Primary 4 tasks (Thursday 14th January)

Hi Primary 4

Here are your tasks for tomorrow (Thurs 14th Jan).  They have been assigned in our Teams page too, but I have attached a copy here for those who have any issues with Teams.

I’d like you to complete: 1 spelling task, 1 writing task, 1 maths task and 1 mental maths task.


Suns Thurs 14th January

Moon Thurs 14th January

Stars Thurs 14th January

Rainbows Thurs 14th January

Clouds Thurs 14th January


Writing Thurs 14th January

Core Maths

Circles Maths Thurs 14th Jan

Rectangles Task Thur 14th Jan (page 1)

Squares Task Thurs 14th Jan (page 1)

Mental Maths

Thursday 14th January (Circles Rectangles)

Thursday 14th January (Squares)

Good Luck, stay safe and take care!

Mrs Travers