Category Archives: LATEST NEWS

General category for announcements which are further categorised into sub categories.

Anti-Bullying Policy Consultation

Anti-Bullying Policy Consultation

 This session we have been working on the development of our ‘Promoting Positive Relationships Strategy’. This piece of work has been informed by input from our pupils via the Anti-Bullying focus group. Alongside this document we have also undertaken a refresh of our Anti-Bullying Policy which is now in draft format. The 17th-24th June inclusive, marks our week long consultation with pupil, parents and staff on the draft policy document. Our focus group have already reviewed the first draft, and this final draft will now be shared for comment with a further representative group of our pupil body through our upcoming Pupil Conference.

We welcome all feedback on our policy document, and this will be taken into consideration before we finalise the policy, ready for launch at the start of the new academic session. In addition to the policy document we have also developed a summary leaflet of advice for parents and pupils. Please be aware that these drafts provide the content of the documents only. We will be continuing to work with our pupil focus group to develop the aesthetics for these documents, including layout and branding, as this will sit in line with other promotional materials our pupils have devised over the course of this session.

Below we have attached a copy of each of these documents – the ‘Promoting Positive Relationships Strategy’, the Draft ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’ which is the focus of the consultation, and the additional draft Advice leaflets for pupils and parents. We would really appreciate any time you could give to reviewing these documents and providing us with your thoughts and feedback. Please can I ask that all replies are sent to the by the end of the day on Monday 24th June.





Scottish Government Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) Census

You are invited to take part in a national census on Parental Involvement and Engagement. The information gathered in this census will provide Scottish Government and Aberdeenshire Council with evidence to ensure our aims with regard to parental involvement and engagement are being delivered.

Please view link – Parental Involvement and Engagement Census Flyer May-June 2019

Translations – Parental-Engagement-translations

The census will begin on Monday 27th May 2019 and finish on Monday 10th June 2019. Responses must be sent back by 10th June 2019.

Education and Children’s Services Photography and Video Recording

Aberdeenshire Council is required to obtain written consent for the use of photography and video recording to provide information on and publicise services or celebrate special events.

A Privacy Notice will be sent home with S1 pupils for parents to read on Friday 3 May 2019 which outlines how photography and video files will be stored and used by the school, and potentially Aberdeenshire Council’s Corporate Communications Team.

Please ensure you agree to consent on this basis, by completing the form and sign and date it where shown and returning to the school office.

Photography & Video Consent Form

Children over the age of 13 years are able to provide their own consent and pupils in current years groups S2 and S3 will be given a copy of the information by their Guidance Teacher in PSE classes this term to give their informed consent if they wish to do so. Pupils in the following year groups, new S5 and S6, (academic year 2019/20), will be given the Privacy Notice and consent form when they return after study leave in June 2019.

If you have any queries and questions regarding this please contact the school.

Privacy Notice

The Data Controller of the information being collected is Aberdeenshire Council.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Town House, 34 Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AY.



Photographs and videos may be used in the following Aberdeenshire Council and school communications:

  • Aberdeenshire Council publications and video programmes, printed and digitally, i.e. leaflets and posters, DVDs and digital video, for corporate use and/or the school
  • Websites owned by Aberdeenshire Council, including the school’s website
  • Aberdeenshire Council internal intranet
  • GLOW
  • Aberdeenshire Council corporate and service-led Social Media channels, i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Google Plus

We may also send images to the news media and share with Aberdeenshire Council partners, only where we are running a partnership event or campaign. These partners include:

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Aberdeen City Region Deal, Invest Aberdeen , National Schools Network (GLOW), Nestrans (the transport partnership for Aberdeen City and Shire), NHS Grampian, The Scottish Government, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue, Visit Aberdeenshire, Visit Scotland.

The Legal Basis for collecting the information is Consent.

 Photography and Video Recordings

Photography and video recordings will be shared through Aberdeenshire Council communications channels outlined above as appropriate and stored in the following ways:

Photography and videography led by school staff and/or council officers will be stored on encrypted council devices, secure Council networks, or Aberdeenshire Council’s Microsoft Office cloud-based storage.

Photography led by our professional photographer or contracted freelance photographers will be stored digitally in an online Image Library, which can be accessed by all networked Aberdeenshire Council employees.


 We do not keep photos for any longer than is necessary and we will dispose of them after a period of five years, unless they are images of historical interest when they may be archived for a longer period. Anything of historical interest will be transferred to the Archive Service.

 Please note that you have the following rights:

  •  to withdraw consent at any time;
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (after raising the issue with the Data Protection Officer first);
  • to request access to your personal data;
  • to object to processing;
  • to request rectification or erasure of your personal data, as so far as the legislation permits.


MyAberdeenshire – update

myAberdeenshire, powered by myaccount, is already being used by over 13 thousand Aberdeenshire parents/carers as a secure and easy way of making school meal payments, but we will shortly be introducing it as an alternative way of paying other expenses, such as school trips.

MyAberdeenshire also offers a range of other benefits, including free alerts for school closures and transport changes.  To find out more about safe school payments or any other online services, visit the Aberdeenshire Council website and select myAberdeenshire in the top corner, or go to

Consultation on School Term Dates

Aberdeenshire Council would like to invite you to take part in a consultation on the pattern of school holidays, term dates and in-service closure dates.  The consultation will run from Monday 25th March 2019 until Monday 6th May 2019 and is available online at:

 The current pattern of school holidays and term dates was approved by the Education, Learning and Leisure Committee on 29 May 2014. This covered the sessions from 2014/15 to 2019/20.

 The pattern of school holiday and term dates currently takes into account the following factors:

 ·        The national requirement that the school year for teaching staff consists of 195 days, which includes 5 In-Service closures and results in a school year of 190 for pupils

 ·        There are four sets of school holiday periods: a summer break of 6 weeks, three further breaks of two weeks during October, at Christmas and at Easter.

 ·        The aim to avoid part weeks as far as possible where the week begins on a day other than Monday; ends on a day other than Friday, or where there is a closure on a day mid-week. 

 ·        Alignment where possible of holiday and term dates with neighbouring local authorities. It should be noted that Aberdeen City are currently consulting on their school holiday pattern which includes options referring to changes to the mid-term break and October holiday.

 Final dates will be issued in June 2019.