Primary 6 Termly Overview


Welcome back to our summer term. I was delighted to see all the Primary 6 back at school safe and well. I can’t believe we are on the countdown to summer alreadyIt was lovely speaking to the parents and carers of Primary 6 during the pupil progress phone callsI was delighted in the engagement of Primary 6 during the last period of online learning. Below is an overview of the teaching and learning for the final term 



We will be using the Bug Club core readers to aid and build on our active comprehension skills. Pupils will focus on a chapter each week and work on tasks around the chapters they have read. Pupils will also work on specific skills such as notetaking, differentiating between fact and opinion, and for some reading groups using quotes to justify comprehension answers.  


This term Primary 6 will focus on Persuasive writing and creating persuasion texts with a one-sided argument. We will focus on a different aspect of grammar/punctuation each week. Our writing day will be on Thursday. However, this term we won’t be writing every week. Some weeks we will be looking at model persuasion texts and focussing on the structure and content to support the creation of our own persuasion texts. 


The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, this will introduce common words and focus phonemes pertinent to their stage. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout the term. 


This term we will be focusing on function machines, complex patterns of numbers, percentages, decimals, and fractions. Some groups will explore BODMAS.  Our Beyond Number topics are Information Handling and Position and Movement. The pupils will experience activities at their stage and level. The revision of multiplication tables will be encouraged across all groups. Sumdog and Topmarks games can help with the rigor of x-tables at home.   

Health and Wellbeing  

Thank you to Mrs McGowan (P5) for organising a fantastic range of activities for Health Week. This term our health and wellbeing topics are Food Safety and The world of work. Through the Food Safety topic, P6 will discuss the importance of hygiene, proper storage of food products, and illnesses because of poor food safety. The world of work topic will provide P6 with the opportunity to think about their current skills and what type of career they might like to have in the future. Through this topic, we will explore creating CV’s and filling in application forms which links in nicely with P1 Buddying and House Captain applications.  

 The PATHS lessons will focus on social and emotional lessons. The pupils enjoy ‘Pupil of the Day’ and are great at giving each other lovely compliments.  

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday this term. On these days pupils can come into school wearing suitable PE attire on their bottom half, school jumpers/polo shirts must be worn.   


Our class topics this term are Scottish Politics and The Sensory OrgansA home project will be given for both these topics. Pupils will be given two weeks to complete their project before handing it in.  


Throughout Primary 6 the pupils will listen to and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew. As May is the Month of Mary P6 will discuss Our Lady and Marian prayers. P6 will be completing evidence for their Pope Francis Faith Award. They will continue collecting evidence into Primary 7.    

The pupils are also working hard to gain individual reward cards for Amazing Attitude, Wonderful Work, and being a Superstar. When the pupils gain five reward cards, they can trade them in for an individual prize or keep them until everyone gets five cards each for a whole class reward 😊   

Thank you for your continued support.  

Miss Mudge 😊