Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

March 7, 2024
by Miss Douglas

The Burns Competition Results are in!!

Last night Jack and Rory represented our school in the Burn’s competition at the Ryan Centre. Boys and girls from primary schools in Stranraer who excelled in their Scots poetry recital or singing all went along to try and win the prize for their age group.
Our two boys done us proud to have got up onto the stage and recited their poems with confidence in front of such a huge audience, we are so impressed! Even more impressively than that, they worked hard at home over the past 6 weeks to keep their poems fresh in their minds and hadn’t forgotten a single word 🙂!
Another big well done to both boys!

February 8, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Badminton Champions!

Kirkcolm Primary pupils Jack and Ivan both qualified and subsequently competed in the Wigtownshire badminton championship last night – and both were victorious!

Jack Howie is now P7 boy badminton champion for Wigtownshire.

Ivan Turtle is now P6 boy badminton champion for Wigtownshire

Well done boys for doing the double!  This is a huge achievement and we are all very proud of you.


February 6, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Internet Safety Day 2024

This morning both classes joined together for an Internet Safety Assembly, and how better to do it that online of course!! The event was organised by google and taught us all about how to be “Internet Legends” and stay safe while online. 
We answered questions about protecting privacy, being informed and not falling for false scams and the importance of keeping passwords private and both classes were absolutely fab, well done to them🙂! 
Afterwards our newly learned knowledge was put to the test with an online quiz which explained different scenarios and what we should do, we learned that parents, carers and teachers will always help if ever in a cyber crisis!!
We played a “guess the app” game which had been organised by our Digital Leaders, Phoebe and Archie and we had good fun with this round – even Miss Douglas was stumped by some of these apps (clearly I’m not down with the kids) 
Overall a big thank you to Mrs McHarg for signing our classes up to the online assembly and to Phoebe and Archie for delivering the internet safety quiz, they both did a truly terrific job!
Article17 –  The right to access information

February 5, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Glasgow’s miles better!

WOW!  What fun p6 and 7 had in Glasgow!

Together with Kirkcolm and Portpatrick our children had a wonderful residential trip – 39 pupils, four members of staff  and a lifetime of memories.

It was an adventure just getting there with cars, buses and trains transporting us all up to the big city.

The children walked across the city before  before setting off to the Kings Theatre to enjoy a fabulous performance of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- the musical”.  The special effects were amazing, and it really brought alive the book by Roald Dahl

It was then time to get some more steps in again by walking to   Ten Pin Bowling – which was  a lot of fun and brought out the competitive streak in the teachers too! 

Evening meal was an all you can eat buffet, which proved a real highlight for many.  Pupils filled up on rice, noodles, ribs, roast, pasta , pizza and even sushi! The ice cream machine and chocolate fountain proved a great hit with many a visit for dessert!

On the way back to our accommodation the group travelled by the Subway – a first time experience for the majority of children.  The children enjoyed the wind tunnel effect created by “the Clockwork orange”

The next day, the group visited Kelvingrove Park and Musuem. The children enjoyed some fresh air fun in the park before exploring the ancient artefacts – with the natural world section being a particular favourite. 

 After that it was back to the youth hostel to collect our luggage and try our second Subway trip. There was a lunch treat at McDonalds – with Happy meals all round,  before we all travelled home having had wonderful experiences.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this great experience possible – all the staff who gave up their personal time, and the children who were praised by members of the public for their excellent behaviour and manners as responsible citizens.

Have a look at all the happy faces for yourself , the smiles say it all!

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

February 2, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Ocean Odyssey

On Wednesday, P5-7 were visited by Faith and Ribh from the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere. They delivered a lesson on marine life and the impact we can have on our precious coastlines.
We learned about native animals, including some surprising ones such as the Atlantic Salmon and the Basking Shark! Then we were given trays filled with seaside objects that we had to correctly identify using the information cards.
We also learned about the hidden plastics in our everyday products and how these can end up making their way to the sea.
“It was good to learn what’s Scottish and what’s not!” – Arran
“I think it was really fun because we got to see prehistoric shark teeth” – Lyle
“I enjoyed learning about how we can help the planet and finding out sea potatoes are real” – Sophie
Article 13 (freedom of expression)

January 29, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Rotary Club Lunch

This afternoon Jack and Alfie from Kirkcolm and Hamish and Faye from Leswalt were chosen to represent our partnership and attend the traditional Rotary Club lunch at the North West Castle. 

After their jaunt into town on the bus they arrived at the NWC and took their seats. They were lucky enough to be seated  with the lovely and very funny Tom Mitchell, the former bank manager of Clydesdale Bank. The theme of this year’s meeting was ‘The Life and Word of Robert Burns’ so  thankfully our troops arrived armed with plenty of knowledge already after last week’s celebrations. They listened to the presentation before finishing off with some Burns poetry. 

Afterwards they enjoyed some soup followed by fish and chips and had an intergenerational discussion, aka a good old natter with Mr Mitchell who was telling the boys tales of when he was at school and class sizes being as big as 40/50 pupils and punishments for spilling ink on your paper was the belt – the boys thought this made even Mrs Morrison seem like a big softie in comparison haha! 

A huge thankyou to the Rotary club for such a wonderful experience , the North West Castle staff for their hospitality and Tom Mitchell for his top class banter and interesting stories 🙂

Article 13. Sharing thoughts freely
Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms other people.

January 29, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Rabbie Burns Birthday Part 2

This afternoon lads and lassies, maithers and fethers, grannies and grampas of Kirkcolm got back into the Scots spirit with their Burns’ showcase. 
Mrs Baillie explained how hard the boys and girls have been working at home to produce such creative artwork, beautifully neat handwriting scrips and well recited Scots poems. Mrs Mary Milroy had the difficult task on Thursday of judging the boys and girl on each of these categories and after much deliberation the winners were……

P1 – Harlow

P2 – Henry
P3 – Ross
P4 – Jessica
P5 – Lyle
P6 – Phoebe 
P7 – Danny

P1 – Orla

P2 – Ewan
P3 – Rory
P4 – Cameron
P5 – Ruby
P6 – Alistair 
P7 – Sally


1st – Orla
2nd – Harlow
3rd – Parker  
1st – Sally
2nd – Henry
3rd – James 
1st – Rory
2nd – Freddie
3rd – Ross 

1st – Paige
2nd – Rebecca
3rd – Callum/ Cameron
1st – Arran
2nd – Ruby 
3rd – Sophie 
1st – Ivan

3rd – Archie
1st –  Jack
2nd – Lydia
3rd –   Alfie 
Both classes performed their Scots songs The Three Craws (P1-4) and Daphne Cochrane (P5-7) before finishing off our afternoon of celebrations with the good old fashioned Auld Lang Syne 🎼
A well done to all of the boys and girls for taking part and all of the parents for their help and support at home! Luckily for you there will is more Scots language in store in P1-4’s Feis Rois performance on the 8th  of Feb 🙂

January 26, 2024
by Miss Douglas

A big Happy Birthday tae Rabbie fae Kirkcolm

Even Rabbie himself would be proud of the effort the lads and lassies went to today with their poem recitals, their handwriting and all of their braw artwork – Mrs Mary Milroy was our judge and she had the extremely difficult job of choosing the winners (these will be announced at tomorrow afternoon’s presentation)
Today we had an early lunch to allow us to cram in all that we did during our Burns supper. Jack, our master of ceremonies welcomed everyin to the burns supper and explained the running order. Shortly after the bagpipes sounded and Packer and Alfie carried in the haggis and Steven recited Address to the Haggis for us, which was affa guid!!🍴
Michelle dished up the haggis, neeps and tatties and we got stuck in (the haggis got mixed reviews)! This was followed by shortbread and ice-cream and butterscotch sauce (the reviews for this were more positive). Afterwards we heard a few poem recitals: 
P1 – Orla
P2 – Sally
P3 – Joey
P4 – Rebecca 
P5 – Lyle 
P6 – Phoebe 
Both classes performed their Scots songs they have been learning in class, which parents will enjoy tomorrow afternoon!
Next up it was time for the Toast to the Lassies, delivered by Jack, Danny and Alfie. These boys were quick to point out how long the girls were at getting ready for P.E. and remarked on all of the “unnecessary stuff” they keep in their school bags, comparing it to the shelves of SuperDrug 💄They did, eventually, admit that they do actually like the girls and the school would not be the same without them..
The girls were not so quick to forget these harsh but somewhat true comments in their Toast to the Lads – reminding them that their football abilities did not compare to the premier league they’re not Ronaldo, Messi or Beckham but did deep down like them really.. 
Archie gave the vote of the thanks to Michelle for the lovely food, the P7s for organising such a great Burns supper and Mrs McHarg for all of her help before we concluded our celebrations with a good old sing of Auld Lang Syne! 🎤
Everyone has the human right to express themselves, and Article 13 of the UNCRC

January 18, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Reach for the stars!

The pupils of Leswalt Primary school all enjoyed a trip to their partnership school of Kirkcolm Primary to experience a visit from the Galloway Forest Astronomical society (GFAS) and their inflatable planetarium.  

The GFAS are a charity who offer opportunities to learn more about astronomy.  Our pupils all enjoyed going into the huge dome and learning more about the sky at night.   And, when not in the darkened dome, the children were busy engaged in the classrooms with activities with their friends from the partnership Primary

The younger class went into the Planetarium first whilst the older bunch worked together on their Rights Respecting Schools activities – and created some fabulous quizzes to test us all on the UNCRC. Some questions created to really make you think…

Then it was time for a break outside and a chance to enjoy the company and playground of our friends on this beautiful January morning!

Swap over time….and the older group got the chance to enjoy the wonders of the Planetarium whilst the younger pupils listened to the Story “Aliens love underpants” then created their own aliens – wonder if any of their designs might be spotted in Outer Space?

Inside the Planetarium, Doug (the computer expert) and Andy (the lead presenter) took us all on a tour of the night sky exploring the moon, Mars and Jupiter. We talked about the hugely varied temperatures on planets in Space, gravity, signs of life,  moon controlling tides and the individual features of planets. Such an interesting session!

Many thanks to the Galloway Forest Astronomical Society for a morning of inter-galactic fun!

December 22, 2023
by Miss Douglas

‘Tis the season to party

The boys and girls well and truly got into the festive spirit this afternoon with a Christmas party, kindly organised by our House Captains – Sally, Danny, Jack and Lydia.
Wearing their party gear both the upper and lower class both joined together in the hall for lots of Christmas themed games including 🎄🎁
  • The Reindeer Relay
  • Christmas Corners
  • Christmas Islands 
  • Musical statues 
We stopped mid way through the party to refuel after all of our fabulous dancing, with some snacks and drinks! 
We even had a very special visitor, who  heard us singing ‘Jingle Bells’ in the hall, parked his sleigh next to the Baillie bus in the car park and came with a special gift for each and every one of us  – we are so, so lucky he fit us into his busy schedule, especially at this time of the year🎅
Judging by the laughs and smiles on everyone faces, the party was a huge success all thanks to our house captains for organising such a great party! 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Article 31 – The right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities.

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