Internet Safety

We are all using IT much more than before and it is essential that we stay safe online.

Below is a list of links that may be of use:

UK Safer Internet Centre

Internet Matters Guides for parents







Family Discussion Time Again – racial equality protests

Following the recent events surrounding the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, we thought it would be beneficial for the children to recap on some of the learning we covered at assemblies during Black History month in January. We covered topics during the whole month and recapped on topics that we had previously covered over the year that linked. At the bottom of the post is our usual ‘Family Discussion’ article.

Rosa Parks:

Martin Luther King


Barack Obama


Other resources:

Picture News Special Resource – Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter 2020 Resource – June 2020

Family Discussion:




P7/S1 transition

All P7s will be receiving transition information directly from the Robert Burns Academy. They have been hard at work making transition videos and have posted them on their brand new blog site. Letters should be arriving from the academy with specific instructions about houses etc for the new session.

Please also follow their Twitter feed for all the latest information:


All P7 parents should have received the letter below regarding transition for August:


Previous transition letter:


Annual Celebration of Achievement

We would love to see photographs of the children with their certificates. Once they arrive through the post, please send us a photograph of yourself with your well-earned award.


Well done Sophie!


A very proud Brodie!

Well done Paighton!

Great job Madison!

A very proud Jamie with his certificate!

Well done Riley!

Well done Danny!

Well done Amelia!

Congratulations Logan!

Congratulations Harris!

Great effort, Mollie. Well done!

Well done Darcie!

Well done Sophie!

Well done John!

Well done Callan!

Well done Hunter! (first photo)

Well done John! (second photo)

Primary 7 Transition Letter

Please find below a letter regarding the Primary 7/S1 Transition to Robert Burns Academy.

A virtual transition is taking place on TEAMS tomorrow for all of our current Primary 7 pupils. The children will login to the P7/S1 transition TEAM (they are already members) and the secondary teachers from the Robert Burns Academy will join them and talk them through all of the really important parts of transition.

This is a really exciting time for Primary 7s but it can also be an anxious one too. We hope that this will allow the children to be better prepared and perhaps a bit more relaxed about moving on after the summer holidays.

P7 Transition Letter



Move Up Week

Welcome to Move Up Week!

This week is virtual move up week for our new Primary 1s – Primary 7s.

New pages have been made on the blog to allow your child’s/children’s new teacher to introduce themselves and post some fun ‘getting-to-know-you’ activities. The pages all begin with 20.21.

Mrs McKinlay and Miss Morrison have kindly stepped in to help out with the P3/4 class (probationer to be allocated) and the P6 class (vacancy to be filled).

Primary 7 children have been contacted and will be receiving their own transition to secondary.

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