WB 08/06/20

Morning Everyone,

Another weekend passed and I hope you all had time to relax away from your learning and give your brains a bit of a well deserved break.

Below is the work I would like you to try for this week, some is revision some is new, if you have any problems with any of the work please let me know via teams and I will try my hardest to help you all out. There is also an ongoing Quiz on Kahoot, if you use the link below and this Pin to access the quiz it will let you enter. I will put the results up on Wednesday. GOOD LUCK



Can I remind everyone that I have set out work for this week that on your Microsoft teams, there are also activities on Sumdog and MyMaths. If you don’t have login details for any of these sites please contact the school using the email below. Tell Mrs Davidson your FULL NAME and CLASS and ask for your login details for the website you need. The email address you use is:


NB You will notice  each document has a number in brackets, the higher the number gets the more challenging the work is. Please choose work that will be challenging for you, not to easy and not to hard.

Numeracy & Maths

Greater & Less than (1)

Greater & Less than (2)

Greater & Less than (3)

Greater & Less than (4)

Measurement Conversion (1)

Measurement Conversion (2)

Measurement Conversion (3)

Measurement Conversion (4)



Tyger Tyger Questions (1)

Tyger Tyger Questions (2)

Tyger Tyger Questions (3)

Metaphor and Simile (1 of 2)

Metaphor and Simile (2 of 2)

How to Use Blether Stations (1 of 3)

Blether Stations Poster (2 of 3)

Blether Stations Recording Sheet (3 of 3)




As we would have been practising for sports day races during term 4, I would like  you to come up with some races that you would include in your very own sports day. I would then like you to play these games with an adult or someone in your family. Enjoy!

Below are more activities you could complete for PE.

PE with Joe Wicks  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=joe+wicks+

Kids Workout 




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