Springfield Football Tournament

Here’s some pics from this afternoon, results to follow:

Springfield Football Tournament

I am writing about the Springfield Football Tournament which was on Tuesday 17th April 2012 at Springfield Primary School.

The football team had practiced for many weeks before hand. After the coaches Mr. Simpson and Mr. Archibald had gone over everything we would need to be a good football team, then it was time for the tournament.

At the tournament there where three categories; small schools, middle schools and large schools. Small Schools had to have twenty five or less pupils, middle schools had to have between twenty five and sixty pupils and large schools had to have over sixty pupils.

In small schools there were Springfield, Hightae and Hottsbridge, in the middle schools there were Applegarth A, Applegarth B, Brydekirk, Cummertrees, Kirkpatrick Fleming, St Columbus and St Mungo, and in the large schools were Eaglesfield, Elmvale, Hoddom and Newington.

On the way to Springfield we got lost. Soon all the other teams started following us. Mr. Simpson ended up asking a women pushing a pram where the school was, she told us and was very polite.

When finally got there we set up beside the pitch we were playing on.

When playing Applegarth A, one of the boys in my team went and ran through the most  muddiest patch on the entire football pitch and lost his shoe in the mud. We all laughed when he spent the rest of the game trying to get his shoe back out of the mud.

One of our best goals was the one that one of the girls scored. An impotant thing is that this goal was scored when the team’s captains shot was caught by the oppositions goalie. Luckly the goalie just sent it back when the girl kicked it and it went to the back of the net.

In the end Cummertrees won, Kirkpatrick Fleming came 2nd and Brydekirk/St Mungo came 3rd.

Springfield put on great hospitality and it was an excellent afternoons worth of football and I hope it continues for many years to come because it was great fun and it was really fairly split (when making the catogories).

By Hannah      

Face Britain

Face Britain is a national project that invites all young people in the UK to submit a self-portrait. The artwork will be part of a world record attempt and hopefully the biggest online gallery of self-portraits in the world.  To find out more click here.

Mrs Starkey worked with P1-3 and P4-7 already had some work so our school has taken part and the work can be found here. The password is the name of our village, all in lower case.


On the last day of term, the P7s organised a disco. The whole school and P7s from other schools were invited and we had a great night. The disco was organised to raise funds for the P7s residential trip and in the end they nearly raised £175. On behalf of the P7s and all of those that attended, we’d like to thank everyone that donated to the tuck shop and raffle prizes, you were very generous. Also thanks to the members of the PFA who helped on the night – Mrs Clark and Mrs Alexander on the tuck shop, Mrs McBain on the door, Mrs Hunter on the raffle and Mrs Henderson on the raffle and making an excellent job of sorting out the money. Mrs Alexander also deserves another mention as she was very generous with donations to the tuck shop, thanks again.

Thanks also to Mrs Turnbull for helping run and support the night and well done to all of those who attended and had fun.

Hope everyone has a nice Easter break.

Our School Disco


On the 30th of March 2012 Brydekirk Primary had a disco. It was to raise money so we could buy instruments. The disco was up in the hall. We did a huge plan on all the stuff we needed do, get or make like: organisation, communication, refreshments, equipment and information. We decided to have our disco at 7:30-9:30. After we planned the disco we got ready for it so we designed posters, flyers, decorations and entry fees. We moved the stuff up to the hall and then we got lights, stamps, music and food. Everyone was SUPER exited. We got letters so our parents could give us permission to go to the disco. The disco was very fun and the theme was school of rock. Lots of other schools came. There was a raffle and you won Easter eggs because it was the Easter holidays. you could buy food and drink. I was really tired afterwards.

By Cassidy  

P7 Lockerbie Curling

[kml_flashembed movie="http://publicwebsites1.glowscotland.org.uk/HecklegirthPrimaryBlogMedia/Brydekirk/blog/curlingslide.swf" width="320" height="240" allowfullscreen="true" /]

On Wednesday the P7s competed with fellow P7s from other schools in a curling tournament at Lockerbie Ice Rink.

Again, we were well represented and feedback will follow.

Thanks again to Mrs Park and Miss Johnstone for support and transport and to Mrs Robson for organising the trip.

Lacrosse Tournament at The Barony

It’s been a busy week: on Tuesday eight members of P4-7 were competing for Brydekirk Primary in a Lacrosse Tournament at The Barony. Well done to all who did their best. Match report to follow.

Thanks to Mrs Foster for organising the tournament and transport, and thanks also to Miss Johnstone and Mrs Robson for support and transport.

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