Return to School Thursday 18th August

We look forward to welcoming all of our children back to school at 9am on Thursday 18th August.

A reminder that all children should come to school in full school uniform. This consists of black/grey trousers or skirt with blue/white shirts and ties or a polo shirt as well as a blue jumper.

On PE days will get changed in school.  A PE kit can be left in school on their peg or brought in on each of their PE days.  Details will be provided of PE days for each class.

We are pleased that our Breakfast Club is returning on Monday 22nd August at 8:15am.  All parent/carers that requested a place were emailed before the end of term detailing if a place was/was not available.  We had a high response for this, unfortunately our numbers are limited so a waiting list is now in place.

A reminder that if your child is absent from school you should contact the school and leave a message or speak with a member of our office staff.  Please complete this by 9:15am.