Primary 4 – Home Learning 1.6.20

Good afternoon primary four!

I hope you are all getting the chance to go outside and enjoy the beautiful warm weather! Remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and wearing sun cream and a hat and sun glasses if you have them too! Perfect weather for the paddling pool, a BBQ or a water fight!

Thanks again for all of the work that you have been doing online, you are all doing a wonderful job and i am very proud of you. Remember just to do what you can and making sure that you are happy,  that is the main thing just now. Enjoy your weekend with your families!

Stay safe,

Mrs Strachan x


Numeracy- P4 WB 1.6.20

Rectangles – money

Squares – money

Triangles – money



Literacy – P4 WB 1.6.20

Rainforests Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Character Description – Option 5


Breakin Rainbows(1)

Colours 2 4-7

Rainbow Part 2 4-7