Summer Holiday


It’s been the first week of the summer holidays and this year we have sun and success; hurrah for the weather and Andy Murray!

I’ll be updating the blog over the next couple of weeks with a backlog of pics from our adventures during last term. I’ll also be doing the same as last year where I’m going to complete the P4-7 class reader, The Otterbury Incident, chapter by chapter so look out for those. I think I may set some competition around that too.

If anyone is bored over the holidays here’s some stuff to do. Please note, none of this stuff is compulsory (you don’t have to do it), in fact I would rather you were out having fun and enjoying the good weather, however sometimes there’s nowt doing in the hols:

  1. READ! Some pupils chose books from the library; good on you now read them. Even if you didn’t choose a book the Annan library  is a great place to get books. They are doing the Summer Reading Challenge, you can take part and complete the challenge. I would love to see anyone complete that. Those that want to keep going with their Accelerated Reader books are welcome to do so, you should all know your Book Levels and can check books using the AR Book Finder website, see details here. You can even take tests! I have switched on home access for the holidays, click here to take a test, no cheating please. Reading includes comics. My favourites in the summer were the Summer editions of the comics: the Beano, Oor Wullie – all good stuff.
  2. Be active. Get along to the Annandale and Eskdale Sports Academy, there’s loads to do for all ages. See here for details. Nick Chisholm, who we worked with from the River Annan Trust, also informed me of days that children can go and learn about fishing, there are two days left on the 14th of July and and the 18th of August details are here and here.
  3. Make your own project about anything you are interested in. I’m doing a project this summer with my son about skyscrapers because he loves finding out about them. Think about what you like and do something. You could write a story, keep a diary, draw or paint pictures, make models, create animations, sound tracks, take photos. The list is endless. Choose something you like then be creative about how you want to record or present your project.
  4. Be a Blog reporter. I’m going to make posts about different events that happened last term, and put photos about the event on the post. I’m not going to write anything though, that’s your job. You were there too so you can write a report to explain what happened. Just post your report as a comment and I’ll add it to the post with your name at the bottom. The first post is ready and waiting here: P7 Leaving Afternoon

Good luck with any of the above. Post a comment below if you are stuck.

Otherwise, enjoy the weather, take care of yourselves and have a great summer.

Mr Archibald

School Assembly

Last week Mr Pickles held an assembly with the whole school, during the assembly he presented awards to the children. 

Mhairi, Emily, Ellie, Fergus, Sandy Adam and Hannah got an award to taking part in the Lacrosse Tournament

Cassidy, Fergus and Amy got awards for attending Lockerbie Manor

Sarah, Tegan and Molly got the Star Pupil Awards for the P1 – 3 class

Mark, Ellie, Duncan and James C got awards for their 100% attendance

Well done to all the children.

Sports Day

On Friday the 7th June we had our Sports Day.  It was a beautiful afternoon for Sports Day and all the children had a wonderful afternoon.  Thank you to all the staff for helping make the afternoon run smoothly, and thank you to all the parents who made it along to watch the children.  Finally thank you to Mr McBain for taking photographs of the afternoon.

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