All posts by Mrs Cross

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Twice a year, Mrs Cross and the House Captains attend the local Community Coffee Mornings. These are held in the Church Hall, are very well attended, and raise a lot of money for charity. The school provides promotional material for the event and the Captains have responsibility for serving the cakes and sweet treats to the eager participants. (We always manage to sneak one or two cakes for ourselves!)

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Dyslexia Awareness Week

We have been celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week again. Our Monday assembly was all about Neurodiversity and what that means for children in Mauchline PS & ECC. We limit the use of pens and pencils during No Pens Wednesday and we were being creative in many other ways.

We posted some pictures on our Twitter/X page:

Here are P6 completing their active spelling:

P7 engaging in lots of ‘no pens’ activities.

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Accelerated Reader and MYON

Children from P3-7 have access to the reading programme, Accelerated Reader. This programme encourages children to read for enjoyment with books at their own level. Once the children have finished reading a book, they complete a quiz.  The aim is to progress through the reading levels and have a love for reading which will transfer through to adulthood.

MYON is a linked programme which contains thousands of digital books that the children can access through their AR login.
