Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

September 12, 2024
by Mrs Morrison

Dignity Workshops Begin!

Kirkcolm P5-7 have been lucky enough to invite some representatives from the Children’s Parliament to start Dignity Workshops with the class. This has been a great way to explore our social studies topic for this term which has been centred around Democracy, our Rights and exploring the topic of Discrimination. 

The workshop began by exploring what exactly Dignity is and introducing the pupils to Jack and Linnea who will be leading the workshop. We discussed how our rights make sure we are Happy, Healthy and Safe, exploring how Dignity is like a tree with all these rights feeding into it and explored this through activities today! We discussed how we show our environment Dignity and the ways people do not show the environment Dignity.

We really enjoyed a day with Jack and Linnea and look forward to welcoming them back for more sessions before the end of the year! 🙂 

September 10, 2024
by Mrs McHarg

Kirkcolm Gets Gold!

Pupils are the North Rhins Schools are delighted to share that they have been awarded the Gold Rights Respecting School Award from UNICEF. Having already achieved their Bronze and Silver awards, both Leswalt and Kirkcolm Primaries have been working hard over the last 18 months to achieve their Gold award, with our Pupil Council reps leading on this.

The award is split into 3 strands – it aims to teach children about their rights; they learn through their rights by demonstrating positive relationships and attitudes, and respecting others’ rights; and finally they learn to take action through their rights to become responsible global citizens.

The UNICEF Rights Respecting School assessor visited both Leswalt and Kirkcolm Primaries at the end of May and pupils were able to share with her the many activities that we’ve worked on in our journey towards gold, including: Children’s Right’s Tuesday; learning about rights at assemblies; our class charters; linking rights to our school events such as House Captain elections, Children’s Mental Heath Week and Children in Need; our worry boxes in class; learning about Child Line; our climate change protest; and all of our various pupil voice groups, such as our Eco Schools work.

The school was provided with a report, sharing strengths and some next steps for when we work towards the Sustaining Gold award. The report stated that “it was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life.” She felt that we have “very articulate children who knew a wide range of articles and were confident in the concept of rights.” The assessor was impressed with the extent to which rights are embedded in the day-to-day life of both schools and the strong commitment of passionate staff as champions of children’s rights. Finally, the assessor highlighted that pupil voice is valued highly across the schools, with visible actions arising from pupil suggestions and an understanding from children that they can influence positive change.

We are thrilled that our hard work has been recognised and we have been awarded this accolade. We are looking forward to continuing our Rights journey as we work towards the Sustaining Gold award.

August 28, 2024
by Mrs Morrison

Ervie Kirkcolm Church Visit

In celebration of the Kirkcolm Church’s upcoming 200th anniversary, the pupils went a walk in the sunshine (between showers naturally…) to go and take in the grounds/the outside of the church. 

Pupils went around in groups and took photos and some even realised that they could visit their loved ones graves. It was great to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have this excellent (and very picturesque!) resource in our community. What an amazing achievement for the church to be serving this village for so many years! 

Pupils used their photos and imagination to design a poster celebrating the church on its 200th year anniversary. Hopefully you will see these displayed in the Church –  and the best poster is to receive a small prize! 

Some photos of our visit… 


August 22, 2024
by Mrs Morrison

Back in Action for 2024!

Wow! Does it feel good to be back! How lucky were we to throw open the doors of Kirkcolm Primary and welcome back our fresh faced troops, rested from their long break and ready to get back to learning. 

Our cute new P1’s took the day by storm – Kendall, Jamie, Frankie and Arryn looked absolutely fabulous in their fresh new burgundy uniform and had a fun filled day with the pupils of Miss Douglas’s class reading Zog and then making their own dragon wings for some dragon egg hunting and decorating! 

P5-7 also welcomed a new pupil today in Fallon, who fit right in like she’s been here the whole time. 

Today we did the classic Kirkcolm tradition of some games on the beach as a whole school tribe and we cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us. 

Keep your eyes on the blog for all the updates of the fun activities we will be getting stuck in to! 

Here’s some photos of our wee kiddies over the past couple of days… 

June 30, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

End of term awards and closing ceremony

There was a wonderful turnout of parents, grandparents, other relatives and friends of the school for our end of term celebration of success and farewell to Primary 7 pupils.

The following awards were handed out –

100 % Attendance – Archie Ashton,  Cameron Clarke,  Ivan Turtle 

Excellent attendance – Ewan Clarke, Hayden Davidson, Callum Dougan, Phoebe Manson, Ross Warwick, Henry Wilson, Harlow Brunton, Danny Dougan, Sally Warwick 

Accelerated reading star readers

P2   Sally Warwick 45 books 

P3   Rory Calvert – over 170 books! – 230 points 

P4   Jessica Johnstone – 26 Books 

P5   Arran Farquhar & Ruby McMillan 

P6   Phoebe and Hayden 21 books  Archie75.5 points 

P7   Charlie Rowan 22 books 

Responsible citizens –  



Orla Neill For someone so small Orla plays a very big part in helping to make our school the fabulous place that it is. Mrs Richardson always commented on how eager Orla was to help at gardening club and how sensible she was, and I couldn’t agree more, she’s a responsible and trustworthy little lady who I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this year! 


Ewan Clarke. Ewan is a hard wee worker who always has his head down getting on with the task at hand, putting his best foot forward to make sure whatever he is doing, its with 110% effort! He has made lots of great achievements this year and that’s all down to the time and determination that he puts in both in school and at home – you should be very proud of yourself Ewan, well done ! 


Harrison Smith I think it’s fair to say that Harrison is wise beyond his years! He is a sensible boy who knows right from wrong and for that reason and is always someone that I can trust and rely on to make good choices. Equally as important to that Harrison is a great friend, he is kind, caring and has a heart of gold – we are all very lucky to have Harrison in our class 


Rebecca Manson There are so many amazing things that makes Rebecca the responsible citizen that she is – she is a member of the Pupil Council, she goes to gardening club, she’s a hard wee worker in class and uses her initiative to help others without being asked! Overall she is just a lovely, kind girl who I am really going to miss, it’s been a real pleasure being her teacher for the past 4 years Rebecca and I know you are going to continue to do amazing things next year when you move up to the big class 


Arran Farquhar 

It’s been lovely for the kids to have Arran back at Kirkcolm! He has settled right back in and it’s like he never left. Arran always tries his best in everything he does and he enjoys everything we do in school. He is always keen to help if a job needs done and takes pride in what he does. He always shows kindness in class and in the playground and is a great friend to all. 



Archie Ashton  

Archie, you have taken great pride in your role as Digital Leader this year. You have gone above and beyond to make sure our devices are well looked after. You always offer your support when fellow classmates are struggling with anything technological and beyond.  



Jack Howie –  Jack, you have been a very busy young man this year! You’ve signed yourself up for everything from guitar lessons to badminton competitions and that’s not even the things you do IN school such as the show, Burns supper, house captain…. I could go on forever! You’re a great team leader and are always there to uplift your teammates when they are struggling. You believe in everyone being treated equally and fairly and will speak out if you feel this isn’t happening. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders and the whole school will miss you greatly! 


Mini walk shields/certificates 

Boys –  

3rd  – Ian Buzasi 

2nd  – Freddie Adams 

First place – Ivan Turtle 

Girls – 

 3rd  – Sally Warwick 

2nd – Sally Drummond and Lydia Adams 

1st – Phoebe Manson 

Most money raised at Mini walk – £243 – Arran Farquhar 

Sports champions 

P1- Parker Clive 

P2 – Sally Warwick 

P3 –  Joey Neil 

P4 – Paige Neil 

P5 – Lyle Mc Culloch 

P6 – Ivan Turtle 

P7 – Danny Dougan 

Sports Champions  –   Boy – Lyle Mc Culloch   Girl – Phoebe Mandon 

Most merits in p5-7 –   Ivan Turtle         Most merits in p1-4 – Rebecca Manson 

Corsewall  121        (sports)  +  1107  (merits) =   1228 

Loch Connell – 170  (sports) +  1119    (merits) =  1289 

Winners –    Loch Connell        House captain  – Sally Drummond 

Runners up –    Corsewall         house captain   Danny Dougan 

Gold Star Awards –    Rory Calvert, Archie Ashton , Ross Warwick, Henry Wilson, Sally Warwick, Rebecca Manson, Paige Neil, Joey Neill, Orla Neil 

Who has passed platinum rainbow spelling this year? 

Paige Neill Rory Calvert Callum Dougan       Lydia Adams, Jack Howie 

Intervention effort – Lydia Adams  ( Prize from Mrs MacPherson) 

Most improved in Literacy – Vladislav

Pupil choice awards 

Most helpful in class – Kaylin Davidson 

Joker in the pack – James Johnstone 

Loves Michelle’s meals – Charlie Rowan 

Most Likely to be headteacher after Mrs Baillie – Marley  

Drama King or Queen – Lyle  



  P1-4  P4-7 
Literacy award  Paige Neill  Alistair Swan 

 Alistair, your literacy skills have dazzled me this year! You’re such a skilled story writer. I always look forward to reading the wonderful tales you have written. You are always the first person in the class to have their hand up with wisdom to share, even if you’re not 100% sure you’re still keen to try! Your solo talk was entertaining AND educational and the whole class loved it. Keep up the hard work Alistair, you’re doing brilliantly! 

Numeracy award  Jessica Johnstone This year Jessica has come on leaps and bounds in her maths and has taken any new maths challenges in her stride. She listens well during teaching time and really has put in the work to make big improvements. This has shone through in her self-confidence and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that she will do me proud and keep on shining next year in her new class as bigger maths challenges come her way!  Phoebe Manson Phoebe, you have shown great skill and determination in your maths this year. You’ve been working at a P7 level throughout P6 and are even mastering the Platinum CLIC tests which is no small feat. You care deeply about doing well in maths and even when you’re struggling you still manage to power on through until you find the right answer. Keep doing what you’re doing, Phoebe! 
HWB award  Harlow Brunton Harlow is up there with some of the most motivated and determined little ladies I’ve ever met! She loves learning and making improvements in herself and throughout her journey through Primary 1 and all of the new challenges she has faced she has taken them in her stride and has developed great resilience along the way! I think the smile of her face, her upbeat attitude and her sheer excitement when she’s given her next new set of tricky words just goes to prove this perfectly – well done Harlow   Ivan Turtle  

Ivan, you encompass all of the school values in everything you do! You nurture your classmates by always offering support and laughter to those who need it. You are respectful of all the school staff and everyone you encounter.  

You have demonstrated real sporting skills in both winning the Mini walk and badminton, in Stranraer, Wigtownshire and Dumfries and Galloway! 


NRP Award  Rory Calvert Rory’s attitude to learning is second to none, there is no denying that, he is a high-flying clever little cookie who deserves all of the fantastic accomplishments that come his way! But his hard work and determination goes way beyond just his school work – Rory has a motivated and diligent mind-frame when it comes to everything he sets his sights on; golf, piano and not to mention STAR awards. It is always and absolute pleasure to look through Rory’s Star Awards jotter to see what he’s been up to at home, from the lovely photographs to creative pieces of evidence, it is simply amazing – just like you Rory!   Danny Dougan 

Danny has displayed the school values of nurture, respect and perseverance throughout this whole school year and I imagine before that as well! He is a kind and welcoming friend to all, and never has a nasty word to say. He is able to find positives in everything and is always motivated to keep trying even when he gets knocked down. He has shown great responsibility in his role as house captain and has taken time out of his own breaks to make sure he gets his tasks done on time. He is a great role model for the rest of the school and will be a great addition to the academy 


Medals for Guardian guardians  – Ross Warwick, Henry Wilson and Orla Neil– very helpful and do not need asked twice and will always complete any tasks as required 

Sandra Heron Salver for Conservation Champion – Alistair Swan 

Endeavour award – Alfie Caldwell, this year you have shown that you are a compassionate and kind boy.  You have tried your hardest and always been an excellent role model during your 7 years at Kirkcolm Primary. You are a great friend to everyone in the class and are always helpful and respectful towards the staff at school. You are constantly making people laugh and smile with your cracking sense of humour. You have worked very hard this year and are very deserving of this recognition.    


Farewell to p7 pupils – Kirkcolm p7 leavers June 2024 (





June 27, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Inter- Sports Day Fun!

As the boys and girls are somehow full of energy on the final week of school we have tried to squeeze in as much fun as possible so this morning Kirkcolm Primary met Leswalt Primary at Leswalt playing field for a morning of inter-school sports. ♥️ 👬 
We competed in the sprint, skipping race, egg and spoon, the sack race and the long distance in the following groups (thankfully the wind died down and so Mrs Baillie did not have to chase sacks across the field!) 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🥄 🥚

It was so lovely to see the boys and girls cheering each other on with a bit of friendly competition and team spirit! The highly anticipated relay race was the final race of the day – we had a four way race between each of Leswalt and Kirkcolm’s houses – Corsewall, Loch Connell, Soleburn and Lochnaw! The boys and girls positioned themselves round the track – and set off to the sound of their school mates cheering them on! 🙂 Corsewall and Loch Connell took the lead and finished joint first, followed by Soleburn and Lochnaw – but a huge, big well done to all 4 teams for all of the practise they have been putting in at break and lunchtimes over the past few weeks! 🏆 🥇

After the sports we went have to Leswalt for a well-deserved snack and break before we headed back out for a Leswalt vs Kirkcolm game of football rounders – which was taken very seriously from both teams!! 🏐

Another thank you to all of the parents who came along to watch and show their support (you even managed to avoid a Mum/Dads race)! 
And a well done to all of the competitors who showed fantastic sportsmanship and team spirit! 
The results are as follows –

SPRINT                 P 1 all                    1st          Beathan               2nd        Cameron                             3rd         James/Parker

SPRINT                 P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Eilidh/Sally                          3rd         Thea

SPRINT                 P 2 Boys               1st          Scott                      2nd        Henry                                    3rd         Ewan

SPRINT                 P3 all                      1st          Freddie                2nd        Ian                                          3rd         Joey

SPRINT                 P 4 all                    1st          Paige                     2nd        Rebecca/Cameron          3rd         Callum

SPRINT                 P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Lyle                                        3rd         Rachael

SPRINT                 P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Holly                                      3rd         Phoebe

SPRINT                 P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Archie

SPRINT                 P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Lydia                                      3rd         Cara

SPRINT                 P 7 Boys               1st          Alfie                       2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Danny


SKIPPING            P 1 all                    1st          Parker                   2nd        Jorgie                                    3rd         Beathan

SKIPPING            P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

SKIPPING            P 2 Boys               1st          Henry                    2nd        James                                   3rd         Ewan

SKIPPING            P3 all                      1st          Joey                       2nd        Freddie                                3rd         Ross

SKIPPING            P 4 all                    1st          Callum                  2nd        Cameron                             3rd         Bryleigh

SKIPPING            P 5 all                    1st          Lyle                        2nd        Colin                                      3rd         Rachael

SKIPPING            P 6 Girls                1st          Holly                      2nd        Amelia                                  3rd         Phoebe

SKIPPING            P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Ewan

SKIPPING            P 7 Girls                1st          Carys                     2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Cara

SKIPPING            P 7 Boys               1st          Mark                     2nd        Jack                                        3rd         Steven


SACK                     P 1 all                    1st          Parker                   2nd        Harlow                                  3rd         Cameron

SACK                     P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

SACK                     P 2 Boys               1st          Ewan                     2nd        Scott                                      3rd         Vlad

SACK                     P3 all                      1st          Ian                          2nd        Joey                                       3rd         Freddie

SACK                     P 4 all                    1st          Cameron             2nd        Callum                                  3rd         Paige/ Rebecca

SACK                     P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Rachael                                3rd         Lyle

SACK                     P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Phoebe                                3rd         Holly

SACK                     P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Alistair

SACK                     P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Cara                                       3rd         Faye

SACK                     P 7 Boys               1st          Danny                   2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Jack


EGG & SPOON                   P 1 all                    1st          Orla/ James        2nd        Cameron             3rd         Jorgie

EGG & SPOON                   P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                       3rd         Eilidh

EGG & SPOON                   P 2 Boys               1st          Ewan                     2nd        James                   3rd         Scott

EGG & SPOON                   P3 all                      1st          Joey                       2nd        Lily                          3rd         Ross

EGG & SPOON                   P 4 all                    1st          Paige                     2nd        Cameron             3rd         Bryleigh

EGG & SPOON                   P 5 all                    1st          Lyle                        2nd        Colin                      3rd         Arran

EGG & SPOON                   P 6 Girls                1st          Phoebe                2nd        Ela                          3rd         Daisy

EGG & SPOON                   P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                      3rd         Ben G

EGG & SPOON                   P 7 Girls                1st          Faye                      2nd        Lydia                      3rd         Sally

EGG & SPOON                   P 7 Boys               1st          Mark                     2nd        Jack                        3rd         Danny


DISTANCE            P 1 all                    1st          Cameron             2nd        Parker/ Harlow                  3rd         Orla

DISTANCE            P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

DISTANCE            P 2 Boys               1st          Scott                      2nd        Ewan                                     3rd         Henry

DISTANCE            P3 all                      1st          Freddie                2nd        Joey                                       3rd         Ian

DISTANCE            P 4 all                    1st          Callum                  2nd        Rebecca/ Cameron          3rd         Paige/ Rebecca

DISTANCE            P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Rachael                                3rd         Colin

DISTANCE            P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Phoebe                                3rd         Holly

DISTANCE            P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Alistair

DISTANCE            P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Lydia                                      3rd         Cara

DISTANCE            P 7 Boys               1st          Jack                        2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Alfie

Kirkcolm won over all with 192 and  Leswalt got 116!

Well done all!


June 26, 2024
by Miss Douglas

Ernespie Trip

After an early start this morning we arrived at Ernespie and enjoyed a little snack to fill us with energy from our day of fun ahead! We split into groups and all headed to different activities. Miss D and her gang headed on a farm tour first, the tour guide was extremely impressed with all of their farming chat and even managed to teach her a thing or two about calves and cows! 🐄

Miss McMorran and her troops headed to the soft play first where they unleashed their inner toddler! 😃 Mrs MacPherson and her wee crew headed into the animal petting where they met Gizmo, Gus, Ringo and Oreo the little guinea pigs along with ducks, rabbits emus, goats and chickens! (Much to her delight we almost left Orla with the other bunnies) 🐰 The combine shed was also a big hit with our farming dafties!🚜
After rotating through the different activities we met for lunch and a wee catch up before heading outdoors with our ice lollies for some fun in the sun – thank you so much Mrs Baillie 🍦🍭

The bus was a lot quieter on the way home, plenty of sleepy heads after a fun- filled day of banter and laughs!😂



June 20, 2024
by Miss Douglas

New Primaries, New Faces, New Fun Adventures!

This afternoon the whole school went a little stroll down to the beach for a bit of fun in the sun to celebrate the three days we have spent in our new primaries. While our P7s went off to get a taster of what life will be like after the summer holidays we were joined by 4 new primary 1s fresh out of the nursery to give them some time getting to know their new classroom and friends before the summer holidays! 🎒 🏫 📚 💛
The boys and girls showed off their fabulous teamwork skills to create a piece of artwork using materials found at the beach, some made a sea turtle, a house and garden, a farm and a village using their creativity and imaginations. It was a very difficult task but after much deliberation Phoebe, Rebecca, Vladislav, Ian and Parker’s art was chosen as the winner. 🏆
We ended the day with some stone-skimming, sandcastle building and shell collecting fun before we traipsed back up to school – our pockets filled with stones and our shoes filled with sand! ☀️ 🏖 😎

I think after the jam-packed three days we have had there will be plenty of sleepy heads tonight.. 💤 😴

Article 31 – The Right to Play

June 20, 2024
by Miss Douglas


Mrs MacPherson, Miss Gordon and Miss McAuley had the very difficult job identifying 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each of our sports day races, and believe me some of the races were so close it was like splitting hairs! 🥇🏃‍♂️ Children ended the day covered in stickers but most importantly wearing a smile on their little faces! 

After much anticipation.. THE RESULTS ARE IN.. 

Race Year

SPRINT P 1 all 1st Orla 2nd Parker 3rd Harlow

SPRINT P 2 all 1st Henry 2nd Vlad 3rd Sally

SPRINT P 3 all 1st Freddie 2nd Ian 3rd Joey

SPRINT P 4 all 1st Paige 2nd Callum 3rd Cameron

SPRINT P 5 all 1st Lyle 2nd Sophie 3rd Ruby

SPRINT P 6 all 1st Ivan 2nd Phoebe 3rd Archie

SPRINT P 7 all 1st Jack 2nd Alfie 3rd Danny


SKIPPING P 1 all 1st Parker 2nd Harlow 3rd Orla

SKIPPING P 2 all 1st Sally 2nd Henry 3rd James

SKIPPING P 3 all 1st Gregor 2nd Joey 3rd Ross

SKIPPING P 4 all 1st Callum 2nd Paige 3rd Jessica

SKIPPING P 5 all 1st Lyle 2nd Sophie 3rd Arran

SKIPPING P 6 all 1st Ivan 2nd Archie 3rd Rebecca

SKIPPING P 7 all 1st Sally 2nd Danny 3rd Lydia


SACK P 1 all 1st Harlow/Orla/Parker

SACK P 2 all 1st Ewan 2nd Sally 3rd Henry

SACK P 3 all 1st Ian 2nd Joey 3rd Freddie

SACK P 4 all 1st Cameron 2nd Callum 3rd Paige

SACK P 5 all 1st Lyle 2nd Arran 3rd Ruby/ Sophie

SACK P 6 all 1st Phoebe 2nd Alistair 3rd Ivan

SACK P 7 all 1st Sally 2nd Danny 3rd Jack


EGG & SPOON P 1 all 1st Harlow/Orla/Parker

EGG & SPOON P 2 all 1st Henry 2nd Sally 3rd Ewan

EGG & SPOON P 3 all 1st Joey 2nd Rory 3rd Ross

EGG & SPOON P 4 all 1st Paige 2nd Jessica 3rd Cameron/Callum

EGG & SPOON P 5 all 1st Ruby 2nd Arran 3rd Lyle

EGG & SPOON P 6 all 1st Phoebe 2nd Ivan 3rd Archie

EGG & SPOON P 7 all 1st Danny 2nd Sally/Lydia 3rd Charlie


THROWING P 1 all 1st Parker 2nd Harlow 3rd Orla

THROWING P 2 all 1st Vlad 2nd Sally 3rd James

THROWING P 3 all 1st Freddie 2nd Gregor 3rd Robert

THROWING P 4 all 1st Paige 2nd Callum 3rd Cameron

THROWING P 5 all 1st Arran 2nd Lyle 3rd Ruby

THROWING P 6 all 1st Hayden 2nd Ivan 3rd Archie

THROWING P 7 all 1st Alfie 2nd Charlie/ Jack 3rd Danny


OBSTACLE P 1 all 1st Parker 2nd Harlow/Orla

OBSTACLE P 2 all 1st Vlad 2nd Henry 3rd Sally

OBSTACLE P 3 all 1st Joey 2nd Gregor 3rd Ian

OBSTACLE P 4 all 1st Paige 2nd Cameron/ Callum 3rd Jessica

OBSTACLE P 5 all 1st Lyle 2nd Sophie 3rd Ruby

OBSTACLE P 6 all 1st Ivan 2nd Phoebe 3rd Archie

OBSTACLE P 7 all 1st Danny 2nd Sally 3rd Alfie


DISTANCE P 1 all 1st Orla 2nd Parker 3rd Harlow

DISTANCE P 2 all 1st Sally 2nd Ewan 3rd Henry

DISTANCE P 3 all 1st Ian 2nd Freddie/Joey

DISTANCE P 4 all 1st Paige 2nd Rebecca 3rd Cameron/Callum

DISTANCE P 5 all 1st Lyle 2nd Arran 3rd Ruby

DISTANCE P 6 all 1st Ivan 2nd Phoebe 3rd Archie/Alistair

DISTANCE P 7 all 1st Alfie 2nd Jack 3rd Danny


Mums’ Race WINNER – Louise Cambridge 
Dads’ Race WINNER – Jamie Adams 

June 18, 2024
by Mrs Baillie

Primary 1 welcome book

We are very much looking forward to having our new Primary 1 pupils starting in school . 

And, thanks to the digital skills of Mrs Mc Harg and the House captains we have an amazing  electronic book that will help explain more about Kirkcolm Primary.  It is just so good we had to share it with all of our parents. 

Click on the link here and I am sure you will be impressed with the information, photographs and videos – all about life at Kirkcolm Primary.


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