.30pm where you will be entertained in the main hall.
Please find attached the bio for the adjudicator, Kerry has also given feedback in the form of an adjudication sheet, these will be released once the results are announced.
Bio for Kerry Burley Adjudicator
Well done everyone, this is an amazing achievement!!!
If you do wish to attend or have any questions, please contact me via email.
Kind regards,
Mrs McNulty
P1 Kilmarnock Football Afterschool Club (Thursdays 3-4pm)
Kilmarnock FC are hosting a 4 week block of football for P1 children commencing Thursday 18th April from 3-4pm. (Dates are 18/4/24, 25/4/24, 2/5/24, 9/5/24)
To register your child to attend this afterschool club, please complete the Form below.
Please provide a contact email address and Mrs McNulty will notify you to confirm your child has a space.
Please note that spaces are limited.
New Cumnock Primary School’s Anti-Bullying ‘respectme’ Scottish Government Initiative
RSHP Parent/Carer Information
Primary 1:
Early Level Parental letter updated April 2021
Primary 2-4:
First Level Parental letter updated April 2021
Primary 5-7:
Parent Council Easter Competitions
Our Easter drawing competitions and Dress Down Day, which were organised by our Parent Council, were a huge success raising £265 for school funds!
Our prize winners were announced at Get Together today.
P1-3 drawing competition
1st Leela F
2nd Harper P
3rd Lottie J
P4-7 drawing competition
1st Tyler M
2nd Lucy G
3rd Hanna-Rose S
Easter hamper raffle winners
Well done to Blaine M and Lewis J!
Thank you to everyone for taking part!
Childminder Recruitment in East Ayrshire
Earth Hour 2024
Today, our Accreditation Rich Tasks groups participated in Windy’s Earth Hour by getting outside and enjoying lots of screen free fun together!
We felt it was important that everyone got involved, in order to spread the Earth Hour message, not just our Clean Green Team. It was great to see so many children having fun outside with not a piece of technology to be found!
(Apart from Mrs McNulty’s phone making an appearance to capture the proof! Ha!)
The official Earth Hour is tomorrow, Saturday 23rd March at 8.30pm.
We ask that for 1 hour tomorrow evening, our families take time to switch off and dedicate an hour to help bring our world back to life. You can do this in any way you like, by spending 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet. Need inspiration? Click on the link below to view some ideas.
Give an Hour for Earth | Earth Hour
If you choose to take part, please evidence what you choose to do and upload it as a Parental Contribution to your child’s Learning Journal. We will showcase these entries at Monday’s Get Together and award house points to all our participants.
Active Schools Easter Sports Camp
Active Schools in partnership with Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise are running a FREE multisport camp over Easter in your area!
To register please follow the link attached –
To find out what is running across East Ayrshire please follow the attached link – East Ayrshire Council Events | (
If you have any query’s please contact