Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂

Mrs Still has continued on her photo Methlick Quiz, how many can you recognise?

Let us know how you get on!

Methlick Streetview Quiz  

Methlick Streetview Quiz Answers

9 thoughts on “Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)”

  1. Good Morning Mrs Still

    A little bit of Methlick on my computer, what a wonderful way to start the day.
    Think we got most of them, but even Niall doesn’t know them all!

    1. That’s great that you enjoyed it Mrs Webster and Niall. You will have to have a wee walk around the village to get the rest.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it Cameron. It can be tricky sometimes when you only see a wee part of something like that. Well done.

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