Prize Giving Cancellation

Unfortunately, due to the current isolation and staffing situation within the school, we must cancel our planned Prize Giving ‘mop-up’ and P7 Leavers presentation which were due to be held this week.

We do however, intend to still honour our winners by posting out certificates and will arrange for trophies and shields to be presented after the summer holidays when it is safe to do so.

We will still be releasing our Prize Giving video as planned and would love to have all our winners photographed, to be included in this.

We need your help!

Parents/carers, can you please take a photo of your child (in school uniform if you can) and email it to Mrs McNulty at before Wednesday 23rd June.

This will then be added to the Prize Giving video which will now be released on the last day of term, on Friday.

Thank you for your support in enabling us to still celebrate our prize winners and P7 leavers.

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