Future Home Learning Provision

Soon we will add pupil activities to be completed by each class. This will be in the form of 3 areas:




These tasks will be posted to each class blog.  Each area will contain 3 core tasks which all pupils should aim to complete. There will also be a selection of additional tasks which can be completed if you wish.  We are committed to doing all that we can to support our pupils and families. Together we are all Team MC.

If you require further support or guidance please complete the contact us form.

Class teachers are in the process of emailing all pupils through GLOW please ask your child to respond to this. They may need your help.


This week please continue to work on these tasks as suggested in our main Home Learning Zone.

Week Beginning Monday 23rd March. Below is a set of 25 suggested activities that can be completed by most primary age children.  There is no expectation that your child should complete all of these tasks, please use your own judgement and complete as many or as few as you wish.

Ideas for week beginning Monday 23rd March

Also remember to include some exercise in your daily routine, this an excellent resource and one that your child has used previously in school.

Daily PE with Joe

Other useful links:

David Walliams elevenses – a 20 minute story released each day


Together we are Team MC