P6 Learning Overview – Term 2

Welcome Back to Term 2  

I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday.  

Below is an overview of the Term 2 learning and teaching 



We will be using the Bug Club core readers to aid and build on our active comprehension skills. Pupils will focus on a chapter each week and work on tasks around the chapters they have read. Pupils will also work on specific skills such as inference this term. Some pupils will start to use direct quotes from the text to justify their answers to comprehension questions.  


This term Primary 6 will continue to focus on Narrative writing and Figurative Language (Similes, Alliteration, Personification, and Metaphors). Pupils will focus on purpose and audiencethey will have the opportunity to write stories for some of our younger pupils to listen to and enjoy. We will focus on a different aspect of grammar/punctuation each week. Our writing day will be on Thursday. The class will be told the focus of their writing in the homework grid sent out on a Monday.  


The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, this will introduce common words and focus phonemes pertinent to their stage. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 2 


This term we will be focusing on the four operations within the context of decimals and long multiplication. We will also cover 2D and 3D shapes and a money and finance topic. Mrs. McIntyre will also focus on Beyond Number topics on a Friday. The pupils will experience activities at their stage and level. The revision of multiplication tables will be encouraged across all groups. Sumdog and Topmarks games can help with the rigor of x-tables at home.  

Health and Wellbeing 

Our focus this term is Internet Safety. This topic ties in with our class topic of digital skills. Our weekly PATHS lessons will focus on social and emotional lessons. The pupils enjoy ‘Pupil of the Day’ and are great at giving each other lovely compliments. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday and is it very important the pupils bring in a jacket these days. I have also suggested to the pupils that they bring in a change of bottoms just in case our PE days are ‘rainy’ – that will become a certainty coming into the winter months. The pupils understand that I will try my utmost to deliver PE lessons outdoors, however, this might become tricker as we come into the winter months.  


Our class topic this term is Digital Skills. Stong digital skills are vital in today’s world. Pupils will learn about different aspects of Office 365 such as Teams, Forms, and PowerPoint. We will also be learning how to email correctly. Pupils will learn how to use different features of our school iPads and will create and edit videos to highlight learning in the class. Our topic ties in nicely with Literacy – using word processing to publish writing and creating reports. Office 365 can be downloaded FREE from the pupils’ Glow account.  


Throughout Primary 6 the pupils will listen to and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew. We have already started looking at The Bible as our sacred text. In the months of October and November, we’ll be looking at the story of Creation. During the month of December, we will look at the Nativity through the Gospel of Matthew.  

The pupils are also working hard to gain individual reward cards for Amazing Attitude, Wonderful Work, and being a Superstar. When the pupils gain five reward cards, they can trade them in for an individual prize or keep them until everyone gets 5 cards each for a whole class reward 😊  

Thank you for all your support.  

Miss Mudge 😊