Primary 2 curricular update

Hello and a very warm welcome to the primary 2 blog! We have had a lovely start to term 1 getting to know one another and establishing our class charter together. It has been a delight learning about each individual and seeing their personalities shine. The boys and girls have embraced primary 2 with open arms and are all keen to learn and have fun!

Primary 2 – Term 1


Phonics – We are developing the letter sounds that we were taught during primary 1 while introducing new sounds. During this term we will be introduced to other joined phonemes (2 letter sounds) which include ‘ee’ ‘oo’ ‘ph’ and ‘ck’.

Reading – We have started reading our class text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” and we have already completed prediction and description tasks associated with the characters. We will continue to work on our skills, focusing on decoding and comprehension as we re-start our bug club texts.

Writing – This term our writing will focus on descriptive writing which will tie in with our class text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” as we describe the characters and the different settings within the book. We will continue to use our writing targets of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Numeracy and Mathematics

During this term children will be expanding their number processes we have learned so far. We will be reinforcing our addition skills, counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s. We will also be focusing on the sequencing of numbers, thinking about the numbers before, in-between and after as we count forwards or backwards. For beyond number in primary 2 we will be focusing on shape and patterns with Mrs McGregor.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 2 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS program. The Characters have returned to Primary 2 and the children continue to enjoy engaging with them and love when they come out in the classroom. Primary 2 also gift and receive compliments for ‘pupil of the day’ which they are all amazing at doing. In the morning the children love to do their colour monster check in which relates to the different emotions and how they are feeling. We have also focused on friendships and kindness within our class through our PATHS program and highlighted the qualities that make a good friend and how we show kindness to one another. We created our own class charter linking it to the book called ‘Our Class is a Family’ and our rights.


Within P.E. we have been doing developmental games. During this term we will also be developing our football skills and large ball skills by participating in volleyball. P.E. days will be Tuesday and Thursday.

Religious Education

This term we remind ourselves of God’s love for us all. We continue to thank God for all our family, loved ones and friends. We also thank God for making every one of us unique.


Primary 2’s first topic this year is “All About Me”, they will learn more about their likes and dislikes as well as share information about their lovely families and have the chance to create self-portraits through Art and Design.

Our topics “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” and “All About Me” will make several cross curricular links which will include expressive arts, literacy, health and wellbeing, technologies and social studies.

Thank you for visiting our Primary 2 blog on what we have been learning this term!

Miss Maitland