Primary 5-7 Social Studies and Strawbees: A Creative Lesson on Scottish Biodiversity!

This week, our primary 5-7 pupils continued exploring our social studies topic on Scottish local biodiversity, but with a fun twist! Earlier in the week, teachers from St. Joseph’s and Portpatrick Primary attended a training session on an exciting new product called Strawbees. For those unfamiliar, Strawbees is a creative construction kit that uses colourful straws and connectors to build a wide range of structures, encouraging imaginative play, problem-solving, and

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French Fun for Primaries 1-4!

Our Primary 1-4 pupils have been having a fantastic time in their French lessons with Miss Lisi! It’s amazing to see how quickly they’re picking up the language. Our Primary 1 and 2 pupils can already count beyond 10 in French – très bien! They’ve been singing songs and enjoying interactive activities to help them learn. Check out the sound track of them singing along with such enthusiasm! Meanwhile, our

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Active Schools Badminton Sessions a Hit with P5-7 Pupils!

Over the past two weeks, our P5-7 pupils have been having a fantastic time participating in badminton lessons during their lunch breaks, thanks to a collaboration with Active Schools! These sessions are taking place at the Ryan Centre and have brought so much energy and excitement to our school. The pupils have been absolutely loving the opportunity to learn and play badminton, showing great enthusiasm and progress with each session.

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St. Joseph’s receives prestigious UNICEF Award 

St. Joseph’s R.C. Primary has achieved the nationally acclaimed Silver Rights Respecting School Award by UNICEF UK. Pupils, parents and staff have worked together to meet the standards for this UNICEF prestigious accreditation.  UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is granted to schools that show commitment to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging adults, children and young people to respect

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“Together Again” – A Wonderful Start to Our School Year

We kicked off our first School Mass of the year at St. Joseph’s R.C. Primary with a special theme: “Together Again.” It was a joyful moment as we gathered after the summer break, feeling united and ready for the new school year. Our readers were fantastic. Ry and Rubie delivered the main readings beautifully, while Joanna, Ross, Danielle, Myra, and Gregor led the Bidding Prayers with confidence and grace, reflecting

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Our Primary 7 Playmakers: Becoming Sports Leaders!

We are thrilled to announce that our seven Primary 7 pupils have started their journey to become Playmakers, a program led by Alison Murray from Active Schools to help them develop as sports leaders! Today marked the first session, and the six pupils who were in attendance got stuck right in, showing great enthusiasm and energy. They loved every moment of it! Over the next weeks, our Primary 7s will

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Staying Safe Online: A Fun and Educational Workshop for Primaries 5-7!

This week, we had a fantastic start to a new series of workshops for our Primary 5-7 pupils! We were delighted to welcome Matthew from Youth Work to our school, where he will be working with our children throughout the school year on various important topics. The focus for the first three weeks is: online safety! In today’s digital age, understanding how to stay safe online is more crucial than

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Announcing Our House Captains and Vice Captains!

We are delighted to introduce our new House Captains and Vice Captains for the year! After a tough selection process, where all Primary 7s created and delivered fantastic presentations to the entire school, our new leaders were chosen. We are so proud of all the incredible efforts put in by everyone! Here are your new House Captains and Vice Captains: What Will Our Captains Do? Our House Captains and Vice

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Empowering Our School: Meet the Pupil Groups Shaping Our Future!

We are thrilled to announce the incredible pupil groups for the new school year! At St. Joseph’s R.C. Primary School, our pupils are stepping up to take on exciting roles that help make our school the best it can be. This year, every pupil from the school had the chance to choose two groups they were most passionate about joining: the Pupil Council, the Eco Committee, and the Enterprise Group.

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Celebrating Rights, Charity, and Community at Our Whole School Assembly!

This week, our whole school – from Primaries 1 to 7 – came together for a special assembly centred around an important right: Article 26 of the UNCRC – the right to social and economic help. We discussed when families might need support from the government to ensure children’s mental and physical needs are met and why this right is so vital for every child. We also explored SDG Goal

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