Catch Up With The Nursery, P2’s and P3’s!

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog! Today we will find out the adventures of the Nursery, P2 and P3. Starting with the nursery and their trees moving onto P2 and their hotels finishing with stories of Katie Morag. 


The nursery has gotten their little hands dirty planting plants and trees and learning how to tell the age of trees! Now I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely no idea how to tell what trees are on their retirement fund! How many languages can you talk? Can you name them all? We don’t know what you know but us   haven’t got a clue about this next one! The nursery boys and girls have been learning how to speak Makaton, Makaton is a language using hand signals! 


The P2 are really looking forward to building block hotels for insects and creating their very own bird feeders. In math they have been learning all about telling the time. Another thing they have been doing is learning about sharing I am sure they will be particularly good at sharing soon. 


Have you heard of Katie Morag well I am sure the primary 3’s could tell you all about her? They have also been making puffin art which you might just see a photo of at the bottom. Taking about animals they have been making PowerPoint’s about Scottish animals! In maths they have been learning all about division. 

Nursery, P2, P3

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog! Today we will be talking about what the nursery, P2 and P3 have been up too. So get comfy and get ready to hear what the lower part of Fraserburgh South Park have been up too.


The nursery have been having fun doing a bake sale for their parents and P1’s. As you can see from the photos it looks very yummy! Of course at a charge, so the Nursery boys and girls have been learning about money, what it is and how to deal with it.


The primary 2s have been learning all about bugs and insects. On a Wednesday and Friday they have been doing playing for learning. They have all really enjoyed doing arts and crafts, food chain and hair stations and plasticine. In math the primary 2s have been learning all about time (o clock and half past) For writing they have been doing very exciting story maps.


The primary 3s have been learning all about shapes like circles and squares in maths. Making power points presentations and using old carboard from home and plastic and painting. And learning Katie Morags story’s.


Nursery – P3


The nursery has been having fun doing a scavenger hunt set up by the primary 6’s and they have also been doing some baking. They went to the shops and all the nursery boys and girls had really good fun.


P1’s has been learning about their insects in class such aOneDrive_1_03-03-2022 s lady bugs. They have also been very busy retelling the Gruffalo story. We also have some little tech wizzes down in the infant area where they have been learning about technology. Now that it is getting brighter and calmer outside the primary 1’s has been exploring out in the playgrounds and at the mud kitchen! Finally, the P1’s has been learning about forms of water such as liquid steam and ice.


The primary 3’s has been learning all about Scotland. They have been learning about Scottish castles and on book creator they made their very own stories about these castles. They also made models out eco friendly materials.

Glow blog 9/12/21

Welcome to this week’s glow blog, we hope you enjoy! 



The nursery has been learning about shapes and the size of things in maths. 


This week P1 have been keeping their fingers busy! They have been making Xmas cards, Patterns, Finger skills, Decorate the tree and Art and crafts. 



The P2s have been making beautiful Christmas cards and have also been completing some Christmas crafts. 



P3 has some ICT whizzes in their classes! They made books using book creator, learning how to use glow and they are looking at stories from the bible. 

School P1 – 3 Blog 16/12/21 (Final edition)

Welcome to are P1-3 school blog, sadly this will be the last week of the blog till after the holidays. 😢 However we hope we can continue this after the holidays. 



The primary 1s having been learning all about the story the jolly Christmas postman and have been doing stations to go with their story. The stations were building houses and decorating a tree. They have also been writing letter and learning the nativity. 

Math – P1 have been doing lots of math such as numbers (1-20) and measuring. 

They have also been learning about people that help us at home or in life; also, how to stay safe online. 



P2 have been working on blending Christmas words and been making beautiful Christmas décor like stackings and cards. 



P3 have been making lots of Christmas crafts, making Christmas PowerPoints and reading comprehension about Christmas ads. 


December Update

Hello and welcome to our digital leader blog!  

We have gone on a walk and found out about all the fun things and milestones the, P1, P2 and P3s have been learning. 



The p1s have been learning about how to keep safe and have been trying to write their own Christmas story. 



P2m have been do lots of work in their class like their Christmas tree art (it is beautiful and wonderful). 

Also, they have been working hard on their story writing and handwriting. 




P3s have been doing a lot of work on subtraction and time in numeracy. We hope they are getting on well with their numeracy. They have also been learning about the story of stickman so they can use it as inspiration for their story writing, and finally been learning about Christianity.  


We also looked at the classes décor. 



Welcome to our class blog!

Welcome to our class blog! 

Our teacher is Mrs Mauri.  This is our new class blog. There are 28 pupils in our class. Keep an eye on our new posts about what we have been doing in class.

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