Term Dates


We are currently moving our website to ….


Please be patient with us, as this progresses. 






As previously set out in the correspondence – July 2020.  All schools will return week 10 August.  Pupil return is phased from 12 August. Full return for all pupils 17 August.



Promoting Positive Relationships Strategy and Anti-Bullying Policy.  The following documents are the culmination of the work that we undertook as a school.

Please view the resources below for further information –





IpayImpact – Practical Class Recoveries

Payments are now being taken for pupils who study the following practical courses:- Art, Home Economics, Design & Technology.
Aberdeenshire Council has introduced a new way of accessing the online payment system, called Myaccount, which many parents & carers have already been using to pay for school meals.  Parents/carers using the online payment facility are now required to create a Myaccount username and password (click here for instructions or here to watch a YouTube Video). If you have any concerns or issues with this new process please contact the helpline on 03456 08 12 02. To request a copy of your child’s unique pin number please contact the School Office

For all school payments please click on the following link and select “School Payments”  .

A list of costs for all these subjects can be found via the following links – 

Recoveries-S1 2019-2020

Recoveries-S2 2019-2020

Recoveries-S3 2019-2020

Recoveries-S4-5-6 2019-2020


See the source image

Kemnay Academy are supporting Aberdeenshire North Foodbank.  We are taking donations at the school office and have already made a delivery this term to the Foodbank. Please help us support the local charity for local families in crisis.

More information can be found on their website –                              https://aberdeenshirenorth.foodbank.org.uk/


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