Practising 3D animation

Today P5-7 have been practising stop animation again. This time we were trying to animate 3D objects and models. Here are some of our projects.

Stop motion animation

P3-5 and P5-7 have started a block on Stop Motion Animation in computer science. Today we were learning how to capture photographs, making slight changes to each picture, and then upload them to movie maker. These are some examples of our first attempts. Look out for more in the next few weeks.

Week 1 in Primary 1/2

We have been having fun this week.

We have played games to try and learn everyone’s names!

We drew pictures of ourselves on our first day in P1 or 2.

We have been deciding class rules like working hard and looking after our property.

We have all worked very hard!

From P1/2


Here are some pictures of what we have been doing


P1/2 Topic

We have been learning all about rivers and the River Nith.

We have been learning about the animals on the River Nith and we made posters about them. We learned about ospreys, otters, salmon, barnacle geese, herons and goosanders.

We learned that the water cut its own path to make the river bed. We tried this with sand in the Niagra Falls and the water made a path through! This is called erosion!

We have learned about the parts of a river. It starts at the source on a hill. It finishes at the mouth where it joins the sea or loch. The little streams that join it are called tributaries. The bends are called meanders.

We made models of rivers and we have worked together to make a big wall display of the Nith. Come into class to see them!

Fairy Land

This week a dragon has visited P1/2. His home is disappearing because people aren’t reading enough fairy tales, so he is sending is stories and has asked us to build fairy land in our classroom. The first story we have read is Jack and the Beanstalk – we used our cutting skills to make lots of leaves for a beanstalk that reaches the ceiling, and we made a giant’s castle with stained glass windows. We have also been writing about our work. We can’t wait to find out what the dragon sends us next!


Learning in P1/2

This week we have been learning about different dances in the 1980s.

We have been doing the Michael Jackson Thriller dance. We like the monster arms.

We have also learned about toys and films from the 1980s. There are some that we like again now. Daniel likes Ghostbusters. Rhona likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

We were roasting marshmallows in the woods with Mr. Walker on Big Thursday.

We have also been very busy with reading work and learning our sounds. This week P1s have done lots of practise of s a t p i n.

P2s had a maths assessment this week – they were excited to start them again!

by P1/2


Weather Work – P1-3

This term pupils in P.1-3 have been learning about different types of weather, and they have carried out some research in groups into different types of severe weather like tornados, droughts and floods. They have also been learning to make Power Points so they presented their facts as a slideshow.

These are some of their Power Point Presentations.

drought ori,kaitlyn and hannah


flood by james molly bialiy

Snow Blizzard aidan stuart alexa

Tornado liam liam riley

Tornado orla rhys freddie


palaeontologists  have discovered a new Dinosaur  called the Timurlengia. It was roaming the earth 90 million years ago

it is in close relation to the Tyrannosaurus rex

It was  no bigger than an average horse
on the right: is the fossil of the dinosaur
on the left :  is the dinosaur its self
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