Pupils at Mauchline Primary & ECC have restarted their PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills) lessons which includes Pupil of the Day.

More information on PATHS can be found in the PATHS section of the blog or in the handout located in the school office.

Also, check your child’s bag for any handouts that may be given out following particular lessons.

Welcome back to Mauchline PS & ECC

What a beautiful morning to welcome back the first half of our P2-P7 pupils – we missed you all!

A special welcome to our new P1 pupils who were all looking so smart and ready to learn.

We can’t wait to greet the second half of our pupils tomorrow. Let’s hope the sun is still shining.


Farewell for now and take care!

We would like to wish all of our pupils, parents/carers, extended families and staff a fond farewell for now!

The best of luck to our P7 Leavers – we believe in you and trust that you will take forward all of the learning and values from all of your years at primary school.

We hope everyone takes care over the summer break and we cannot wait to see you all in August!

Best Wishes

Mrs Cross and Ms Dougan x


School library books/resources

Calling all Primary 7s!!!!!!

Could you please look in your school bag, under your bed, on your shelves and anywhere else you store your ‘school stuff’ to look for any Mauchline PS library books, school books etc that need to be returned. PLEASE bring them with you tomorrow or Wednesday when you come for your visits. 🙏🏻 Thank you

P7/S1 Transition – update from the Robert Burns Academy

Please find below information received today from the Robert Burns Academy staff:

P7 Contact Information for The Robert Burns Academy

 By now you will hopefully have received a letter from The Robert Burns Academy with details of your child’s class, Depute Head and Guidance Teacher.

 We are aware of a small admin error with the contact details provided on this letter. If you have any enquires please use our new email address which is

 The Cumnock Academy and Auchinleck Academy email inboxes are still being monitored over the summer for anyone who has already made contact this way.

 Our new school blog is now live and has been updated with videos for our new S1 from each department. It can be found at:

 We would encourage you to monitor our school blog for any further updates including transport arrangements. Our S1s will all be joining us at Cumnock Academy on Wednesday 12th August, we will direct them to their allocated classrooms as they arrive at school and there will be plenty of staff on hand to assist with this. On their first day we will have a special programme of lessons prepared to answer any question they have about the arrangements in the school.


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