LITERACY: Inferring and Deducing Skills (Using Photographs and Examples from Texts) HOT/SPICY

Hi Everyone,

Nice easy task for you to get your hands on , looking at some important literary concepts that link perfectly to our Expressive Arts theme,

Click the Sway below to work through your Interactive Lesson on Inferring and Deducing Skills.

SPICY learners it would be great for you to give this a go as well 🙂

7 thoughts on “LITERACY: Inferring and Deducing Skills (Using Photographs and Examples from Texts) HOT/SPICY”

    1. Charlotte lovely to hear from you ! Well done for challenging yourself with this task, did you like the photos or sentences better?

  1. i really enjoyed doing this and realising you can look more into a picture than what is actually just in front of you, i liked doing the pictures better than the sentences , am currently working on my famous artist biography with help from my sister.

        1. Good choice! You should know a bit about him already, Emma, as I think we studied him when you were in my class.

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