For your information please find below the agenda for the Parent Council meeting on the 12th of May. We’ll make the question responses available separate to the minutes, as soon as practicable after the meeting.
Also attached are details of on-line sessions that may be of interest –
A question and answer also on the 12th on Cyber bullying, hosted by Connect A question and answer session on the 14th on money worries, hosted by Connect A Facebook live event on Cyber bullying and Children’s Mental Health, hosted by Cybersafe Scotland
This term we will use approximately four lessons in our learning to talk about a variety of topics under Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP). The resource has been recently developed and can be found at
Please see the attachment below for more information.
Due to the current adverse weather we are experiencing and concerns about pupils travelling to Glasgow by road the decision has been made to cancel the British Basketball League Trophy Final trip which was due to take place on Sunday 4 March.