Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…

Senior Phase Assessment Timelines

The S4-6 assessment timelines below were the suggestion of the Grange Parent Council. They are intended to help parents and carers support their children in keeping up with deadlines and planning their study. Please keep checking back as new subjects will be added shortly. We are currently rebuilding departmental SharePoint pages, and when this is complete, timelines will be available there too.

Please note that prelims take place in December.

Art and Design

National 5 Art and Design

NPA L5 Art and Design

Higher Art and Design

Advanced Higher Art


National 5 Biology

Higher Biology

Advanced Higher Biology

Business Management

National 5 Business Management

Higher Business Management


National 5 Chemistry

Higher Chemistry

Advanced Higher Chemistry


National 5 Computing

Higher Computing

Criminology with People and Society

Level 5 NPA Criminology with National 4 People and Society

Design and Manufacture

National 5 Design and Manufacture

Higher Design and Manufacture


National 5 Drama

Higher Drama

Advanced Higher Drama


National 5 English

Higher English

Advanced Higher English

Environmental Science

National 5 Environmental Science

Higher Environmental Science


National 5 French

Higher French

Games Development

Level 5 NPA Games Development


National 5 Geography

Higher Geography

Graphic Communication

National 5 Graphic Communication

Higher Graphic Communication


National 5 History

Higher History


National 5 Mandarin

Higher Mandarin

Maths and Applications of Mathematics

National 5 Maths

Higher Maths

Advanced Higher Maths

Applications of Maths Higher

Modern Studies

National 5 Modern Studies

Higher Modern Studies


National 5 Music

Higher Music

Advanced Higher Music


National 5 Physics

Higher Physics

Practical Cookery and Hospitality

Level 5 Hospitality

National 5 Practical Cookery

Practical Metalworking

National 5 Practical Metalworking

Practical Woodworking

National 5 Practical Woodworking


Higher Psychology

Physical Education

National 5 PE

Higher PE

Advanced Higher PE

Scottish Studies and Travel and Tourism with People and Society

Scottish Studies, Travel and Tourism, People and Society


National 5 Spanish

Higher Spanish

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