Maths Week Scotland

Maths Week Scotland takes place from Monday 27th September to Friday 1st October.

In Mauchline PS and ECC we will be taking part in maths activities to support this event. Keep an eye on the blog over the coming weeks to see some photos of our efforts.

Maths Week Scotland is not just for schools! Maths is in the world around us, and there are plenty of ways for any one to have fun with maths. See the links below for some fun activities you can do with your child at home!

Have fun!  

Speech sounds development webinar for families in East Ayrshire

Please find below information about a webinar for families with children who are struggling to pronounce certain sounds.

The webinar is Wednesday 22nd September at 7pm.

Please email to regitser:



Please also find below a link to an excellent powerpoint about speech sounds. You have to download the Powerpoint for the voice clips to work.

Phonological Awareness for Parents – with voice clips




NESSY Spelling and Reading Programme

We are once again able to offer all P3-P7 children a login to the fabulous reading and spelling programme called NESSY.

A full letter is attached with the details.

We have been using this resource for two years now and the children continue to be motivated to complete the ‘islands’ within the programme which help to develop both reading and spelling skills.

All children can login to NESSY in school and at home. We use the children’s names and dates of birth to register for the programme and to track their progress.

Please email Mrs Cross if you DO NOT wish your child to take part in the programme.

All Primary 2 children will be added to the programme later in the session.

Nessy Parent letter August 2021

Primary 5 teacher 2021-22

50+ Beautiful Good Morning Sunshine Images 2020

Hello boys and girls,

I am delighted to let you know that your new teacher for next session in Primary 5 is Miss McColl.

Image previewI have arranged to meet her today and I will bring her along to meet you too! Pin on EMOJI

Miss McColl has made a video for you to watch so that you can find out some more about her and… she’s really looking forward to reading all about you in your PLP mind map activity you completed on Move Up day.

Hope you have a…

happy happytuesday tuesday Sticker by Darietta8177365

Mrs McKinlay

P6 Teacher

I am absolutely delighted to say that I will be teaching the new Primary 6 class in August. 

See the video below for a message from myself.



I am so excited and can’t wait to welcome you all to Primary 6 in August.

Have an amazing summer and see you all soon.

Miss Morrison

2021 Prizewinners

Annual Celebration of Achievement
 We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of the children in the school for their efforts over the past year.
Events took over and we sadly were not able to have our usual celebration in the school.
However the staff have carried on and have chosen their winners for this session.
Most of the children received their certificates today and anyone who is absent or self-isolating will receive theirs on return to school.

Each class had one winner from the following categories. 

Successful Learners.  

These children have shown enthusiasm and motivation for learning and are open to new ways of thinking

Confident Individuals. 

These children have self-respect, secure values and beliefs and show ambition. They demonstrate a growth mindset and try to achieve success in their learning and wider life. 

Responsible Citizens.  

These children demonstrate respect for others as well as for their class, school, local community and larger global issues. 

Effective Contributors.  

These children have an enterprising attitude, work well in teams and can communicate in a variety of ways and settings. 


Citizens’ Awards 

These awards are chosen by our classroom assistants who spend every day of the year with the pupils in the playground, at break and during lunch. They pay special attention to children who best display our School Values which are Honesty, Kindness, Respect and Friendship. These pupils have shown, through their attitude and behaviour, just what a good citizen of Mauchline PS & ECC should look like. 


Sports Champions 

These awards are given to the sports champions in Primary 7 after a series of events which tested their sports abilities and good sportmanship. 

Special Achievement Award 

This award was very kindly donated by the Young Farmers a few years back and is awarded to a child who displays a consistently outstanding attitude and motivation for learning and who personifies our School Values of friendship, respect, kindness and honesty. 

Cookery Book Front Cover Winner

The parent council would like to thank everyone for their amazing entries for the Recipe Book cover competition!

There were so many great entries we found it really hard to choose just one! So we decided to have 16 entries on the back cover too!

Congratulations to Hollie Hume who was the winner of the front cover competition and will recieve a recipe book for free as the prize!!

Runners up were Megan Currie, Bailey Edgar, Teagan Wilson, Ryley Connelly, Ava Murray, Laura Lhomar, Ava McClure, Chelsea Woodsell, Kerrin Healey, Sophie Lamont, Beth Donnelly, Grace Connelly, Lilah Johnstone and Sophie Drinnan.

Thank you again to all entries!

Cook book


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