Encourage your child to handle coins, for example, when paying for a paper or buying a loaf of bread or a bus ticket. The value of the coins doesn’t matter much at this stage – the child just needs to get the idea of paying for something with coins and (sometimes) receiving change.
Activity 2
I am exploring different ways to sort coins and notes.
Tip the contents of your purse or wallet into a dish and look at the coins and notes with your child. They can play with them, do pretend shopping, put them in order, draw them. Emphasise that there is no right or wrong thing to do – just explore and have fun.
Activity 3
I am exploring paying amounts in my money play.
Families are asked to consider giving regular pocket money, even a small amount, less than 20p. If a regular, specific amount is established, the child can be given the same amount using different combinations of coins. This regular experience will help to consolidate their understanding of swapping coins for those of the same total value.