Category Archives: Primary 4 2020-2021

Primary 4 World of Work Day

Primary 4 have had a fantastic ‘World of Work’ day and had lots of fun throughout the day doing work related activities.

We started the day writing about what we’d like to be when we are older, thinking about the skills we have that would make us the perfect candidate for the job!  We also had some fun creating some poetry, again discussing the fun we’d have being able to do our ‘dream job’.

We enjoyed watching the videos that were sent in from parents and staff around the school, talking about their occupations and discussing their jobs!

Later we had the opportunity to be an ‘engineer’ and design model playground equipment we thought children would enjoy using.  We also had the opportunity to be an ‘artist’ and create some ‘doodles’, getting creative with our ideas.

We finished the day with Magic Mount Carmel games and activities this afternoon.  The children have enjoyed their day and the costumes were fantastic.  I enjoyed learning about what pupils aspire to be.

I am having some issues uploading photos but have posted a link to a collage of some of the fun activities we had going on today.

P4 collage World of Work

Just a wee reminder that primary 4 will be attending a church service on Monday afternoon.  Could children come with a face mask as this will be required to be worn in church.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 – term 4 news letter

Hello and welcome to our blog post for term 4.  Primary 4 have had a busy time since our return to school following lockdown restrictions. We have started our new topic and have settled back into our class working groups ready to move on to our new topics within each curricular area.


Our reading and spelling activities will continue with children focusing on their Bug Club reading texts, recognising spelling sounds and phonics within these texts and using their awareness and strategies to tackle unfamiliar words.  We will also be focusing on inferential questioning during comprehension activities, to gain a deeper understanding of what has been read.  We will access Giglets texts to support this, as well as our usual Bug Club books.

In writing, the focus for this term will be scientific enquiry, writing scientific reports based on hypothesis then carrying out these experiments and writing up their findings.  We will also look at persuasive writing during our topic of ‘charities’ and asking children to think about why people should donate money to charity and creating persuasive arguments on why people should support charities.


Our focus in maths is number and number processes, with money and angles being a focus during some maths sessions too.  Those working within the circle and rectangle maths groups will be focusing on 4-digit numbers and the four number processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children should now be familiar with formal notation in all 4 number operations. Those in the square group will continue to develop an understanding of 3-digit numbers, using their knowledge of place value to tackle addition and subtraction of larger numbers.

Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and developing strategies for any number problems.  We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board! Please encourage your children to continue to work on the times tables to help children quickly recall facts.

 Health & Wellbeing

All children have had the opportunity to be pupil of the day and enjoy the privileges that come with this.  We will continue with this so as each child have the opportunity again in term 4. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.  We now have a bank of strategies to support us when we feel uncomfortable, and these emotions will continue to be explored as we reach a deeper understanding of how these feelings can impact on us and how to seek help or support.  We are also looking at conflict resolution and how to manage conflicts in the playground to ensure fair play.

In P.E, our sessions will continue to take place outside where possible, on a Monday and Thursday afternoon.  Our focus will be on developing athletic skills, competing in hurdles, running, relay and a variety of activities to promote coordination and power skills using the javelin. We will also have a 4-week block of football to further develop our ball control skills.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be the sacraments as children prepare for their Confirmation and First Holy Communion.  We have completed our booklets for Confirmation and will now focus on preparation for First Communion which will be taking place in June. For those pupils who are not participating in the Sacraments, there will be activities completed in class for all children.  Parents should continue to work on the at home activities from the booklet, to help further prepare children for the upcoming celebrations.


Our topics for term 4 will be ‘Magnets’ in science and ‘Charities’.  The focus in our magnets topic will be to understand the forces of not only magnets but the bigger picture of the magnetic field which surrounds our planet.  Children will participate in several experiments to explore materials that magnets are attracted to and those which are repelled or have no effect when placed close to a magnet. In charities, children will look at national and local charities and the help and support they can offer people who may be in need.

We hope this is the start of another successful term as we navigate the continued impact of the pandemic on our lives.  Please be assured we will continue to keep things as normal as possible for our children, despite the different restrictions still in place.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Health Week Activities!

Primary 4 have had a very busy week with all the exciting activities that have been on offer during health week.  We had lots of fun on Tuesday and Wednesday  with football,  basketball, rugby,  meditation, yoga,  making fruit kebabs, discussing the dangers of smoking and a special visit from PC Dempster about the necessity to keep yourself safe online.

Today, Friday, we were busy boxing with the coach from North West club, building outdoor houses for small wildlife with the staff from Dumfries House and had an input from the staff from the local Tae Kwon Do club.  We also discussed the different drugs we may need to help us feel better and those which are illegal and dangerous. We finished the day with reward play, where the children chose to use their new skills outdoors in the afternoon.

It has been a fabulous week and we would like to thank Mrs McGowan and P5 for all the hard work that went in to organising this fabulous health week.  Enjoy your weekend!

Primary 4 PE days!

Primary 4 have had a great first week back.  The children have started a new topic all about magnets and have enjoyed some of the experiments we have carried out so far.

I have made a change to PE days.  These will be on a Monday and Thursday so children should come dressed for PE on these days.

Homework is now being attached to our TEAMS page so be sure to check for updated homework tasks/activities for the week on a Monday.  Reading books will be attached on Bug Club.  There will be no hard copy of the text being sent home.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Movie Choice!

The primary 4 children had a vote in class today, for the movie they would like to watch tomorrow during our movie/PJ day and have chosen the live action version of Aladdin!  This is a PG, so if any parent would not like their child to watch the above movie, contact the school and we can make other arrangements for your child during our movie time.

Check back later for some photos from Dean Park today

Easter Extravaganza Week

Mount Carmel Primary is organising a special Easter Extravaganza for the children l to help raise money for SCIAF, a charity that is very close to the heart of our school.

This will take place on the week beginning Monday 29th March.  There will be a special theme for each day and we are asking for a £1 donation to take place on ParentPay for each item.

Monday 29th March – Silly Shoes and Socks

Tuesday 30th March – Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday 31st March – Decorated egg competition (please bring a decorated egg to school, one winner will be announced per class).

There will also be a special Easter raffle for each class.  Raffle tickets can be purchased via ParentPay – £1 for 5 tickets.  Each class raffle will be drawn on Thursday 1st April.

Our Magic Mount Carmel Theme Day will take place on Thursday 1st April (no donation for this).  Our theme day will be a pyjama and movie day.

Each class will also enjoy a Spring Walk to Dean Park.  A letter and permission form has been issued today.

Additional activites week beginning 8th March

As we continue with this period of remote learning if you are looking for some additional activities for your child then please follow these links:

Lockdown Live

Additional activities with links to videos – this week focuses on mystery objects, learning French numbers and Space.

Thinglink – Primary 4

Click on the icons in the picture to find lots of new and exciting activities

Thinglink – Primary 5-7

Click on the icons in the picture to find lots of new and exciting activities

Additional activities for P4-7 week beginning 1st March

As we continue with this period of remote learning if you are looking for some additional activities for your child then please follow these links:

Lockdown Live

Additional activities with links to videos – this week focuses on mystery objects, learning French numbers and Space.

Thinglink – Primary 4

Click on the icons in the picture to find lots of new and exciting activities

Thinglink – Primary 5-7

Click on the icons in the picture to find lots of new and exciting activities

Additional Tasks – BBC Bitesize

If you are looking for some additional activities for your child please follow this link to BBC Bitesize.  Here you will find lots of different activities for a wide range of areas and extension tasks for Literacy and Numeracy.

It is a superb resource and is recommended for use by Education Scotland.

BBC Bitesize

Week Beginning 18/01/21

Good morning Primary 4.

The work you require for today has been set on our primary 4 Teams page.  If you check your glow email account, you will see that I sent everyone a video last week, showing you how to access Teams and where to find the assigned daily tasks. If you haven’t watched this video yet, can I ask that you do so now as this will assist you in accessing the tasks to complete.

To access the tasks, go to files in Teams, then class materials folder. In the class materials folder, the work is broken down by curricullar area folders, then sorted into group tasks.  If anyone is still not sure which group work to access, please let me know and I can remind you.

Best of luck today,

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Tasks (Friday 15th January)

Hi again Primary 4.

Here are your tasks for Friday 15th January. I would like you to do 1 spelling task, 1 listening and talking task, 1 core maths task and 1 mental maths task.


Suns wordsearch 15 Jan

Moon wordsearch 15 Jan

Stars and Rainbows wordsearch 15th Jan

clouds wordsearch 15 Jan

As well as the attached word search with your own spelling words and common words, there are a few Viking related words thrown in there too.  If you are able to print this, that’s great but if not, see if you can find the words just by looking on the screen.

Listen & Talking

Friday 15th January


Circles Maths Task Fri 15th Jan

Rectangles Task Fri 15th Jan (page 2)

Squares Task Fri 15th Jan (page 2 and 3)

Mental Maths

Friday 15th January (Circles Rectangles)

Friday 15th January (Squares)


IDL task Friday 15th Jan

Well done on all the good work you have completed so far.  I am very impressed! Take care,

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 tasks (Thursday 14th January)

Hi Primary 4

Here are your tasks for tomorrow (Thurs 14th Jan).  They have been assigned in our Teams page too, but I have attached a copy here for those who have any issues with Teams.

I’d like you to complete: 1 spelling task, 1 writing task, 1 maths task and 1 mental maths task.


Suns Thurs 14th January

Moon Thurs 14th January

Stars Thurs 14th January

Rainbows Thurs 14th January

Clouds Thurs 14th January


Writing Thurs 14th January

Core Maths

Circles Maths Thurs 14th Jan

Rectangles Task Thur 14th Jan (page 1)

Squares Task Thurs 14th Jan (page 1)

Mental Maths

Thursday 14th January (Circles Rectangles)

Thursday 14th January (Squares)

Good Luck, stay safe and take care!

Mrs Travers



Primary 4 Daily Teams Tasks

Hello Primary 4.  Well done those of you who have been accessing work and keeping in touch with me either by email or through our Teams page.  The work I have received so far has been of really good quality, so well done to all of you!

From tomorrow (Wednesday 13th January) I will be uploading daily tasks on our Teams page.  It will be presented differently to the grid format you received at the start of the week.  I will post instructions daily on what tasks are to be completed and where to find these tasks.

In case there are any issues with Teams tomorrow, I thought I would upload the tasks to be completed tomorrow, on our Blog so as you can easily access the work needed.

Tomorrow every pupil will complete 1 spelling and 1 reading task.  These will be issued in literacy group tasks, so make sure you know which group you work with.  Books have already been assigned on Bug Club.

You will also complete 1 core maths task and 1 mental maths task.  These will also be issued in maths group tasks, so again make sure you know which group you work with.

There is also a whole class IDL task I’d like you to try if you complete all other maths and literacy tasks.  See below for tasks:


Suns Wed 13th January

Moon Wed 13th January

Stars Wed 13th January

Rainbows Wed 13th January

Clouds Wed 13th January


100 square Square Task Wed 13th Jan (to be used with square group task)

Square Task Wed 13th Jan

Rectangles Maths Task Wed 13th Jan  (page 1 only)

Circles Maths Task Wed 13th Jan  (page 1 only)

Mental Maths 

Wednesday 13th January (Circles Rectangles)

Wednesday 13th January (Squares)


IDL task 1 Wed 13th Jan

I am hoping to send out an email to all children via Glow this evening with a walk through video of how to access Teams and where to find the tasks once you have reached the Teams page.  Please ask children to check Glow later this evening or tomorrow morning and this should support pupils in accessing all materials through our Teams page.

Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate a new format for daily tasks.  Hopefully there will not be too many teething problems and please contact me via email if you are having any issues at all.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Travers

Reminder Please access Teams today

A reminder that as of Wednesday 13th January all activities for children in P3-7 will only be accessible through Teams.

Please make sure that your child has logged in to Teams today and is able to access the resources.

Further guidance on how to do this can be found in our dedicated IT issues section.

If you require a password or have a different enquiry please  use the Contact Us form

Access Glow Teams Request

As you are aware Primary 3-7 from Wednesday 13th January will use the Glow app Teams to receive work on a daily basis.  We ask that all children access Glow and Teams on Monday/Tuesday.  When the are on Teams they should see their class Team.  All children should post a message to their teacher.

Please follow this link for a guide to using Teams.  Please be aware that this has not been produced by the school.  The first two minutes is the most helpful.

If you are unsure of this please use the IT issues area of the school website for support.

Primary 4 Task Grid

Happy New Year to all our children and parents/carers.  I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break.  It is unfortunate that we can not all be together in school again as this new term starts, however we will work hard to make sure all children can continue with their learning.

You will find the grid with tasks for Monday (11th January) and Tuesday (12th January) attached to this post.  This will also be on our Primary 4 Teams page too.

I am available on email if you have any questions or concerns about your child or the tasks to be completed. Please email me with any questions at

P4 School Closure 11th-12th January 2021 (task grid – Monday tasks are highlighted in blue and Tuesday tasks are in green)

Monday 11th January (mental maths questions)

Tuesday 12th January (mental maths questions)


I will attach work for subsequent days on a daily basis from Wednesday 13th January.  This will be on our Teams page and children should check they know which spelling/reading and maths groups they work with, so as to know which folders to look in to find daily tasks.  Please email me if your child is unsure and I can give you this information.

I look forward to hearing from you next week and seeing some of your hard work.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Travers

Christmas Party Day

Today our children all had a fantastic Christmas Party day.  This was made extra special with a delivery of 30 Dominoes Pizzas. Thank you to a very kind parent who donated this for our fabulous day.




Wow! What a busy few weeks Primary 4 have had. Lots of fabulous Viking topic work, creating shields and writing in Viking runes, our Christmas video preparations, Christmas crafts and Viking long boat presentations. We also had a beautiful class service with Father Martin.

I am so proud of all the hard work and fun we have had. We have been investigating the properties of 3D shape, looking at shapes we can stack and nets to create fabulous Christmas decorations. The creations have been amazing and the pupils have worked their socks off to put together some fabulous models and our Christmas video too. I can’t wait for parents/carers to see all the great work that has been done.

Here is some of the great work that has taken place. Well done Primary 4!

As always, take care and stay safe,

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 make Viking Brooches

Our  Viking activities continued today, with Primary 4 getting busy designing and making their very own Viking brooches.  The children took some time to think about what they wanted their brooch to look like, drawing their design and thinking about colour and pattern.

Later, we made our brooches using card and foil and applying their  design to the brooch.  I think Primary 4 made a fantastic job of their brooches, with lots of wonderful ideas coming to life on their hand made brooch.  Well done, you are stars!!!

Some children have yet to finish their brooch and I will update with more photos once our display is complete.

We had a fabulous Rainbow Reward day with lots of bright clothing and fun activities in class and outside.  Enjoy your weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mrs Travers

Primary 4 Long Houses

Primary 4 have been enjoying our new topic of the Vikings and learning lots about where Vikings came from,  where they travelled to, why they raided British towns and what life was like in a Viking village.

Our focus recently has been looking at the living conditions inside a Viking long house and the children worked in groups to design, plan and build their own long house models.

I think the results are pretty fantastic as you can see from the photographs below.  The team work displayed in class was fantastic too.

I am really looking forward to seeing the results of our homework challenge, to build a Viking Long Boat at home with the family!  Have fun kids and I am sure some of your parents are more excited about this challenge than some of you!!

Take Care ( and remember your rainbow colours tomorrow!)

Mrs Travers

Our First Live Assembly


assembly-clipart-school-assembly-color | Windsor Elementary School

All of the children were able to take part today in our first full Live Assembly.  Mrs McConville and Mrs Fergusson shared our certificate winners from last week and some photographs of things that were happening around the school.  Each class then got to say hello to each of the other classes.  Next time we look forward to showing off our Christmas Tree and have a special message from  Primary 6/7.


Tier 4 Restrictions

Due to yesterday’s Scottish Government announcements regarding Tier 4 restrictions our planned class Masses can no longer go ahead. We hope to be able to reschedule these as soon as guidelines allow.

Also, we now have to revert back to PE taking place outdoors only. Please ensure that pupils are still coming to school appropriately dressed on their PE days.

Thank you.

Primary 4 Term 2 overview

Hello and welcome to our blog post for term 2.  Primary 4 have had a busy first term, looking at our mini topics on animal classifications and deforestation.  Children have been working hard in literacy and numeracy within their group and are ready to move on to our new topics within each curricular area.


Our reading and spelling activities from term 1 will continue as children focus on their Bug Club reading texts, recognising spelling sounds and phonics within these texts and using their awareness and strategies to tackle unfamiliar words.  Reading with expression and fluency will also be a focus whilst using our skills to make appropriate predictions about the text whilst giving reasons for reaching this understanding.

Whilst children have a good grasp of the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts, children will take these skills forward, being able to use key words to locate relevant information from a range of books useful for our topic.  They will be able to find, sort and organise information related to specific tasks within fiction and non-fiction texts and make notes in own words that will be used as the basis for their writing.  In writing our focus will be on extending sentences and paragraph length, whilst using interesting openers and connectives to join sentences and a wide range of descriptive words.


Our focus in maths is number and number processes, focussing on place value and partitioning numbers to understand the column value.  Those working within the circle and rectangle maths groups will be focussing on numbers up to 9,999 and addition and subtraction strategies when dealing with 4 digit numbers. Those in the square group will continue to develop an understanding of 3 digit numbers, whilst making the link between multiplication and division.  Division will be the focus for this group and developing strategies to help with division problems.

Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and developing strategies for any number problems.  We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board!


Health & Wellbeing

All children have had the opportunity to be pupil of the day and enjoy wearing the special sticker and privileges that come with this.  We will continue with this so as each child have the opportunity again in term 2. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.  We now have a bank of strategies to support us when we feel uncomfortable, and these emotions will continue to be explored as we reach a deeper understanding of how these feelings can impact on us and how to seek help or support.

In P.E, our sessions will continue to take place outside where possible, on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon, however we can now access the hall once per week and indoor sessions will commence soon.  Our focus will be on developing racquet skills further through badminton/tennis and on fitness, building stamina and strength through a variety of exercises.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be the sacraments as children prepare for their Confirmation and First Holy Communion.  We will look at the Sacrament of Baptism and how this is the starting point in our journey with God. The booklets which support First Holy Communion will be issued, later in term 2, to those pupils who are taking part, and there will be activities for parents to complete at home with their child.  This will also be our in-class focus, so children fully understand each of the Sacraments and their importance in their relationship with God.


Our topics for term 2 will be ‘The Vikings in Scotland’ and ‘Food Chains and Webs’ in science.  The focus in our Viking topic will be to look at Viking life, society, and class systems.  We will explore Viking Gods as well as look at the impact of the Vikings in Scotland. In science, understanding food chains and food webs of animals from different environments and ecosystems across the globe, will be the focus.  We will also examine the impacts human beings are having on food chains too.

We hope this is the start of another successful term as we navigate the continued impact of the pandemic on our lives.  Please be assured we will continue to keep things as normal as possible for our children, despite the different restrictions in place.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Face Coverings

As of tomorrow, following reviewed national guidance, all staff are now required to wear face coverings more often during the school day.

We know that this might be upsetting for some children. Staff will ensure that pupils are supported in adapting to this change and will reassure them that it not something to worry about. We would appreciate if you could also discuss this at home.

Thank you, as always, for your support.


Primary 4 Class Novel Activities

Primary 4 have recently finished studying our class novel ‘Horton Hears a Who’.  The pupils discussed the setting, the characters, and the message the novel was giving to its readers.  They began to appreciate and understand that ‘a person’s a person, no matter how small.’  This was considered in relation to all of God’s living things.

The pupils created their own pieces of writing, imagining what a visit to Who-Ville would be like, considering carefully how they would shrink small enough to visit and describing well what they saw and who they met on ‘the tiny speck of dust.’

The learning continued outside, through outdoor learning opportunities, where pupils searched to identify the smallest living thing they could find in and around the school grounds.  They also created their own transient art pieces, using natural materials to make beautiful scenes from Who-Ville!