All posts by Mr BERTONCINI

P7 Term 1 Curriculum Update

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P7 blog! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation and I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P7 who have settled well into the routine of school.

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focussing on a novel study, The Wilderness War by Julia Green. We will continue to develop our Active Literacy comprehension skills using the book as a context for learning.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, HWB and plenty of outdoor learning.  As a result, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the colder months.

For writing, we are concentrating on descriptive pieces using a variety of figurative language such as similes, alliteration, and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by working on place value before moving onto addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to develop their mental Number Talk strategies on a daily basis.

The class are also working on estimating and rounding skills with Mrs Terras and will be developing their knowledge of numeracy in the wider world as well as aspects of money.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning.  P7 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We are also investigating the relationship of diet, rest and sleep upon our mental health and looking at ways we can relax and improve brain function.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday and appropriate clothes must be brought in on those days to participate.  I have spoken to the class about personal hygiene and some pupils may wish to bring in deodorant or a roll-on on these days.


As our novel study is The Wilderness War, we will be looking at environmental issues for our topic.  We will be looking at the damage of single use plastics and what can be done about it.  We will also investigate the Leave No Trace campaign to conserve natural areas.


P7 will continue to complete their journal for the Pope Francis Faith Award as well as reading from the New Testament.  We will be looking at the life of Jesus and how he associated with those who were marginalised in society.


P7 will be looking at vocabulary associated with saying where you live and describing different places.


This term P7 will access and use more features of Glow, attach files to emails, save work to cloud locations and retrieve files using search functions.


Together the class have created their class charter and looked at the rights they are entitled to.  As rights holders, the pupils have discussed the responsibilities they have to maintain in order to protect these rights.  As class rules, the class have chosen 4 Articles to focus on:  The right to be safe; the right to rest, relax and play; the right to be healthy; and the right to be heard.

I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini


P7 Curricular Update Term 4

Summer is nearly here and we’re into our last term.  The last term for our P7’s.  Where has the time gone?!  Here is a brief overview of our learning this term.


We are continuing to develop all reading skills through a variety of guided reading texts.  As part of our show, we will also be looking at texts and songs from Matilda.  We will be building on learning from the previous term where we looked at the main idea and aim to develop that into summarising texts and passages.  For writing, we are looking at recount and report writing.  For spelling, the Suns will continue to look at suffixes and how they change the meaning of words.  The Moons and Stars will continue to focus on core phonemes with their different representations.  Our grammar will be looking at using apostrophes and other punctuation.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on algebra and number patterns.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes as part of our daily routine.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs Smith and will be investigating measurement and time.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­continuing to develop and use de-escalation techniques during conflicts as well as looking at transitions.  Pupil of the Day will also continue as will our Do Be Mindful activities, exploring mindfulness and developing more mechanisms for dealing with stress and appreciating the things we have.

Our PE days continue to be on a Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will be first playing cricket enhancing our throwing, catching and fielding skills.  We will also be participating in athletics activities in preparation for Sports Day.

IDL/Summer Show

The topic this term is looking at enterprise with a focus on our summer show.   Preparations are already underway for the upper school show.  Pupils will be participating in lots of drama, art, technology and enterprising activities to make the show a success.  Keep your eyes peeled for further updates of our show.


This term we will be aiming to complete God’s Loving Plan activities.  As this subject is sensitive, please discuss these issues with your child at home.

We will also look at Pentecost and the New Covenant.


Mrs SMith will continue teaching French with P7.  Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on the French culture and other French speaking countries.


I look forward to working with P7 in their final term at primary school.

Mr Bertoncini






P7 Curricular update – Term 3

Happy New Year to you all and I hope Santa was good to you! And so we enter P7’s final year at primary!!  Good to see all the pupils back after the holidays, refreshed and ready to learn.  Here is a brief overview of our learning focus this term.


This term we will continue to develop reading skills through a non-fiction class book.  We will also be reading texts to identify fact and opinion and discuss the reliability of sources of information.  For writing, we are concentrating on persuasive texts until the February holiday then look at discussion writing, focussing on topical debates.  For spelling, the Suns will continue to look at prefixes and how they change the meaning of words.  The Moons and Stars will continue to focus on core phonemes with their different representations.  Our grammar will be looking at using topic sentences in paragraphs and using formal language in texts.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on fractions, decimals and percentages and how they interlink.  Having completed the set Number Talk discussions, we will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes.  The class are also working on skills beyond number and will be investigating data handling.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at respect and how to deal with conflicts and identifying positive steps to de-escalate situations.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring risk taking behaviour including substance misuse and practise basic first aid procedures.

We will be first concentrating on gymnastics looking at combing our skills in to creating a short sequence of manoeuvres.  We also aim to develop our team game skills through netball where we will understand different roles within the team.


The topic this term is investigating Land Uses with emphasis on business and tourism.  Pupils will be investigating local tourist attractions and how land around us is used.  Children will also look at using the land in a sustainable way and what steps they can take to live in a more eco-friendly way.


This term we will be aiming to complete our Pope Francis Faith Award journals, revising all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and giving evidence of them being used in the school, at home and in the community or Parish.  As well as this, there will be a final reflection on how the Gifts will help support them as they develop and grow.


Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on describing pets as well as their likes and dislikes.



This term P7 will look at coding and understand its importance within society.  We will use block coding software to program small digital devices and explore various commands to create games and move characters within games.


I look forward to working with P7 in their final year and will enjoy accompanying them on their trip to Lockerbie this term.

Mr Bertoncini






P7 Term 2 Curriculum Update

Hello again everyone.  Christmas is already on the horizon, where does the time go!?  Here is a brief update of our learning focus this term.



After reading our class novel last term, we now aim to develop Active Literacy strategies through Bug Club guided reading texts, paying particular attention to non-fiction features.  There will be a focus on paraphrasing and summarising as well as continuing to explore and develop answering and asking a variety of question types. For writing, we are concentrating on response pieces, giving our opinion and reviewing short videos.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work. The Suns are developing their knowledge of metalinguistics by looking at prefixed words.  The Moons and Stars will further enhance their knowledge of different phoneme representations.



This term our numeracy focus is on multiplication and division incorporating decimals.  Towards the end of term we will make the link with division and fractions and begin to look at fractions in more detail.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies related to multiplication and division.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and will be continuing to develop skills in calculating and naming angles.


Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at study skills before moving on to working on resolving conflicts.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day. We are also continuing to explore food and dietary requirements of people and factors which influence food choices.

For our PE, Kilmarnock Football Club will be visiting to deliver some football sessions.  Our other PE day we will be focussing on gymnastics where we will develop our knowledge and execution of shapes, jumps, turns, balances and rolls.  We will also spend a short time looking at traditional Scottish dances.




Our topic this term is science based and is space and its forces.  We will be investigating the planets in our Solar System, famous astronauts, phases of the moon, gravity and magnetism and the importance of the International Space Station.  We will also look at how technology has advanced since the moon landings and explore Elon Musk’s Space X programme as well as Virgin Galactic.


In the month of November P7’s will be looking at the lives of Saints and understand that this month is dedicated to remembering the dead.  We will also investigate the notion of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.  We will also look at the period of Advent focussing on the story from different Gospels and how Jews were waiting for a saviour.  During this term we will also complete activities related to our Pope Francis Faith Award.



This term P7 will access 3D graphics programme and use Tinkercad to create a variety of 3D designs.  We will also use this to create things for our Christmas Fayre so keep your eyes peeled for our designs ready for sale!


Mr Bertoncini






P7 Term 1 Update

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P7 blog! I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday.  I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P7 who have settled well into the school routine and are enjoying being the top of the school!

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focussing on a novel study, The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, Social Studies and Technology.  We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills through our use of all ALP reading strategies with a particular focus on summarising and identifying the main idea

For writing, we are concentrating on descriptive writing:  Giving detailed descriptions using similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by looking at place value.  We will soon be moving into addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to take part in daily mental activities such as number talks where they aim to use a variety of mental strategies to achieve the solution.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of angles.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning. P7 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We will continue to revise the steps of the Problem Solving guide and aim to apply it in situations independently.  We are also investigating the different diets people have due to allergies, intolerances and religious reasons.

For PE, we have participated in team games concentrating on how important communication and teamwork is in order to be successful.  P7 will shortly begin our block of badminton aiming to develop their racquet skills, learn the rules and take part in small competitive games.


Our topic this term is World War 2.  This ties in closely with our novel study.  We will investigate how the war began, key events in the war (D Day, The Battle of Britain and The Blitz) and how people helped the war effort.  We will be using other curricular areas, such as literacy and technology, to help us understand and research this topic.  P7 have also been watching news clips, information bulletins and listening to music from the 1940s to get into the mind set of Brits during the war.




This term P7 will access and use more features of Glow, attach files to emails, save work to cloud locations and retrieve files using search functions.  We will also have an input from East Ayrshire IT department on how to use and access Chromebooks.


P7 will continue to complete their journal for the Pope Francis Faith Award as well as reading from the New Testament.  We will be looking at the life of Jesus and how he associated with those who were marginalised in society.


I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini


P7 Curriculum Update Term 4

Summer is nearly here and we’re into our last term.  The last term for our P7’s.  Where has the time gone?!  Here is a brief overview of our learning this term.


We are continuing to develop all reading skills through Bug Club guided reading texts but paying attention to summarising.  For writing, we are looking at responding to texts and will be conducting reviews of things we watch and read and giving personal opinions.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on algebra, number patterns and time.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes as part of our daily routine.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon and will be investigating measurement.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­continuing to develop and use de-escalation techniques during conflicts as well as looking at transitions.  Pupil of the Day will also continue.

Our PE days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday.  We will be first playing cricket enhancing our throwing, catching and fielding skills.  We will also be participating in athletics activities in preparation for Sports Day.


The topic this term is politics.  We will be investigating how laws are made, the role of an MP and identifying the main political parties and some of their policies.  We will also receive a visit from MP Alan Brown for a Q and A with the class.


This term we will be aiming to complete God’s Loving Plan activities.  As this subject is sensitive, please discuss these issues with your child at home.


Mrs MacKinnon will continue teaching French with P7.  Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on the French culture and other French speaking countries.


Summer Show

Preparations are already underway for the upper school show.  Pupils will be participating in lots of drama, art, technology and enterprising activities to make the show a success.  Keep your eyes peeled for further updates of our show

Mr Bertoncini






P7 Term 3 Curricular Update

Happy New Year and I hope Santa was good to you all. And so we enter P7’s final year at primary!!  Good to see all the pupils back after the holidays considering so many had been unfortunately unwell shortly before the break.  Here is a brief overview of our learning focus this term.


Our focus this term will continue to develop all reading skills through Bug Club guided reading texts.  We will also be reading texts to identify fact and opinion and discuss the reliability of sources of information.   We will also be looking at Scots language and poems.  For writing, we are concentrating on discussion texts (discursive essays) until the February holiday then look at the narrative genre with a particular focus on using dialogue to advance the story.


The emphasis of our numeracy this term is on fractions, decimals and percentages and how they interlink.  Having completed the set Number Talk discussions, we will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies using all four processes.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon and will be investigating data handling.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at respect and how to deal with conflicts and identifying positive steps to de-escalate situations.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring risk taking behaviour including substance misuse and practise basic first aid procedures.

Our PE days will now be a Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will be first concentrating on fun fitness, creating personal fitness plans and setting personal goals.  We also aim to develop our team game skills through netball where we will understand different roles within the team.


The topic this term is Scottish based and is looking at the Highland Clearances.  We will be investigating important historical figures involved in the event, how people lived during that time and the mass emigration from the Highland area.


This term we will be aiming to complete our Pope Francis Faith Award journals, revising all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and giving evidence of them being used in the school, at home and in the community or Parish.  As well as this, there will be a final reflection on how the Gifts will help support them as they develop and grow.


Mrs MacKinnon will continue teaching French with P7.  Through a range of talking, listening, reading and writing tasks, this term the focus will be on describing the weather and looking in to current affairs within France as well as using the verb etre (to be).



This term P7 will look at coding and understand its importance within society.  We will use block coding software to program small digital devices and explore various commands to create games and move characters within games.


I look forward to working with P7 in their final year and will enjoy accompanying them on their trip to Lockerbie this term.

Mr Bertoncini






P7 Term 2 Curricular Update

Hello again everyone.  Here we are in term 2 with Halloween just gone and Christmas already on the horizon, where does the time go!  Here is a brief update of our learning focus this term.


After reading our class novel last term, we now aim to develop Active Literacy strategies through Bug Club guided reading texts.  There will be a particular focus on paraphrasing and identifying the man idea as well as continuing to explore and improve answering and asking a variety of question types. For writing, we are concentrating on report writing and aim to use these skills on a topic that interests them.


This term our numeracy focus is on multiplication and division incorporating aspects of fractions decimals and percentages.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies related to multiplication and division.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon will be investigating the concept of measuring and naming different angles and applying them to real life contexts in the form of bearings.

Health and Wellbeing

The PATHS focus this term is ­­­­­­­­­looking at organisation skills before moving on to working on resolving conflicts.  We will also continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring food and dietary requirements of people and factors which influence food choices.  We will also be investigating different nutrients groups and the importance of each.

For our PE, we will be visiting Ayrshire College on Wednesdays and participating in outdoor activities.  In school, our other PE day will be a Tuesday where we will be focussing on gymnastics.  We will develop our knowledge and execution of shapes, jumps, turns, balances and rolls and even try some mini parkour!  We will also spend a short time looking at traditional Scottish dances.


Our topic this term is science based and is forces and friction.  We will be investigating the life of Sir Isaac Newton and his 3 laws of motion and discovery of gravity.  We will also be conducting some scientific experiments and discussing fair testing and hypothesising.


In the month of November P7’s will be looking at the lives of Saints and understand that this month is dedicated to remembering the dead.  We will also investigate the notion of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.  We will also look at the period of Advent focussing on the story from different Gospels and how Jews were waiting for a saviour


After getting the opportunity to work with Mrs Donaghy from St Joseph’s, Mrs MacKinnon will now carry on the French with P7.  This term the focus will be on conversations around food as well as talking about which country someone is from.


This term P7 will access 3D graphics programme and use tinkercad to create a variety of 3D designs.  We will also use this to create things for our Christmas Fayre so keep your eyes peeled for our designs ready for sale!

I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

A quick reminder that we will be going outside often, therefore, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the winter.


Mr Bertoncini






P7 Curriculum update

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P7 blog! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation and I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P7 who have settled well into the routine of school.

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focussing on a novel study, The Wilderness War by Julia Green. We will continue to develop our Active Literacy comprehension skills using the book as a context for learning.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, HWB and plenty of outdoor learning.  As a result, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the colder months.

For writing, we are concentrating on descriptive pieces using a variety of figurative language such as similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by investigating a mini money topic.  We will soon be working on place value before moving onto addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to develop their mental Number Talk strategies on a daily basis.

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McGregor and are currently developing their knowledge of quadrilaterals and properties of other shapes.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning.  P7 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We are also investigating the relationship of diet, rest and sleep upon our mental health and looking at ways we can relax and improve brain function.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and appropriate clothes must be brought in on those days to participate.  I have spoken to the class about personal hygiene and some pupils may wish to bring in deodorant or a roll-on on these days.


As our novel study is The Wilderness War, we will be looking at environmental issues for our topic.  We will be looking at the damage of single use plastics and what can be done about it.  We will also investigate the Leave No Trace campaign to conserve natural areas.




P7 will continue to complete their journal for the Pope Francis Faith Award as well as reading from the New Testament.  We will be looking at the life of Jesus and how he associated with those who were marginalised in society.


P7 will continue to work with Mrs Donaghy from St Joseph’s for French for a 6 week block covering basic greetings, weather, and likes and dislikes.


This term P7 will access and use more features of Glow, attach files to emails, save work to cloud locations and retrieve files using search functions.


I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini


New House Captains

Before the holidays, Mount Carmel chose their new House Captains and Vice’s for the coming year.  Congratulations to Harry, Sophie, Skye, Maia, Kinga, Alfie, Megan and Emily.  After receiving their badges at Friday’s assembly they all said they are looking forward to carrying out all their responsibilities this year.

Well done and good luck.

P7 Term 3 Update Jan-Apr

Happy New Year everyone and hopefully you had an enjoyable Christmas break and Santa was good to you!  Here is a brief outline of our learning this term.


Our focus this term is narrative writing.  We will be looking at plot within stories and how they are constructed as well as how dialogue moves the story forward.  There will also be input on how stories can be started effectively to grasp the readers attention.   All reading groups will continue to develop use of Active Literacy strategies through Bug Club reading books.  The Blue reading group will explore their comprehension through Literature Circles.  For Talking and Listening we will be looking to use gestures and notes to assist our presentation.


Mental strategies will continue to be explored through our daily Number Talks, with the Circles accessing the Daily Rigour Newspaper.  Focus will continue to remain on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages before moving on to number patterns, expressions and equations.  For Beyond Number, the class will be investigating coordinates and data handling.


In PATHS this term we will look at respect and how it can be demonstrated in all situations: at home, in school and in the community.  P7 have been discussing this recently in relation to their playground behaviour.  We will look at different cultures to explore how people all over the world live and discuss our differences with respect.

Our PE unit for this term will be fitness and netball.  In fitness, we will learn about different muscle groups and various exercises to work them.  For netball, we will explore working as a team as well as reflecting on their individual role within the game.


Our topic for this term will look at land use and sustainability.  Specifically, we will focus on the 5 R’s (refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle) and discover ways we can reduce our carbon footprint.   We will also investigate some global goals that the government has set out in order to make the country more sustainable.  Children will also investigate the debate between developing land and conservation using real life case studies.

Mr Bertoncini

Primary 7 Term 2 Update

Hello again everyone.  Here we are in term 2 with Halloween already on the horizon and Christmas not long after.  Where does the time go!  Here is a brief update of our learning focus this term.



After reading our class novel last term, we now aim to develop Active Literacy strategies through Bug Club guided reading texts.  There will be a particular focus on paraphrasing as well as continuing to explore and improve answering and asking a variety of question types. For writing, we are concentrating on persuasive pieces and aim to use these skills in a real life context (hopefully with the same outcome as last year’s letters).  So look forward to your child discussing topics, debating effectively and becoming even more convincing in getting what they want!


This term our numeracy focus is on multiplication and division incorporating aspects of fractions decimals and percentages.  We will continue to use Number Talk strategies to develop mental strategies related to multiplication and division.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs MacKinnon will be investigating the concept of probability.

Health and Wellbeing

We will look at various focus from our PATHS resource and continue to praise and compliment children through Pupil of the Day.  We are also exploring substance misuse in the form of alcohol, looking at different types, the recommend daily limit and how it affects the body.

For our PE, we will be visiting Ayrshire College on Wednesdays and participating in outdoor activities.  In school, we will be focussing on gymnastics where we will develop our knowledge and execution of shapes, jumps, turns, balances and rolls.  We will also spend a short time looking at traditional Scottish dances.


Our topic this term is science based and is space and its forces.  We will be investigating the planets in our Solar System, famous astronauts, phases of the moon, gravity and magnetism and the importance of the International Space Station.  We will also look at how technology has advanced since the moon landings and explore Elon Musk’s Space X programme as well as Virgin Galactic.

Mr Bertoncini






Primary 7 Term 1 Overview

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P7 blog! I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation.  I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P7 who have settled well into the school routine and are enjoying being the top of the school!

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focussing on a novel study, The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, Social Studies and Technology.  We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills through our use of all ALP reading strategies with a particular focus on summarising and identifying the main idea

For writing, we are concentrating on descriptive writing:  Giving detailed descriptions using similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by looking at place value.  We will soon be moving into addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to take part in daily mental activities such as number talks where they aim to use a variety of mental strategies to achieve the solution.  The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs Fergusson and are currently developing their knowledge of angles.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning. P7 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We will continue to revise the steps of the Problem Solving guide and aim to apply it in situations independently.  We are also investigating the different diets people have due to allergies, intolerances and religious reasons.

For PE, we have participated in team games concentrating on how important communication and teamwork is in order to be successful.  We have also begun our block of rugby which is delivered by Kilmarnock Rugby Club.  P7 have also started to develop their badminton skills and are beginning to learn to rules and take part in small competitive games.


Our topic this term is World War 2.  This ties in closely with our novel study.  We will investigate how the war began, key events in the war (D Day and The Blitz) and how people helped the war effort.  We will be using other curricular areas, such as literacy and technology, to help us understand and research this topic.  P7 have also been watching news clips and information bulletins from the 1940s to get into the mind set of Brits during the war.

I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini


P7 activity week

The Primary 7s  enjoyed this fun week. All the activities were great and everyone loved them. Firstly we got to do bubble football then had the Dean Park visit, bowling+movie, yearbook+ leavers assembly video and of course pizza, a special Mount Carmel Funday and lastly we got to go to Crawfordland Estate. Also thanks to Mrs McConville and FOMC for organising. These pictures document what we have done during our fun week:by: May and Evie




P6/7 Termly update

I can’t believe we’re into the summer term already!  I was delighted to see all the children back at school safe and well after Easter.  P6/7 have had a busy time since our return to school following lockdown restrictions.  Below is an overview of the teaching and learning for the final term 


Children will continue to use Bug Club resources for reading.  We will  be focusing on fully justifying answers using the Point, Evidence, Explanation method.  Spelling activities will continue with children focusing on their identified root words, phonemes, suffixes and prefixes.   We will also access Giglets texts to focus on higher order thinking skills.

In writing, the focus for this term will be narrative with a focus on dialogue to advance the story.  We will also look at direct and indirect speech.


For the Circles, our focus in maths this term is time, data handling and beginning to tackle algebra.  The Rectangles will develop their understanding of percentages and the relationship between fractions, decimals.  They will also look at different forms of measurement.  Squares will be investigating  2D and 3D shape as well as division.  The Triangles will continue to work on subtraction and identify properties of 2D and 3D shape.


We will continue to follow the PATHS programme and all children have had experience of being Pupil of the Day.  We have had many good learning discussions about how to resolve conflicts with others, make friends and improve self esteem – skills which will stand them in good stead as they progress and grow.

We will also look at the world of work, creating skills profiles and identifying careers and setting goals for the future.  They will also participate in mock interviews for jobs.

For PE, we have been focusing on team work and playing a variety of games and activities to demonstrate the skills.  We will also be playing outdoor field games and begin to look at orienteering.


This term P6/7 have looked closer at the Passion of Christ.  In particular, The Stations of the Cross and the role Pontius Pilate played in the fate of Jesus,  As May is the month of Mary, we will also recite The Rosary.

We will also be coming on to discuss sensitive issues in God’s Loving Plan.


The last topic for this term is Politics.  Children will identify the key party leaders,  investigate how laws are made and discover how to become a politician.  We plan to have mini debates within class and have a democratic vote to decide a winner!

If any parents/carers still have pre-election flyers, I would be grateful if you could send them into school.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Mr Bertoncini

P6/7 Home Learning Friday 15th Jan

Hello P6/7, Friday is here and the first week back of the new term has almost already passed.  Please see below your activities for today.  There is also a mystery item activity on Teams.  I am in the school today so I will not be able to respond to your emails or questions quickly.

Enjoy your weekend when it rolls around and I will be in touch with you on Monday.

Mr Bertoncini

15th Jan Task Grid

Circles 15th Jan

New beginnings IDL task

Rect 15th Jan

Squares 15th Jan

Triangles 15th Jan

P6/7 Daily Tasks – Wednesday 13th Jan

Hi P6/7.  Well done those of you who have been accessing work and keeping in touch with me either by email or through our Teams page.  I have already received lots of your work which is great, so keep it up.

Below you will find the links to the daily tasks.  It will also be uploaded onto the  Teams page.  There are two numeracy activities,  two literacy activities and an IDL task.  If you have any questions or problems, email me or contact me via our Teams page.

Mr Bertoncini

1st Level Rigour Calendar

2nd Level Rigour Calendar

13th Jan Wed Task Grid

Goal Setting IDL 13th Jan

Circles Numeracy 13 Jan

Rectangles Numeracy 13th Jan

Squares Numeracy 13 Jan

Triangles Numeracy 13 Jan

Party Time in P6/7

P6/7 had great fun at their Christmas party yesterday.  Lots of joy was had playing games, dancing and stuffing faces with Domino’s pizza!!  We’ve also had our Panto and craft activities this week too.

It has been a very difficult and unusual year but the class have worked very hard and deserve their well earned break.  Well done everyone.  Relax, switch off the alarm clocks and enjoy the Christmas holidays.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and I will see you all raring to go in the new year.

Mr Bertoncini

P6/7 Term Overview

Term 2 already!  Won’t be long before the first door of the advent calendar is opened! Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our second term (Oct – Dec).


Our literacy focus this term will be on recount writing, using notes to create a plan and inform our writing.  In conjunction with our Digital Literacy topic, we will be doing lots of vlogging and blogging.  So watch this space for updates of what we have been up to.  We will be continuing to work our way through Bug Club books and short novels paying particular attention to non-fiction features.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work. The Suns and Moons spelling groups are developing their knowledge of metalinguistics by looking at prefixed words.  The Stars will further enhance their knowledge of phoneme representations.


The class are enjoying problem solving game day where we have been playing a variety of games aimed at enhance lateral thinking and utilising cognitive thinking.  The introduction of a Daily Riddle has also got many minds whirring.  Mental games such as Countdown and Sink the Ship remain popular!

The Circles numeracy group have progressed onto adding and subtracting decimals and shortly will be tackling multiplication and division including decimalised numbers and fractions.  Similarly, the Rectangles are reinforcing their skills in addition and subtraction to include working with decimals before moving onto fractions.

The Squares have been working on estimating on a given number line and will be investigating different addition and subtraction strategies.

The Triangles will be continuing to work on numbers to 1000.

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of coordinates and angles, then focussing on symmetry.

Health and Wellbeing

We will continue with the Pupil of the Day and the PATHS Programme where we look in closer detail at the problem solving steps to resolve conflict.  In addition to our PATHS, as part of our Digital Literacy topic, we will be looking at online abuse, using Social Media safely and knowing how to report content.

We will also be investigating the main nutrient groups and how they benefit our bodies.

A quick reminder that we will be going outside often, therefore, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the winter.

Mr Bertoncini


P6/7 Outdoor Art

We have been doing outdoor art and created designs inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  Also our topic is the Wilderness War and is linked to participating in activities outside and we are trying to feel like the characters in the book.  We have created unique structures using natural resources including things that you can see from far away, faces, towers and pyramids and spirals.

It was good fun making our own designs and working as a team.  We also demonstrated patience as the weather played havoc with our designs!

P6/7 Curriculum Update – Term 1

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P6/7 blog! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation and I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P6/7 who have settled well into the unusual routine of school.

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focusing on a novel study, The Wilderness War by Julia Green.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, HWB and plenty of outdoor learning.  As a result, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the colder months.

We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills through our use of Bug Club reading books.

For writing, we are concentrating on imaginative pieces focusing particularly on detailed descriptions using similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by looking at place value.  We will soon be moving into addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to take part in daily mental activities such as number talks and Daily 10.  P6/7 are really enjoying these games, especially “Sink the Ship” which (pardon the pun) has went down very well!

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McIntyre and are currently developing their knowledge of coordinates and angles.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning. P6/7 have already started ‘Pupil of the Day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We are also investigating the relationship of diet, rest and sleep upon our mental health and are looking at ways we can relax and improve brain function.


Well done to those who also took time and effort to prepare and present a short speech in applying for the House Captain/Vice Captain role.  It was a nervous experience for most and their involvement is excellent practise for developing vital skills which will benefit them in the future.  Videos will be shown to classes next week (Week Beg 7th Sept) and children will vote for their preferred candidate.  Winning candidates will be announced on Friday 11th Sept.

I look forward to working with P6/7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini

The New P6/7

Hello to everyone in the new primary 6/7 class!

Last year I had taught P5 with Mrs McIntyre and also taught HWB with other classes.  But this year I will have you all to myself!  I am excited to be your new class teacher and can’t wait to get started.  The class is still a bit bare but you will help me decorate it with all your hard work.  One of the first jobs we will do together is create our class charter, so if you have any cool ideas, send me an email and we might use yours for our display.

Having taught most of you before, I’m looking forward to working with you again in August.  I’ve uploaded a wee video so you remember what my face looks like as it’s been so long since we’ve been at school! (I may have a few extra wrinkles!)  There’s also a few pictures of what the class will look like.

Enjoy your summer holidays and I will see you ready to go in August.

Mr Bertoncini  😎

P6/7 Video