Please find attached two pieces of information.
The ‘Return to School’ document includes some photos of the school and classrooms in its new ‘socially distanced’ mode and the reasoning behind the new arrangements for ‘Blended Learning’.
The situation is still evolving, with ‘Return to School’ being discussed in the Scottish Parliament. It’s fair to say that the efforts to sustain lockdown seem to be paying off and the pandemic situation looks to be improving. The ‘Return to School’ arrangements will continue to evolve in response, and the picture could be different again by August.
Secondly, the next Parent Council meeting is coming up. This is on the 23rd of June, and includes the Annual General Meeting.
The AGM is typically a summary of the year and a discussion on strengths / weaknesses and suggestions for the next Parent Council to take forward. The key positions on the Parent Council will be agreed at the first PC meeting of the next session.
We will try opening the PC meeting out to all parents and carers who may want to attend, via google meets. The link for the google hangout is below.
The house rules for those joining the meeting are – microphones on mute, cameras can be on. We will pick up questions in the ‘Chat’ function within the meeting. It’s important to remember the Parent Council cannot discuss individual circumstances. The meetings usually last around 1.5 to 2 hours.
Best Regards
Kemnay Academy Parent Council