Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Big DoG Scotland Author Visit!


Wow! What a fantastic morning we have had here at Kirkcolm primary School! Through the exceptional hard work of Mrs McHarg and Mrs McKnight, both Kirkcolm and Leswalt were able to secure author visits through the Big DoG Schools Tour & Wigtown Book Festival applications.

This meant today at Kirkcolm we had a visit form famous Scottish Author Ross MacKenzie (author of the NoWhere Emporium) and Leswalt were visited by Chae Strathie (author of Dear Dinosaur). Leswalt P6-7 joined us here at Kirkcolm to hear all about Ross MacKenzie’s journey into becoming an author as well as how he comes to write his books. P1-4 of Kirkcolm went to Leswalt for the morning to inspire the pupils there by reading some his books and getting them to make silly drawings of dinosaurs and ice cream!

We are very lucky and blessed to get such great opportunities in this little corner of Scotland. 🥳

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