Walk to School Week

Through our work with Mission to the Moon we have been learning about the many important reasons to walk to school and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet!

Walk to School Week begins on Monday 15th of May and we would like to invite you to make an extra effort to walk to school if you can – remember this can include park and stride as well as coming to school on your bike or scooter.

Each day will have a different theme –

Monday – walk wearing odd socks.
Tuesday – walk singing your favourite songs.
Wednesday – walk wearing sunglasses.
Thursday – walk wearing something bright to be seen.
Friday – walk with crazy hair/special hair accessory.

Bonus S-Miles will be awarded for those who take part each day.

We hope you enjoy Walk to School Week!


P7 Curriculum Update Term 4

Summer is nearly here and we’re into our last term.  The last term for our P7’s.  Where has the time gone?!  Here is a brief overview of our learning this term.


We are continuing to develop all reading skills through Bug Club guided reading texts but paying attention to summarising.  For writing, we are looking at responding to texts and will be conducting reviews of things we watch and read and giving personal opinions.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on algebra, number patterns and time.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes as part of our daily routine.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon and will be investigating measurement.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­continuing to develop and use de-escalation techniques during conflicts as well as looking at transitions.  Pupil of the Day will also continue.

Our PE days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday.  We will be first playing cricket enhancing our throwing, catching and fielding skills.  We will also be participating in athletics activities in preparation for Sports Day.


The topic this term is politics.  We will be investigating how laws are made, the role of an MP and identifying the main political parties and some of their policies.  We will also receive a visit from MP Alan Brown for a Q and A with the class.


This term we will be aiming to complete God’s Loving Plan activities.  As this subject is sensitive, please discuss these issues with your child at home.


Mrs MacKinnon will continue teaching French with P7.  Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on the French culture and other French speaking countries.


Summer Show

Preparations are already underway for the upper school show.  Pupils will be participating in lots of drama, art, technology and enterprising activities to make the show a success.  Keep your eyes peeled for further updates of our show

Mr Bertoncini






Reminder School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023

School Improvement Plan Survey

As you are aware our School Improvement Plan forms the basis of our school developments.  It is essential that parents and carers are fully involved in the creation of this plan.

Please take some time to put forward your views on the progress we have made with our plan for this year and share your views on what should happen next. This survey will remain open until Friday 12th May.

Please complete the survey below:

You will also require to review a copy of our Family School Improvement Plan.

Family SIP 2022-2023


Oak Room Update

Oak Room

The Oak Room children have continued their tasks after the holidays and we are loving the better weather! This has allowed us to participate in outdoor painting with the sun in our faces.

We are working our way through group novels including ‘Westlandia’, ‘Doodlebug Alley’ and ‘Mouse Noses on Toast.’ We love to have some calm reading time after lunch to help our minds prepare for learning.

 Pupils this term are focussing on ‘Goal Setting’; this allows them to set a realistic target around their social and emotional development and staff are able to support their achievement of this. Discussions around perseverance and making choices are linked to this. Throughout this topic we will also continue to learn how to understand and manage our feelings.

Pupils will be supported with their hopes and fears around transition into the next academic session during our tasks this term, as we understand although exciting for some, this can be a daunting  time for others.

 Children are continuing to achieve success using their ‘Pot of Gold’ target trackers and we have already had a few special treats relating to these.

A special welcome to the children who joined the group after the Easter holidays, the feedback around this has been hugely positive!

As always your support is hugely appreciated.

Mrs Crawford

Primary 5 Curricular update

Primary 5 Curriculum update Term 4

Hello everyone!

Primary 5 had an excellent term last term with lots of hard work and fun taking place. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children for all of their hard work during this time. They really have been working their socks off and should be very proud of themselves. They even led a whole school Mass on the last week of term. This was an excellent achievement.

I would also like to thank the children’s adults for their continued support. Without you, I wouldn’t get to teach such wonderful children. It was also lovely to see some of you at our sharing the learning afternoon. We hope you enjoyed yourselves.

This term will again be really busy with everything from assessments to whole school summer trips as we complete our P5 journey. Please see below some aspects of the curriculum that we will be covering between April and June.


We will be exploring discursive writing as our writing genre this term. Within this genre, the children will be expected to explain their thoughts and feelings regarding a particular topic whilst attempting to influence/persuade the reader. This will focus on the writer’s word choice, the use of rhetorical questions and emotive language. The children are also working on their ability to read over what they have written and then re-draft their work using Microsoft word.

The children have been working extremely hard on their grammar skills and this term will focus on alliteration, onomatopoeia and compound words.

The class will continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills through working on their ability to answer different styles of comprehension questions. This is something we have already been looking at; however up until now, this has been very structured and taken at a slow pace This term, I will be looking for a more independent approach to these questions.


The children worked extremely hard last term on division and fractions, as well as linking these to percentages and decimals. This term we will focus on addition and subtraction up to 4 digits. Within addition, we will look at addition with whole numbers as well as decimal numbers and within subtraction the focus will be more around exchanging through place value columns.

Our beyond number topic will be measurement with the first focus being area and perimeter before we move onto volume and mass.

Another aspect of numeracy that will be covered this term is data handling. Throughout this, we will cover bar charts and tally marks. We will also use our knowledge of fractions from last term to help us understand pie charts.

Health and Well being

Health and Well Being this term will have a focus on food health whilst looking at the key nutrient groups and food diversity we require to stay healthy.

God’s loving plan will also be covered this term which will have a focus on growth, social networking, safe use of phones and the UN charter on right of the child.

P.E this term will be tennis, hockey, athletics and outdoor games and all the skills required.


We will be exploring our relationships with God and look at how this relationship can be deepened through prayer and trust. May is the month of Mary. We will have a focus on our mother Mary and the important role she plays in the bible stories and the life of Jesus.


This term’s topic will be local politics. We will take a closer look at what are reliable sources of information. The children will learn vocabulary such as democracy and election. This will be linked into the new SNP government and cabinet. We will celebrate Scotland’s inclusivity of a variety of cultures, values and customs.

Thank you again, Mrs McCreadie


Primary 3 Mission to the Moon Rocket Competition Winners

A huge well done to Primary 3 who submitted a winning rocket design to the MTTM competition as part of The Clean Green East Ayrshire initiative!  Our class design entry won 1st place in the STEM category across all of East Ayrshire with their Lego rocket!

An amazing job and a special congratulations to the winning engineer team for working on this design together.  Amazing team work! They each received their own certificate at school assembly on Friday for this huge achievement! AND they have won hundreds of MTTM S miles for our school! Go Team Primary 3!

P4 Curriculum Update Term 4

Welcome back to term 4. We hope you have had a restful time over the Easter break. We are looking forward to a wonderful new term of lots of new learning, fun and new experiences with our fantastic P4 class. 


For our reading focus this term we will continue to look at building expression and fluency in our reading aloud. We will use the comprehension strategies we have been learning and look at what inferential and evaluative questions are and how we can use the text to help us with this. Please ensure your child accesses their Bug Club weekly to support their reading in these lessons. 


In writing, we will look at persuasive writing, focusing on our use of persuasive language and how to structure a persuasive piece of writing. This term, we will also start to incorporate the use of ICT for re-drafting some of our pieces of writing.  

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level. 


Numeracy & Maths  

This term we will continue to build on our work with the four operations and will explore how fractions are related to division. We will look at the meaning of the numerator and denominator and will be able to order and compare fractions.  

In Beyond Number we will finish looking at time, children explore digital and analogue time as well as solving time duration problems.  


Health and Wellbeing  

We will continue with our PATHs programme, looking at problem solving and the idea of fair/unfair and accident and on purpose. We will continue with our Pupil of the Day, so keep a look out for your children coming home with their compliment sheet! 

The class are also engaging in a mindful activity each day. Through our Do Be Mindful programme and other class activities, we are learning about building and developing life enhancing skills, tools and habits that will foster emotional and mental wellbeing.  



PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering; 


Tennis /Badminton 

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before the holiday, the kit was sent home for washing to be freshened up and should now be returned for the current term. Lessons may be outdoors if weather permits.   



This term along with developing our basic conversational vocabulary, we will look at ‘Sports’, ‘Our home’ and ‘Famous French People and Landmarks’. 



P4 will be continue from our fairtrade topic last term to look at Food production. We will complete a comparison study between food production in Scotland and in another country. In May, we are very excited to visit Dumfries House to participate in their ‘Spring Festival of Farming.’ We are really excited for this visit and it will be a lovely ending to our topic.   

We will then move on to our new topic, Charities. We will look at a range of charities both at home and further afield and the work that they do in supporting and helping those in need. We will also look at how we can give back to our community in different ways. 



Religious Education  

This term we will be focusing on the importance of the Eucharist, linking to the Last Supper. We will also focus on the Mass as the source and summit of our Christian life and will continue to become familiar with the part of The Mass, including the various prayers and responses. We are all very excited to support our P4 children who will celebrate their First Holy Communion later this term.  

In May, we will focus on Our Lady, we will learn about the Rosary and become familiar with this beautiful prayer.  


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.  

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a wonderful term with P4! 

Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs McIntyre. 

Primary 6 Class News

Term 4 P6 Class News  

 Welcome back to the final term; a busy and exciting one for Primary 6. During this term, P6 will prepare to transition into Primary 7 by applying and interviewing for Captain and Vice-Captain roles. P6 will also have the chance to apply to be a buddy to our new Primary 1’s in August. P6 will get the opportunity to meet the Pastoral Care team from St Joseph’s Academy. Probably the most exciting news is that the Senior Summer show has returned! In June, the P6 and P7 will return to the stage to perform ‘The Wizard of Oz’.  

 Alongside all these exciting events lots of learning and teaching will still be taking place as outlined below.  



This term our focus returns to fiction texts. P6 will read and study books appropriate to their level. They will complete daily reading to writing tasks and work on active comprehension tasks both independently and as a group. Focus comprehension strategies this term is understanding the difference between fact and opinion, inference and author’s use of language. All pupils will complete a final fiction reading assessment at the end of the block of lessons. 



This term P6 will be introduced to and experience writing persuasive essays using sources and/or evidence from a text to backup ideas and opinions. Some groups will learn to acknowledge sources by recording the titles and authors of texts used.  



The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, some groups will be completing the spelling planner they are currently working through, ready to start a new spelling planner in P7. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 4, these include diacritical marking, syllabification, and words within words.  Some weeks pupils will be given topic-specific vocabulary as part of their topic.  



This term P6 will focus on Area, Perimeter and Volume, Angles, Information Handling and Function Machines. Some groups will be introduced to BODMAS. Daily revision and rigour of decimals, percentages and fractions and the four operations will continue. Pupils are encouraged to make use of Topmarks and Sumdog to revise and practice multiplication tables.  








ealth and Wellbeing 

At the start of the term P6 will complete a mini topic on Substance Misuse looking at the dangers of smoking/vaping, alcohol and drugs usage. Through this topic  

 Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Pupils are asked to bring FULL PE kit on these days. If pupils are without PE kit the school will be able to provide pupils with required items of clothing. The focus in PE this term is Volleyball, Athletics and Orienteering.  

 Expressive Arts 

 The Expressive Arts are key to any child’s education, giving them opportunities to enjoy being creative and imaginative, expressing emotion, performing for different audiences, and being part of audiences for others, as well as learning key skills in Music, Art and Design, Dance and Drama. Our Senior Summer ‘The Wizard of Oz ‘will incorporate all key areas of the Expressive Arts. A school play is a fantastic team-building exercise and it’s a great way for children to understand what’s possible when everyone pools their skills and weight. 



This term P6 will continue to listen to and reflect on stories from the Gospel of Matthew. P6 will also continue to work on their Pope Francis Faith Award, focussing on a different gift each couple of weeks.  


Modern Languages  

P6 receive weekly French lessons from Mrs MacKinnon. This term pupils will focus on hobbies, food and drink and descriptions.  




Homework this term will include Spelling, Reading, Mental Maths, and one other curricular area (RME, topic, etc). Homework is issued on a Monday and is due back on a Friday. I appreciate and wholeheartedly support wider achievement outside of school. If there are any reasons why pupils cannot complete the homework, due to activities out with school please contact the school.  


In Primary 6 we promote hard work and amazing attitudes. Our reward card system allows pupils to gain reward cards for Wonderful Work, Amazing Attitude, and being a ‘Superstar.’ When the pupils gain five cards, they can choose an individual reward. They can also choose to go for a class reward once everyone reaches five reward cards; this promotes teamwork within the class.  

If you have any queries or questions, please contact the school directly.   

Thank you for all your support.  

   Mrs. Terras  

Cost of Living Payment

Extra payments to help with Cost of Living

Including those in work, on a low income and entitled to certain benefits or tax credits

You may be entitled to up to 3 Cost of Living Payments of £301, £300 and £299, if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

The £301 paid-

Between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023 for most people on DWP benefits

Between 2 and 9 May 2023 for most people on tax credits and no other low income benefits

Then following that-

£300 paid during autumn 2023 for most people

£299 paid during spring 2024 for most people


For further information visit:https://www.gov.uk/guidance/cost-of-living-payment#low-income-benefits-and-tax-credits-cost-of-living-payment


Free School Meals


Clothing Grant applications for the current academic year 2022/23 need to be made by Friday 28th April 2023.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday 1st May 2023; the processing of these applications will not start until June.

Free School Meals

If your child qualifies for free school meals then they would be entitled to receive a two course meal worth £2.15 per day.

For the current year 2022/23 you can make an application up until the end of this term.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday1st May 2023. You need to apply each year, as the award is not continuous.

Check if you qualify and to apply online–

Clothing grants and free school meals · East Ayrshire Council (east-ayrshire.gov.uk)


Primary 1 – Term 4 Update

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. As we head into our final term, Primary 1 are “in training” for moving up to Primary 2.  As well as pushing on with new learning, we will be working hard to consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the year.


Phonics – Now that we have learnt all the sounds in the alphabet and are using these to make and break words, we are going to start learning the sounds made by two or more letters such as “sh” “ch” “th” (joint phonemes).

Spelling – We will continue to practise the spelling of our tricky common words to ensure we can use these when writing sentences. We will learn some new words to add to our ever growing bank of vocabulary.

Writing – We are continuing to develop our skills in describing this term as well as having a go at writing some words and sentences by ourselves. We will also be using our knowledge of describing to write reports about what we are learning in our topic.

Letter formation and hand writing will continue to be a focus to allow us to showcase our spelling skills with ease.

Reading – Reading for information will be a focus this term. We will look at non-fiction texts and record the facts we learn.  We will also continue to practise our decoding skills by reading all types of text whenever we can.


Numeracy – Primary 1

The focus for Numeracy this term will be number processes, measure and time.

P1 – As well as keeping our skills in addition going, we will focus on subtraction this term. We will initially explore this concept using concrete materials before developing mental strategies to help us solve calculations.

We will continue to explore the teen numbers……taking steps beyond our “terrific ten”. We will look at the quantities represented by the teen numbers and ensure we can recognise, record and order the numbers to 20.

As part of our Sun, Moon and Stars topic, we will be learning about time. We will name and order the days of the week and months of the year. We will also be exploring ways to measure time and learning to read “o’clock times” in analogue and digital formats.

Measure will also be a focus for us through our topic as we use the correct language to describe the size of various planets and shadows. We will measure using non-standard units such as our hand spans, feet and cubes.


Health & Well-Being (HWB)

During our last term of PATHS lessons we will be introduced to some new emotions. We will explore each emotion in detail, thinking about how each emotion looks and feels and will consider whether it would be a “comfortable” or “uncomfortable” feeling.

We will also continue to reinforce our strategy of “Doing Turtle” and will use our PATHS sessions to talk through our feelings about moving into our new class at the end of the year.

We will be learning about our amazing bodies and the correct names for each body part.

Staying safe on the roads, at home and what to do in an emergency will also be a focus.

During PE we will be focusing on Athletics, Striking and Fielding Games and Dance.



During the month of May, we honour “Mary”. We will recite our special prayer of the “Hail Mary” and revisit the stories of the Nativity, Annunciation and Visitation; giving special consideration to the role of Mary in each one. We will prepare our class altar in honour of Mary.

During this term, we will link our RE with our HWB through the teaching of “God’s Loving Plan.” We will be thanking God for our amazing bodies! We will learn the names of the body parts and consider the choices we can make to help look after our bodies.

We will also talk about the needs of a new born baby; learning about the tasks and equipment required to look after a baby.


IDL (Topic)

Our topic this term will be Sun, Moon and Stars. We will consider the differences between day and night through our experiences and activities. We will also observe the sky in the day and night, noting the differences. We will learn about the sun, moon and stars by listening and reading for information. We will record what we learn in a way that conveys information to others.

During our topic we will link with Maths to explore time and measure but we will also explore the earth’s rotation and how we get “day” and “night”.

There will be lots of opportunities for technology through our topic and we look forward to building and designing models.

A fun and exciting summer term ahead with lots to look forward to!

Mrs Duff

Primary 2 Term 4 Curriculum Update

Hello, I cannot believe I am writing that we are now in term 4. During term 4 we continue working hard with new learning but also consolidating the learning that has taken place throughout the year.

Please see an outline of what we will be focusing on for each subject below:


Phonics – during term 4 we will continue to learn our sounds following the Active Literacy Framework, we will be introduced to split phonemes and focusing on the words with the magic ‘e’. We will still practice new spelling words related to our sounds and learn new common words which can sometimes be tricky, these will help develop our independent writing skills.

Writing – Our focus this term will be narrative writing, we will use our skills from descriptive writing to create detailed characters and settings.

We will still be putting in a lot of effort into handwriting, ensuring we are correctly forming our letters and taking care with their position and size on our lined pages. Our writing targets will still include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces.

Reading – This term our focus will be on reading for information. Children will be introduced to skimming and scanning a text to select key words. We will continue to focus on features of fiction and non-fiction texts.


Following on from Term 3 we will continue to learn about multiplication and division. We will be using a lot of concrete materials to complete activities which focuses on making groups and sharing amounts. We will then be exploring fractions by taking part in practical activities to show how a single item can be shared equally into halves and quarters. As part of our cool clubs topic we will also be looking at data handling, this will involve selecting, recording and analysing the information gathered.

 Health & Well-Being (HWB)

In term 4 we will be continuing with our PATHS programme, last term we introduced some new emotions and we will explore these in more detail this term. As always children will gift and receive compliments through our pupil of the day. As a whole class we will be taking part in Do Be Mindful activities throughout the term to gauge our focus and have better attention skills. Children will complete their own do be mindful booklet to record feelings. We will explore where some food comes from and have some healthy eating taster activities, thinking about how some foods are better for us than others.


During our PE sessions in term 4 we will be taking part in expressive dance, striking and fielding games and athletics.

(PE days continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday.)


At the start of term 4 during the month of May we will honour Mary, reciting the hail Mary prayer and revisiting bible stories. As a class we will prepare our class alter in honour of Mary and learn to say the Rosary. During this term we will link HWB with RE through the teaching of Gods Loving Plan, we will be thanking God for our bodies and consider ways we can look after our wonderful bodies.

 IDL (Topic)

Our two topics this term will be cool clubs and science in the news. For our science in the news topic, we will be exploring the news of the first plants to grow in moon dirt. We will grow our own plants in the classroom, we will be exploring, observing and discussing the basic needs of plants and what they need to grow. We will be observing how plants grow from seeds and recording their height and appearance in different conditions. We will also be busy caring for our own plants in the classroom in the hope that we can take them home to continue to care for them over the summer. For cool clubs we will be exploring our likes and dislikes in relation to hobbies looking at gathering data to record and analyse the information. We will also explore aspects of drama creating our own club which children need to run for the others in the class.

Expressive Arts

Our art, music and drama in term 3 will again link in with both of our topics this term.

Another busy and exciting term for primary 2 with lots of playing, exploring and learning but also preparing for out next step in our school journey as we get ready for primary 3.

 Thank you for visiting our Primary 2 blog on what we will be learning this term!

Miss Maitland

Primary 3 Term 4 Curriculum Update

Welcome to our curriculum update for term 4. It is sure to be a busy term as we begin to prepare our pupils for the transition to the upper school and primary 4.


Reading & Comprehension

During term 3 our focus was summarising skills and to develop our understanding of literal and inferential comprehension using the ‘Find It, Prove It, Talk About It’ strategies. This will continue into term 4 as pupils begin to develop these skills in discussion and formulating written responses.  Pupils will also look at different writing styles, the message the writer is trying to convey and when we are presented with fact or opinion in the texts.

As part of our term 4 topic in science, children will be asked to find specific information and how to scan for and locate key words or topic related facts in texts. Pupils will be focussing on punctuation and the use of commas and exclamation marks and the impact this has on texts for the reader, as well as beginning to use different punctuation in their own writing. We will revisit speech marks, and how we can use these in our own written tasks.


In writing, we will be focussing on science-based report writing through our mini science topic on dissolving. This topic was moved from term 3 into term 4, to allow pupils to spend more time on The Romans last term, as this was such a huge topic, more time was given to this to fully engage in the topic outcomes. We will also begin to look at the outcomes for response and persuasive writing, using facts and the pupils own thoughts and opinions on texts to help develop these skills.

Listening & Talking

We will continue with our listening and talking games and activities to help children develop the key skills needed when in whole class or group discussions or when sharing information in a topic presentation activity.  ‘Show and Tell’ will continue throughout term 4, giving pupils the opportunity to share information on an item from home, once per week.


In term 3, our focus was on fractions and the link between multiplication and division through fact families. We will however, regularly revisit the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables to retain our knowledge of these facts and use this understanding to look at the inverse calculation for division. Our primary focus in maths in term 4, will be mini topics, covering areas such as measurement (length, weight, mass and area) and data handling.

In beyond number, the focus in term 4 will be angles, recognising right angles in shapes and when an angle is bigger or smaller than 90 degrees.  Within this topic we will also look at compass points, and full, half and quarter turns to describe the route of a journey. Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters as the term progresses to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems.

Health & Wellbeing

All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day again in term 4 and will continue to explore emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others. We will look at strategies for fair play, how to support others to manage their emotions using strategies we have already put in place within our classroom setting.

In P.E, our sessions will happen on a Tuesday and a Wednesday and our focus in term 4 will be athletics and striking and fielding games.  Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their knowledge of how we keep our body healthy with fitness and nutrition needs too.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on ‘Our Lady’ our mother and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and others.


In term 4 the focus of topic will be social studies with a focus on groups and charities in our local community. Pupils will also research dissolving in our science topic and make predictions about substances that dissolve in water, looking at how water can impact on substances and change their appearance/state.

We hope this is the start of another very successful term and that the pupils enjoyed the Easter break and some well-earned rest over the holiday period.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

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