ASC Primary Schools Speech Competition

Here are some pictures from the Speech Competition last week.

Amy and Ellie both spoke extremely well and were a credit to themselves and Brydekirk Primary.

Congratulations to Amy who got a cup for third place and solid proof that she should have every confidence in her ability. This is key when moving to Secondary school. Ellie was unlucky not to place, as she delivered her speech impeccably, although being in P5, she may well get another shot or two in this competition.

Author: Mr Archibald

P4-7 Primary Teacher, Brydekirk Primary

4 thoughts on “ASC Primary Schools Speech Competition”

  1. Well done on getting 3rd place Amy,I hope you do better in the future and improve a lot.Work hard and eventually you will be 1st place if you try.

    From your blogging pals Cj and Adam.

  2. well done Amy and Ellie for winning a cup!
    what did you win iy for and where did you go?
    we might be getting tablets as well!

  3. Well done to Amy. what was her speech about? Was she nervous and where did Ellie come?

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