Category Archives: hot

Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂

Mrs Still has continued on her photo Methlick Quiz, how many can you recognise?

Let us know how you get on!

Methlick Streetview Quiz  

Methlick Streetview Quiz Answers

Camouflage – Science

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

I have been looking at all your artwork from last week and this week and it looks fantastic! After seen so many activities related to nature, it made me think of something super fun that you could try at home. It is going to be a big challenge because you will need to be very careful and detailed. Also, it is going to be such a fun challenge, I am already smiling thinking of all the great ideas you might have.

Let’s Begin!


What do you think these 3 animals have in common?

Leaf Tailed Gecko

Mountain Hare



Well done! All of them use their skin to protect themselves from predators, this is called Camouflage. The Mountain Hare changes its fur to white for winter season and brown for the other seasons.

Now, quick challenge, click below and see how fast you can spot the camouflaged animals.

BBC – Earth: How quickly can you spot these camouflaged animals?


Many animals try to hide or blend in with the background to protect themselves from predators, even big animals do it. Even though, some animals can not change the colour of their skin they use other strategies  and high skills to hide. Click on the following video to learn more.

BBC Bitesize – Camouflage

Your Challenge

Click on the sway to see your challenge.

Go to this Sway


Have fun!

Miss Maturana

RSPB Wild Art Activity – Mild/Spicy and Hot

Hopefully you have spotted the RSPB activity on the grid by now. If not here is my effort to inspire you to enter. The great news for this activity is that anything goes!! There are two options in more detail below but both have the same idea to “Create a piece of art inspired by nature.” There are 3 age categories –  under 8s, 8-12, and 13 years and over.

See the link for the fine detail on entering here –

If you want to create and not enter that is perfectly fine too, remember to share with your teacher any work and please ask a parent for help to enter the competition as teachers are not able to do this for you. Remember to  always check it is safe to use items around the house before you start.

Option 1 – ‘REAL LIFE’ – entries using the more traditional approach of paints, pastels, acrylics, pens or pencil.

Here is my effort inspired by some wild flowers we collected during our daily walks. For this activity I used some watercolours which take a little getting used to and some thicker paper than normal as the water can make the page soggy.

Our wild flowers collected on our walks and from our garden. We have a small flower press but this can be done using newspaper and some heavy books.

My effort of drawing some flowers, we used the time lapse function to speed it up.

The painting part, this will be revisited to blend colours and layer. It takes a little effort to get this right so maybe try on scrap paper first.

Option 2 – ‘GO WILD’  for those of you who want to ‘go wild’. To enter this category you can use non traditional items and experiment with textiles, sculpture, recycled materials or a combination of more than one to add to a collage.

Here is a wonderful collage from Finlay in P3, he shared this with me to inspire others to enter too.

Fantastic detail and different textures used.

Or for those of you that like to junk model here is another idea from another P3 (my youngest daughter) using recycled items and then painted.

I look forward to seeing some ‘Wild Art’ – good luck all.

Interactive Lesson for Lines of Symmetry (Hot/Spicy) Numeracy

Hi Everyone,

Have a go at learning or recapping lines of symmetry with a range of FUN activities to help to develop your knowledge and understanding of symmetry.




Please comment and share which activities you did or liked, we love to hear your feedback 🙂

Dance Dance Dance (MILD, SPICY and HOT) #ExpressiveArts #HealthandWellbeing #LiteracyComprehension

Happy Friday Everyone,

Have you had a go at this weeks community challenge yet?

Not to worry you still have time to bust a move or two and send it to your teacher.

I thought i’d help you with some suggestions of dance moves:

Want to keep learning and dancing away, how about you try out our Dance Comprehension work where you watch a range of dances and answer questions on them, click below to carry out this fun activity.

Dance Comprehension 

Feel-Good Friday – Make a Leaf Mask

Now that the trees are in leaf and many of the flowers in our gardens are beginning to bloom, I thought we could try making decorative eye masks using natural materials.

Wearing decorative masks can be traced back to history of Venice and its carnival celebrations. The tradition of mask-wearing started in the 13th century when Venetians held many celebrations and parties.  They would wear elaborate masks to hide their identity, just like you may do at Hallowe’en.

Click on the Sway below to find a step-by-step guide for making your own mask.  It’s very simple, and you need only a few resources.  Remember to ask for an adult’s permission first!


Here is another quick tutorial:  How to make a Leaf Mask

Don’t worry if you can’t find any leaves or flowers – you could cut out leaf and flower shapes from coloured tissue or paper, or even draw your own.

Here is a link to a simple mask template which you can download and print out:   Mask Template

Once your mask is finished, why not make up a short play and then act it out while wearing your mask?  I look forward to seeing all your creations!





Photography Challenge for All Levels National Portrait Society and Duchess of Sussex Competition.

Hold Still, a portrait of our nation in 2020, is an ambitious community project to create a unique photographic portrait which captures the spirit, mood, hopes, fears and feelings of the nation as we continue to deal with isolation and uneasy times.

The Duchess and the National Portrait Gallery invite you to submit your own photographic portrait, taken during these extraordinary times, which responds to one of the following themes:

  • Helpers and Heroes
  • Your New Normal
  • Acts of Kindness

You can find more information at : Hold Still

We would really love for you all to give this a go whether you decide to submit it or not you can always share this with your teacher.

Photography Support PowerPoint.

I’ve teamed up with a friend of mine who is a photographer in her spare time, she has very kindly created a powerpoint with some helpful tips to help support and develop your photography skills.

Top 4 Photography Tips <<<< Click Here

Miss Deans’s Photography Interests

Click the Sway below to see what Photography Miss Deans has within her home.


Create a Pin Hole Camera




LITERACY: Inferring and Deducing Skills (Using Photographs and Examples from Texts) HOT/SPICY

Hi Everyone,

Nice easy task for you to get your hands on , looking at some important literary concepts that link perfectly to our Expressive Arts theme,

Click the Sway below to work through your Interactive Lesson on Inferring and Deducing Skills.

SPICY learners it would be great for you to give this a go as well 🙂

Health and Wellbeing – Methlick’s Virtual Gallery – Week 1 – Hot

Good morning everyone!

Let’s take a virtual tour of Aberdeen Art Gallery –

With a duration of 2h30 minutes, we highly recommend that you view the tour throughout the week. If you prefer, focus on a specific gallery (Sculpture Court, Collecting Art etc).

Throughout week 1, we are going to  focus on identifying our favourite piece of art within the gallery, sharing our thoughts/opinions and researching the artist.

Click on the Sway below to see everything you will need to complete this activity. An example has also been provided. Good luck and remember to share your work with your class teacher.

Feel-Good Friday – Fun with Fruit and Veg

For the final day of our Health Fortnight, I thought we could have a bit of fun.  You know how adults always tell you, “Don’t play with your food”?  Well, now’s your chance!

Today’s Feel-Good activity combines creativity with imagination AND healthy food.  Have you guessed what it is yet?

Your challenge is to make a fabulous creature using only fruit and vegetables.

Have a look!

Do remember to ask for an adult’s permission before taking any food to do this activity,  and make sure that you are being supervised if you are using any sharp kitchen utensils.

If you would like to email me photos, I can make a Sway to show everyone what you have created.  Have fun!