Author: b. office
Weekly Timetable 31st October 2011
PFA Annual General Meeting
Thursday 27th October at 7.00 pm.
All parents and friends of Brydekirk Primary are invited to attend this meeting in school. Please come along and share your fund raising ideas.
Jeans 4 Genes Day
Thank you to everyone who contributed. We raised the magnificent sum of £39.50.
Weekly Timetable 24th October 2011
New Lacrosse Club Dates and Venues
Star Awards
Weekly Timetable 3rd October 2011
Weekly Timetable 26th September 2011
Walk to School Week
This will begin on Monday 3rd October and run through to Friday 7th October inclusive. The intention of this initiative is to encourage pupils to walk or cycle to and from school, where it is safe to do so.