Earth Day 2023

With Earth Day this Saturday 22nd April, our Clean Green Schools Group would like to mark the occasion on Friday 21st April.
They would like everyone to wear blue and green that day. There is no charge for this.
We will also be hosting a community litterpick that day at various spots throughout New Cumnock, so please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear for this. A huge thank you to our Parent Helpers who have volunteered to support us with this event.

P7 Residential Trip – 1 more sleep!!!

Reminder for all parents/ guardians, tomorrow Primary 7 will be leaving at 1pm for their Residential trip to Lockerbie Manor.  Pupils should arrive at school at normal time with all their packed belongings for the trip, including a sleeping bag and pillow with pillowcase.  Pupils do not need to be in school uniform and can wear their own clothes for travelling.
All medications required for the trip can be handed in to Mrs Hope at the office from 9am.  Please ensure that all medications have a pharmacy/ prescription label for your child and parents have completed the relevant medical form.
Parents are welcome to come along and wave the bus off at 1pm from the front of the school.  Please keep up to date with our residential fun on our school Twitter page!

Sticky Fingers After-School Club

Dear Parent/Carer

New Cumnock Primary School are delighted to inform you that we will be running a new after-school club based around Emotional Literacy which will be open to all p2 and p3 children. This will help support our children to understand and express their emotions and feelings in a positive and helpful manner, within a safe, nurturing and fun environment.

Each session will include an after-school healthy snack which children will be able to enjoy during the delivery of a specific emotion based story. This will then be followed with a linked craft.

Sessions will take place every Tuesday from 25th April until 23rd May from 3:00 till 4:15.

If you would like your child to take part, please sign the slip attached to the letter which your child will be given tomorrow and hand back in to school before Friday 21st April. You will be contacted on Monday 24th if your child has been allocated a space.

Kind Regards

Mrs L Ramsay and Mrs T Bradford